Imagine where a language could take you. The Language Centre offers students the opportunity to earn credits towards their degree by learning a language alongside their main subject.
Whether you are an undergraduate or postgraduate, you can start a new language from scratch or improve existing skills.
What we offer at the Language Centre (silent video)
Pathways to take our modules

What is studying in the Language Centre like?
- You will have lessons twice a week (with a one-hour session and a two-hour session), three contact hours in total per week.
- A typical class size is capped at 22 students.
- There may be more than one parallel group of the same language course and you will be assigned to the group that fits with your timetable.
- If you choose to study with us for 2 semesters, you will have the opportunity to develop reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in the target language.
- Modules in the Spring semester are a continuation of the Autumn semester modules.
- We also offer modules for new beginners in the Spring (this is a repeat of the Autumn Stage 1A module).
Frequently asked questions about the Language Centre
Troubleshooting - Timetable
When you enrolled to our module, you will be allocated to a group (if there is more than one group for the same language stage). If you can't find a language module, it may be due to the following reasons. Please check the Timetable page first via the link above and contact the Language Centre if the issues are not resolved.
1. there is a timetable clash with your core modules.
2. you are taking the module as a fee-paying student (it is your responsibility to remember when and where your language classes take place).
3. you have not been enrolled to the module correctly.
Choose the language you are interested in
No academic credits to take our modules? Your options to learn a language by paying a fee
Places for fee-paying students and both Advantage Award options are subject to availability as interfaculty language classes are capped at 22 students. You will be informed by email whether there are spaces in the module of your choice.
I would say it’s the area of the university that has most felt like a community. Everyone in your class is in the same boat, and at the same level. We all support each other - it’s a really friendly environment.
Did you know….
- Arabic is written from right to left, which is the opposite direction of many other languages. The script is cursive, meaning that the letters are connected.
- There are numerous words to describe different types of love, each capturing a distinct aspect of the complex emotion.
- Arabic is the fifth most spoken language in the world, with over 310 million native speakers.
Arabic stage 1
For complete beginners or those with very little knowledge of the language
This course aims to build your competence in all aspects of Arabic and to give you opportunities for listening to and reading authentic materials from Arabic speaking countries. The grammatical structures will be covered as they occur in the topics - explanations and practice exercises will be provided. The written tasks will enable you to use your newly acquired language and to express your own opinions and ideas.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will:
- start becoming familiar with the writing system of Arabic
- learn to introduce yourself
- learn to talk about your family
- learn to talk about what you do for living (work and study)
- learn how to describe things.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Arabic 1A
Module code: LANG1019
Spring semester
In this semester you will:
- learn how to describe places
- learn how to buy things
- learn to talk about simple past events.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Arabic 1B
Module code: LANG1018
For any questions about Arabic stage 1 contact the module convenor -
Enrol on your module now
Arabic stage 2
If you have studied Arabic before at GCSE level (grade 6 or above) or equivalent or have successfully completed our Arabic stage 1 modules
The course aims to extend your competence in all aspects of Arabic and to give you opportunities for listening to and reading authentic materials from Arabic speaking countries. The grammatical structures will be covered as they occur in the topics - explanations and practice exercises will be provided. The written tasks will enable you to use your newly acquired language and to express your own opinions and ideas. Regular attendance of classes and frequent use of the Self-Access Centre are essential in order to progress at this level.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will:
- gain further familiarity with the writing system of Arabic
- learn how to order food and drinks
- learn to talk about past events.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Arabic 2A
Module code: LANG2017
Spring semester
In this semester you will:
- continue to learn to describe past events
- learn how to make comparisons
- learn how to make future plans.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Arabic 2B
Module code: LANG2018
For any questions about Arabic stage 2 contact the module convenor -
Enrol on your module now
Quranic Arabic
Students with a minimum of CEFR Arabic A2 level or have successfully completed our Arabic stage 1 modules.
This module aims to develop the student’s knowledge of Arabic in its religious uses by instruction in accurate reading, pronunciation, and contextual interpretation of Quranic Arabic. It is designed for learners looking not only to improve their pronunciation of Arabic words, but also to enhance their understanding of Quranic Arabic and its cultural and historical contexts.
Course structure
You will:
- learn to appropriately araticulate Arabic phonetics and Tajweed (the set of rules governing the pronunciation of Quranic Arabic).
- attend to rhythm and melody in interactive recitation exercises leading to improved Quran recitation skills.
- enhance understanding of Quranic Arabic and its cultural and historical context and its linguistic features.
- improve awareness of the principles and practice of pronunciation of Quranic Arabic.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Quranic Arabic
Module code: LANG1097
For any questions about Quranic Arabic contact the module convenor -
Enrol on your module now
Did you know….
- French is the official or co-official language in 29 countries, making it one of the most widely spoken and influential languages globally.
- French is often referred to as the "language of diplomacy." It remains an official or working language in many international organizations, including the United Nations.
- The Eiffel Tower was originally intended to be a temporary structure for the 1889 Exposition Universelle (World's Fair) and was almost dismantled afterward. However, it was saved because it proved valuable as a radio transmission tower.
French stage 1
For complete beginners or those with very little knowledge of the language
This module is designed for complete beginners or students who have very little knowledge of the language. It introduces the basic structure of the language through topics relating to social and everyday life in the country. Each session will consist of a variety of activities arising from the themes and structures which underpin the course programme.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will:
- learn to understand familiar words and very basic phrases concerning yourself, family and friends and where you are/live when people speak slowly and clearly
- interact in a simple way about yourself, family, friends and surroundings, provided the other person is prepared to repeat or rephrase things at a slower rate of speech.
- ask and answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics
- write short, simple passages (approximately 150 words) for example sending e-mails introducing yourself, writing a blog about your home town.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty French 1A
Module code: LANG1001
Spring semester
In this semester you will:
- learn to use more grammar structures including reflexive verbs and past tense
- listen with discrimination to people talking about their everyday life
- write longer passage (up to 200 words) about past, present and future events
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty French 1B
Module code: LANG1008
For any questions about French stage 1 contact the module convenor -
Enrol on your module now
French stage 2
If you have studied French before at GCSE level (grade 6 or above) or equivalent or have successfully completed our French stage 1 modules
The course aims to refresh your knowledge of French and revise and extend your competence in reading, speaking, writing and understanding French using authentic materials from French speaking countries. Grammatical structures are covered as they occur in the topics with explanations and practice exercises. Regular written tasks will enable you to use your newly acquired language structures and to express your opinions and ideas.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will:
- revise your understanding of phrases and the high frequency vocabulary related to areas of immediate personal relevance (for example personal and family information, family/student life, local area, employment, leisure and personal interests)
- read simple texts on these topics and find specific information in everyday material
- communicate in routine tasks requiring a direct exchange of information on these topics.
- talk and write short texts about your experiences and express your opinions and impressions.
- revise and build on your understanding of basic French grammar: present tense, adjectives, past tenses, pronouns, making comparisons.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty French 2A
Module code: LANG2001
Spring semester
In this semester you will:
- develop your vocabulary on more complex topics (for example tourism, cities and student accommodation, work prospects, the news, the media)
- understand texts and conversations on these topics and find specific information in everyday material
- communicate in routine tasks requiring a direct exchange of information on these topics.
- talk and write about your experiences and express your opinions, hopes, advice.
- revise and build on your understanding of French grammar: future and conditional tenses, relative pronouns, the subjunctive the passive
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty French 2B
Module code: LANG2002
For any questions about French stage 2 contact the module convenor -
Enrol on your module now
French stage 3
If you studied French before at A level or have successfully completed our French stage 2 modules
This module develops the speaking and productive skills of language learning to enable the students to function effectively at an intermediate level. The module Stresses the productive skills, particularly spoken and written ones. Teaching through the medium of the target language is the norm.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will study:
- cultural differences in correspondence between English and French
- listening with discrimination
- problem-solving in the French
- information retrieval and textual re-organisation involved in comprehension and résumé work.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty French 3A
Module code: LANG3001
Spring semester
In this semester you will:
- discuss about violence
- discuss about immigration matters
- discuss about the racism
- discuss about the marketing and publicity
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty French 3B
Module code: LANG3008
For any questions about French stage 3 contact the module convenor -
Enrol on your module now
French stage 4
If you have studied French at GCE Advanced Level grade A*-B or equivalent or have successfully completed our French stage 3 modules
Each week will cover a variety of activities arising from the themes and structures. Students will be expected to participate actively, with preparation before class and follow-up work afterwards, in order to improve their skills in reading, speaking, writing and understanding French. The course aims to extend competence in spoken French and to provide opportunities for listening to and reading authentic materials from French-speaking countries. Grammatical structures will be covered as they arise in the topics - explanations and practice exercises will be provided. The written tasks will enable you to develop your language further and to express your own opinions and ideas.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will:
- consolidate a strong B1 level within the CEFR and move towards a B2 level
- work with authentic materials from newspapers and websites
- focus on understanding information from audio-visual materials
- analyse current affairs and express your own opinion.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty French 4A
Module code: LANG3005
Spring semester
In this semester you will:
- work within the B2 level of the CEFR
- work with authentic materials from newspapers and websites
- focus on giving and retrieving information in a (research/investigative) interview
- learn about francophone culture and history.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty French 4B
Module code: LANG3012
For any questions about French stage 4 contact the module convenor -
Enrol on your module now
French stage 5
If you have 1 year of post-A level language tuition (or equivalent) or have successfully completed our French stage 4 modules
This module is principally aimed at improving the students' productive skills in the target language to approach that of a native speaker. This module will concentrate on socio-political/socio-cultural registers of language and deal with contemporary issues of the country whose language is being studied.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will:
- develop your oral and interaction skills
- learn to synthetise information and post short texts on a blog
- produce short videos on news items and reflections on learning
- produce narrated powerpoints in groups and animate a Q&A in French.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty French 5A
Module code: LANG4001
Spring semester
In this semester you will:
- learn to do translations in French
- learn to interpret from English into French and vice versa
- discuss more complex topics orally and in writing.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty French 5B
Module code: LANG4002
For any questions about French stage 5 contact the module convenor - or
Enrol on your module now
French stage 6
If you have have a post A-Level qualification, CEFR equivalent B2+/C1 level, demonstrable ability to communicate in the French fluently (sometimes acquired from an intercalated year abroad in the country where the language is spoken) or have successfully completed our French stage 5 modules
This module is designed to perfect the productive skills of the student in the target language, with greater emphasis on an individual syllabus related to the students' academic and career interests. Students will be trained to use the language in preparation for their first year of professional activity in their own field by improving general communicative skills, particularly in terms of variety, appropriateness of register and grammatical accuracy.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will:
- understand different attitudes towards language reforms and accents
- analyse more complex texts in French
- understand the structures and principles of gender fair language in French
- learn to translate into French and reflect on translation processes
- develop your oral presentation and interaction skills.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty French 6A
Module code: LANG4007
Spring semester
In this semester you will:
- learn to do specialist translations
- give specialist presentations
- learn to read, understand and critically analyse French humour and its limitations.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty French 6B
Module code: LANG4010
For any questions about French stage 6 contact the module convenor - or
Enrol on your module now
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Did you know….
- German is the official, or co-official language in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and the Italian province of South Tyrol. German is also used by minorities in some countries. It is spoken as a first language by roughly 100 million Europeans and is hence the most spoken first language in Europe.
- The German language allows to create many compound nouns by combining two or more words. For example Hand + Schuh makes a glove.
- German speakers like their bread. There are over 3000 different varieties.
German stage 1
For complete beginners or those with very little knowledge of the language
You'll be introduced to the basic structure of the language through topics relating to social and everyday life in the country. Each session will consist of a variety of activities arising from the themes and structures which underpin the course programme.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will:
- leran to understand and use basic words and phrases when speaking, reading and writing.
- talk about your family
- describe your daily routine
- express likes and dislikes on food and hobbies
- arrange to go out.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty German 1A
Module code: LANG1002
Spring semester
In this semester you will:
- understand longer sentences and texts with more complex structures concerning present and past events
- talk about your house and where you live
- talk about events in the past
- plan a party
- talk about holidays
- express wishes.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty German 1B
Module code: LANG1009
For any questions about German stage 1 contact the module convenor -
Enrol on your module now
German stage 2
If you have studied German before at GCSE level (grade 6 or above) or equivalent or have successfully completed our German stage 1 modules
You'll revise and extend your competence in reading, speaking, writing and understanding German. You'll also have opportunities for listening to and reading more complex authentic materials from German speaking countries. Grammatical structures will be covered as they occur in the topics with explanations and practice exercises. Regular written tasks will enable you to use your newly acquired language structures and to express your opinions and ideas.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will:
- revise how to express likes and dislikes
- learn how to express importance and give reasons on various topics
- talk about life at university: accommodation, differences between countries, free-time, food and finances
- learn about variations of the German language
- expand your vocabulary and grammar knowledge.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty German 2A
Module code: LANG2003
Spring semester
In this semester you will:
- expand your knowledge of cultural aspect
- learn more about topics related to tourism
- learn how to express yourself more varied
- expand your vocabulary and grammar knowledge.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty German 2B
Module code: LANG2004
For any questions about German stage 2 contact the module convenor -
Enrol on your module now
German stage 3
If you studied German before at A level or have successfully completed our German stage 2 modules
You'll develop the speaking and productive skills of language learning to enable you to function effectively at an intermediate level. The module stresses the productive skills, particularly spoken and written ones. Teaching through the medium of the target language is the norm.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will:
- learn how to express yourself on a variety of topics
- expand your vocabulary and grammar knowledge
- improve your cross-cultural awareness
- learn to retrieve information from texts in the target language.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty German 3A
Module code: LANG3002
Spring semester
In this semester you will:
- learn how to express yourself on a variety of topics
- expand your vocabulary and grammar knowledge
- improve your cross-cultural awareness
- work on your listening skills.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty German 3B
Module code: LANG3009
For any questions about German stage 3 contact the module convenor -
Enrol on your module now
German stage 4
If you have studied German at GCE Advanced Level grade A*-B or equivalent or have successfully completed our German stage 3 modules
Each session will consist of a variety of activities arising from the themes and structures which underpin the course program. Students will be expected to participate actively, which involves preparation before class and follow-up work, in order to develop their skills in reading, writing, speaking and understanding the language. The course aims to provide a picture of life in the German-speaking world today through authentic materials.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will:
- consolidate a strong B1 level within the CEFR and move towards a B2 level
- work with authentic materials from newspapers and websites
- focus on understanding information from audio-visual materials
- learn to write in different styles (for example Kommentar, Polemik, etc.)
- analyse current affairs and express your own opinion.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty German 4A
Module code: LANG3006
Spring semester
In this semester you will:
- work within the B2 level of the CEFR
- work with authentic materials from newspapers and websites
- focus on giving and retrieving information in a (research/investigative) interview
- learn about topics pertaining to popular culture (for example films, games, etc.)
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty German 4B
Module code: LANG3013
For any questions about German stage 4 contact the module convenor -
Enrol on your module now
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Hebrew (Biblical)
Did you know….
- Hebrew is unique among ancient languages because it has been revived and is now spoken as a modern language in Israel.
- The Hebrew Bible is full of clever wordplays, irony, and even riddles that are often lost in translation.
- Test your knowledge of the Hebrew alphabet
Hebrew (Biblical)
This module is designed for students with no prior knowledge of Hebrew
This module is designed for students with no prior knowledge of Hebrew and will introduce them to the grammar, syntax and vocabulary of the Hebrew language, as found in the Hebrew Bible. The focus of the module will be on reading printed, pointed Hebrew (i.e. Hebrew with vowels), both aloud and for the purposes of understanding and translating. The primary textual focus will be the Hebrew Bible, with graded reading exercises introduced from the start, for those with academic and/or religious interests in the text.
Course Structure
Autumn Semester
In this semester, you will:
- Learn how to read the Hebrew alphabet
- Unveil the Tanakh/Old Testament by reading simple original stories and portions of famous biblical tales
- Experience the ancient tongue as it is spoken
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Biblical Hebrew 1A
Module code: LANG1094
Spring Semester
In this semester, you will:
- Explore classical literary devices that amplify our appreciation of the text
- Recognise diverse interpretative problems that arise when a Greek/Western mindset is artificially imposed on Semitically-styled scripture
- Develop your Hebrew Bible reading skills
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Biblical Hebrew 1B
Module code: LANG1095
For any questions about Biblical Hebrew, contact the module convenor -
Enrol on your module now
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Did you know….
- Italian is highly phonetic, meaning words are pronounced as they are spelled. Once you learn the pronunciation rules, you can generally read Italian with ease.
- Italian is often referred to as a musical language due to its melodious and rhythmic nature. This is especially evident when spoken or sung.
- Around 63 million people in the world speak Italian as their first language. Approximately 3 million speak Italian as a second language. Italian is the 4th most studied language in the world.
Italian stage 1
For complete beginners or those with very little knowledge of the language
Over 10 weeks, you will be able to learn how to talk about yourself, your family and friends, your town, and your interests and find out more about other people. It doesn’t matter if you have no experience of the language, or you’ve picked up some phrases on your traveling or on Duolingo, this course is designed specifically for beginners, and you’ll gain some fascinating insights into Italian culture along the way.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will:
- have insight into everyday life in Italy
- understand short texts in the target language, dealing with everyday material
- write short simple texts, including personal details
- interact at a basic level, and ask/answer questions on familiar topics.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Italian 1A
Module code: LANG1003
Spring semester
In this semester you will:
- have a deeper understanding of everyday life in Italy
- talk about events in the present and past tense
- be able to plan future events.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Italian 1B
Module code: LANG1010
For any questions about Italian stage 1, contact the module convenor -
Enrol on your module now
Italian stage 2
If you have studied Italian before at GCSE level (grade 6 or above) or equivalent or have successfully completed our Italian stage 1 modules
With Italian stage 2 you will be able to improve your knowledge of Italian, expand your vocabulary range, learn new grammar structures, and to enable you to communicate more confidently in everyday situations. We will develop our use of the language by exploring various topics such as superheroes, childhood, TV, reading, and cultural heritage.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will:
- confidently use the past tense to talk about past experiences
- understand longer texts in the target language, dealing with past and present events
- write more elaborate texts, which include comparison
- interact at an intermediate level, and ask/answer questions about your present and past life.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Italian 2A
Module code: LANG2011
Spring semester
In this semester you will:
- explore the conditional form to talk about wishes and plans
- talk about future events and plans
- be able to tell a story using the different forms of past tense.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Italian 2B
Module code: LANG2005
For any questions about Italian stage 2 contact the module convenor -
Enrol on your module now
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Did you know…
- Japanese uses three scripts: Kanji (characters borrowed from Chinese), Hiragana, and Katakana. Learning Kanji, the logographic characters borrowed from Chinese, is like solving a puzzle. Each character tells a story, and as you master them, it's like unlocking a secret code to a whole new world of meaning.
- Japanese has a rich variety of onomatopoeic words, which vividly express sounds, feelings, and states. For example, "gacha gacha" represents a clattering or rattling sound.
- What is the origin of emojis are originated? Thank Japan! The word "emoji" comes from Japanese (絵文字), where "e" means picture and "moji" means character. So, every time you use an emoji, you're embracing a bit of Japanese linguistic charm.
Japanese stage 1
For complete beginners or those with very little knowledge of the language
This module is for a complete beginner in Japanese, possibly with a very little knowledge (for example can read few hiragana, know few phrases etc.) You will learn basic structures of Japanese including how to read and write. You will be able to get by in Japanese in simple conversation and express immediate needs in simple structures.
Course structure
Autumn semeste
In this semester you will:
- learn how to introduce each other
- learn how to shop
- learn how to describe daily routine
- become familiar with the hiragana and katakana writing systems.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Japanese 1A
Module code: LANG1004
Spring semester
In this semester you will:
- learn how to invite and arrange events
- learn how to say what you like/dislike
- learn how to make a request
- start recognising some kanji symbols
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Japanese 1B
Module code: LANG1011
For any questions about Japanese stage 1 contact the module convenor -
Enrol on your module now
Japanese stage 2
If you have studied Japanese before at GCSE level (grade 6 or above) or equivalent or have successfully completed our Japanese stage 1 modules
This module is for students who completed Inter Faculty Japanese Stage 1A and Stage 1B, or studied Japanese at GCSE level. You will explore further to learn a variety of structures of Japanese including how to read and write Kanji. You will be able to express yourself better and describe things more in details in Japanese.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will:
- learn plain forms
- learn how to compare things
- learn how to describe your family, hometown and your ability
- expand your knowledge of kanji symbols.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Japanese 2A
Module code: LANG2012
Spring semester
In this semester you will learn:
- how to describe annual events
- the language of folktales
- how to discuss problems in everyday life and some social problems
- conditional forms.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Japanese 2B
Module code: LANG2006
For any questions about Japanese stage 2 contact the module convenor -
Enrol on your module now
Japanese stage 3
If you studied Japanese before at A level or have successfully completed our Japanese stage 2 modules
This module is for students who completed Inter Faculty Japanese Stage 2A and Stage 2B, or studied Japanese at A level or equivalent. You will learn more variety of structures in Japanese to equip you with a good command of language to be able to deal with wider topics. You will be able to feel more confident to discuss and converse in Japanese.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will:
- learn how to compare cultural differences
- learn how to discuss pros and cons of various topics
- learn how to plan ideal trips
- expand your knowledge of grammatical structures to enable you to express better.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Japanese 3A
Module code: LANG3003
Spring semester
In this semester you will learn:
- how to describe current affairs
- how to discuss about a world of work and a future plan
- how to discuss problems in health issues
- how to summarise stories, make recommendations
- more complex grammatical structures.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Japanese 3B
Module code: LANG3010
For any questions about Japanese stage 3 contact the module convenor -
Enrol on your module now
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Did you know….
- The Korean writing system, Hangeul, is incredibly logical and was created by King Sejong the Great in the 15th century to increase literacy among commoners. Its construction is so systematic that you can learn to read it in just a few hours!
- Beyond mere formality, Korean honorifics reflect the society's values of respect and hierarchy. Using them correctly demonstrates cultural awareness and strengthens relationships. Mastering this complex system requires an understanding factors such as age, status, and context, as well as employing specific verb conjugations, titles, and vocabulary.
- Singing along to your favourite K-pop songs is a language lesson in disguise. You'll learn catchy phrases, expressions, and even some slang. Bonus points if you can dance along with the idols!
Korean stage 1
For complete beginners or those with very little knowledge of the language
This module is for a complete beginner in Korean, possibly with a very little knowledge (for example know few phrases etcetera). You will learn basic structures in Korean as well as read and write in Hangeul.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will:
- learn how to greet each other
- learn how to order items
- learn how to describe your daily routine
- learn how to tell directions
- become familiar with the Hangeul writing systems.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Korean 1A
Module code: LANG1087
Spring semester
In this semester you will:
- learn how to shop
- learn how to say reasons
- discuss health issues and leisure activities
- learn about food.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Korean 1B
Module code: LANG1088
For any questions about Korean stage 1 contact the module convenor -
Enrol on your module now
Korean stage 2
If you have studied Korean before at GCSE level (grade 6 or above) or equivalent or have successfully completed our Korean stage 1 modules
This module is for students who completed Inter Faculty Korean Stage 1A and Stage 1B, or studied Korean at GCSE level. You will broaden your knowledge in variety of topics to enable you to express better in Korean.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will learn how to:
- express actions in more details.
- ask someone's supposition
- ask/refuse permissions
- ask a favour.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Korean 2A
Module code: LANG2081
Spring semester
In this semester you will learn how to:
- describe your holiday
- discuss culture and etiquette
- describe your experience
- make appointments.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Korean 2B
Module code: LANG2082
For any questions about Korean stage 2 contact the module convenor -
Enrol on your module now
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Mandarin Chinese
Did you know…
- Chinese characters often have components called radicals. Learning radicals is like discovering the building blocks of a secret code. It's like solving a puzzle where each piece gives you a clue to unlock the meaning!
- Mastering Mandarin tones is like learning a dance for your tongue. Imagine your voice dancing up and down to a rhythm as you speak. It's not just pronunciation; it's a tonal tango! Additionally, Chinese also doesn’t assign genders to nouns, and there is no verb conjugation.
- In China, the colour red is considered extremely auspicious and holds great cultural significance. It is associated with good luck, happiness, and prosperity. You'll often find red used prominently in celebrations, especially during important events like weddings and the Chinese New Year.
Mandarin Chinese stage 1
For complete beginners or those with very little knowledge of the language
This module is for a complete beginner in Mandarin Chinese, possibly with a very little knowledge, (for example can read few characters, know a few phrases etcetera). The module introduces the basic structure of the language through topics related to social and everyday life in the countries where the target language is spoken. Students will acquire the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing together with basic grammatical structures which will enable them to manipulate the language.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will:
- learn how to introduce each other
- learn how to talk about family
- learn how to offer drinks, ask for permission, say likes/dislikes
- become familiar with pinyin, characters and tones.
Module value: 10 creditsModule title: Inter Faculty Mandarin 1A
Module code: LANG1014
Spring semester
In this semester you will learn how to:
- Learn to talk about time, date and their daily life.
- Learn to talk about age and birthday celebration.
- Learn to talk about locations and asking for directions in Chinese.
- Learn to ask about the price and go shopping.
- Improve their cultural awareness.
- Further learning writing Chinese characters and read Chinese text without Pinyin.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Mandarin 1B
Module code: LANG1015
For any questions about Mandarin Chinese stage 1 contact the module convenors - and
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Mandarin Chinese stage 2
If you have studied Mandarin Chinese before at GCSE level (grade 6 or above) or equivalent or have successfully completed our Mandarin Chinese stage 1 modules
This module is for students who completed Inter Faculty Mandarin Chinese Stage 1A and Stage 1B, or studied Mandarin Chinese at GCSE level. This course aims to extend students’ competence to express thoughts and opinions in both written and spoken language, as well as to understand the target language in a variety of situations. Further grammatical structures will be covered as they occur in the topics.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will learn how to:
- describe health problems
- talk about the seasons and the weather
- talk about studying
- describe a place.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Mandarin 2A
Module code: LANG2013
Spring semester
In this semester you will learn how to:
- describe and compare things
- shop
- express a duration of time
- talk about hobbies.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Mandarin 2B
Module code: LANG2014
For any questions about Mandarin Chinese stage 2 contact the module convenor -
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Mandarin Chinese stage 3
If you studied Mandarin Chinese before at A level or have successfully completed our Mandarin Chinese stage 2 modules
This module is for students who completed Inter Faculty Mandarin Chinese Stage 2A and Stage 2B, or studied Mandarin Chinese at A level or equivalent. Each weekly sessions will consist of a variety of activities in different modes to enhance and consolidate the themes, structures and vocabulary which underpin the language functions and use.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will learn how to:
- talk about direction and location
- describe past experience
- make appointments
- plan activities such as eating out, sightseeing, purchasing tickets for travels
- talk about an incident, make a complaint.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Mandarin 3A
Module code: LANG3017
Spring semester
In this semester you will learn how to:
- make comparisons
- indicate existence or emergence.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Mandarin 3B
Module code: LANG3018
For any questions about Mandarin Chinese stage 3 contact the module convenor -
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Mandarin Chinese stage 4
If you have studied Mandarin Chinese at GCE Advanced Level grade A*-B or equivalent or have successfully completed our Mandarin Chinese stage 3 modules
This module is for students who completed Inter Faculty Mandarin Chinese Stage 3A and Stage 3B, or studied Mandarin Chinese at A level or equivalent. The course aims to provide a window for contemporary China through textbook and authentic materials from various sources, such as newspaper, magazine, television, internet, etc. as well as opportunities for students to improve their competencies and confidence in expressing their views and interacting with others in Mandarin Chinese both in oral and written form.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will:
- learn how to discuss pollution and environment
- learn how to tell Chinese legendary story
- talk about mortgages and loans
- talk about the climate and weather.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Mandarin 4A
Module code: LANG3019
Spring semester
In this semester you will:
- learn how to talk and describe about Chinese Spring festival and other festivals in your own country/area
- learn how to discuss and compare culture difference
- discuss about gender and race equality
- learn about China's single child policy and its change.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Mandarin 4B
Module code: LANG3020
For any questions about Mandarin Chinese stage 4 contact the module convenor -
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Mandarin Chinese for Cantonese speakers
If you completed Mandarin Chinese Stage 3 with us or in other institutions but with a heritage background
This module is for students who completed Inter Faculty Mandarin Chinese Stage 3A and Stage 3B but with heritage background. This module is to develop your comprehension and communication skills in Mandarin language to a level approximately equivalent to HSK5.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will:
- consolidate the knowledge of grammar, vocabulary
- widen the understanding of idiomatic and colloquial expressions
- develop understanding on the contemporary China from social and cultural perspective
- deal with naturally spoken Mandarin Chinese.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Mandarin Chinese for Cantonese speakers
Module code: LANG4050
Spring semester
In this semester you will:
- deal with authentic materials about Contemporary Chinese culture and society
- strengthen lyour knowledge of grammar and vocabulary
- deepen understanding of idiomatic and colloquial Mandarin Chinese
- develop learners' 4 basic language skills.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Mandarin Chinese for Cantonese speakers B
Module code: LANG4051
For any questions about Mandarin Chinese for Cantonese speakers contact the module convenor -
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Did you know….
- Russia is the largest country in the world, spanning both Europe and Asia. It covers 11 time zones and has diverse landscapes, from the vast Siberian tundra to the historic cities of Moscow and Saint Petersburg.
- Learning the Cyrillic alphabet is like embarking on a mystical quest to decipher magical symbols. It's not just letters; it's your ticket to unlocking the linguistic treasure chest.
- The iconic Russian nesting dolls, or Matryoshka, are not just charming souvenirs. They often tell a story, and some sets can have dozens of dolls, each fitting inside the other.
Russian stage 1
For complete beginners or those with very little knowledge of the language
This module is designed for complete beginners or students who have very little knowledge of the language. It introduces the basic structure of the language through topics relating to social and everyday life in the country.
Each session will consist of a variety of activities arising from the themes and structures which underpin the course programme. In each session a variety of activities will be used to develop your skill to use the language effectively in everyday situations. During the class, Russian will be used as a medium of communication whenever possible. Emphasis will be initially on listening and speaking, but reading and writing will also be developed throughout the module.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will:
- understand familiar words and very basic phrases concerning self, family, work, daily routine, free time, directions and preferences
- interact in a simple way provided the other person is prepared to repeat or rephrase things at a slower rate of speech
- learn about the alphabet, personal and possessive pronouns, gender agreement, present tense and past tense
- learn about grammatical cases: Nominative, Prepositional, Accusative, Genitive and Instrumental case – интересоваться/ The Dative Case – нравиться.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Russian 1A
Module code: LANG1006
Spring semester
In this semester you will:
- understand and learn to use vocabulary and structures relating to hobbies, likes and dislikes
- talk about daily routine
- talk about the past events
- learn to use the numbers: age, telephone numbers, prices
- describe where you live.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Russian 1B
Module code: LANG1012
For any questions about Russian stage 1 contact the module convenor -
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Russian stage 2
If you have studied Russian before at GCSE level (grade 6 or above) or equivalent or have successfully completed our Russian stage 1 modules
The course aims to revise and extend your competence in spoken Russian and to give you opportunities to read and listen to authentic materials from Russia. The grammatical structures will be covered as they occur in the topics - explanation and practice exercises will be provided. The written tasks will enable you to use your newly acquired language to express your own opinions and ideas. The target language is used as much as possible.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will:
- understand imperfective and perfective verbs in context of daily routine and past events
- learn time expressions
- explore Dative case
- learn comparatives and superlatives
- compare life in different countries and cities.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Russian 2A
Module code: LANG2007
Spring semester
In this semester you will:
- learn to form imperatives
- learn how to ask for prices and do shopping
- learn the names of food items and talk about food preferences
- invite people round
- talk about holidays and celebrations
- talk and write about experiences and express opinions.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Russian 2B
Module code: LANG2008
For any questions about Russian stage 2 contact the module convenor -
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Did you know….
- Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world by native speakers, with over 460 million people using it as their first language. Did you know Spanish is also spoken in Africa in places such as Equatorial Guinea and Western Sahara?
- Spanish is a Romance language but also reflects the influences of other languages such as Arabic, Nahuatl and Quechua. The words for pillow (almohada) and rice (arroz) come from Arabic, while the word for tomato (tomate) is from Nahuatl and the word for a basketball court (cancha) is from Quechua.
- Mexico has the largest number of native speakers of Spanish in the world, with 125 million people. It is also home to the oldest university in North America. Many people might assume that Harvard holds this title, but the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) was founded in 1551 as the Royal and Pontifical University of New Spain.
Spanish stage 1
For complete beginners or those with very little knowledge of the language
This module is designed for complete beginners or students who have very little knowledge of the language. It introduces the basic structure of the language through topics relating to social and everyday life in the country. Each session will consist of a variety of activities arising from the themes and structures which underpin the course programme.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will:
- give personal information
- describe your family
- talk about your routine
- talk about foods and drinks
- talk about what you do in your free time
- improve your cultural awareness.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Spanish 1A
Module code: LANG1007
Spring semester
In this semester you will:
- talk about your life: past, present and future
- talk about tourism and different cultures
- organise events and trips in the future
- improve your cultural awareness.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Spanish 1B
Module code: LANG1013
For any questions about Spanish stage 1 contact the module convenors - (Autumn semester Spanish 1A and Spring semester Sapnish 1B) or (Spring semester Spanish 1A).
Enrol on your module now
Spanish stage 2
If you have studied Spanish before at GCSE level (grade 6 or above) or equivalent or have successfully completed our Spanish stage 1 modules
The course aims to revise and extend your competence in reading, speaking, writing and understanding Spanish and to provide opportunities for listening to and reading more complex authentic materials from Spanish speaking countries. Grammatical structures will be covered as they occur in the topics with explanations and practice exercises. Regular written tasks will enable you to use your newly acquired language structures and to express your opinions and ideas.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will learn to:
- understand and use phrases and vocabulary related to areas of personal relevance (for example family, student life, the weather, health and technology, leisure interests)
- read simple texts and find specific information
- talk about experiences and express opinions
- write texts (for example, short essays, emails, or blog posts) describing these experiences and impressions.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Spanish 2A
Module code: LANG2009
Spring semester
In this semester you will learn to:
- understand more complex phrases and vocabulary related to personal and topical issues (for example your cultural traditions compared to those of Spanish-speaking countries, environmental issues, the changing workplace including applying for jobs)
- read and listen to everyday material on these topics, and find specific information
- give a presentation on a specific topic
- write texts (for example, short articles, emails, or blog posts) related to these topics, including giving advice.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Spanish 2B
Module code: LANG2010
For any questions about Spanish stage 2 contact the module convenor -
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Spanish stage 3
If you studied Spanish before at A level or have successfully completed our Spanish stage 2 modules
This module develops the speaking and productive skills of language learning to enable the students to function effectively at an intermediate level. The module stresses the productive skills, particularly spoken and written ones. Teaching through the medium of the target language is the norm.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will:
- learn to use language effectively in everyday situations
- learn how to describe current affairs
- learn to listen with discrimination
- learn about information retrieval and textual re-organisation involved in comprehension and résumé work
- improve your cultural awareness of the Hispanic world
- learn more complex grammatical structures.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Spanish 3A
Module code: LANG3004
Spring semester
In this semester you will:
- learn to use language effectively in everyday situations
- learn how to describe current affairs
- learn to listen with discrimination
- learn about information retrieval and textual re-organisation involved in comprehension and résumé work
- improve your cultural awareness of the Hispanic world
- learn more complex grammatical structures.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Spanish 3B
Module code: LANG3011
For any questions about Spanish stage 3 contact the module convenor -
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Spanish stage 4
If you have studied Spanish at GCE Advanced Level grade A*-B or equivalent or have successfully completed our Spanish stage 3 modules
Each week will cover a variety of activities arising from the themes and structures which we will cover. Students will be expected to participate actively, with preparation before class and follow-up work afterwards, in order to improve their skills in reading, speaking, writing and understanding Spanish.
The course aims to extend competence in spoken Spanish and to provide opportunities for listening to and reading authentic materials from Spain and Latin America. Grammatical structures will be covered as they arise in the topics - explanations and practice exercises will be provided. The written tasks will enable you to develop your language further and to express your own opinions and ideas.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will:
- develop your oral presentation skills, your ability to interact and to organise your discourse
- learn about summary writing
- develop your ability to present a coherent argument or explanation
- increase your cultural awareness.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Spanish 4A
Module code: LANG3007
Spring semester
In this semester you will:
- work within the B2 level of the CEFR
- work with authentic materials from newspapers and websites
- focus on giving and retrieving information in a (research/investigative) interview.
- learn about topics pertaining to popular culture (for example films, games, etc.)
- extend your knowledge about Latin America and Spain.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Spanish 4B
Module code: LANG3014
For any questions about Spanish stage 4 contact the module convenor -
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Spanish stage 5
If you have 1 year of post-A level language tuition (or equivalent) or have successfully completed our Spanish stage 4 modules
This module is principally aimed at improving the students’ written productive skills and oral presentation skills in the target language, particularly in terms of variety of language, appropriateness of register and grammatical accuracy to approach that of an educated native speaker. To achieve that aim, the course will rely heavily on the use of authentic materials (videos, podcasts and newspaper articles).
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will:
- develop your individual and group presentation skills
- learn to use digital resources in the target language
- interact over digital platforms such as forums and blogs
- develop your ability for self-evaluation
- learn about letter writing and reflection based on texts and videos
- improve your cross-cultural awareness
- learn about textual reorganisation.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Spanish 5A
Module code: LANG4005
Spring semester
In this semester you will:
- develop your individual and group presentation skills
- learn to use digital resources in the target language
- develop your ability for self-evaluation
- learn about letter writing and reflection based on texts and videos
- improve your cross-cultural awareness
- learn about textual reorganisation
- explore the main issues and challenges when translating between English and Spanish.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty Spanish 5B
Module code: LANG4006
For any questions about Spanish stage 5 contact the module convenor -
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Spanish in the digital world
Spanish with CEFR C1/C2 or heritage speakers with an equivalent knowledge
This module focuses on learning Spanish at an advanced level (C1 and C2 CEFR levels) by exploring the digital world. It covers several topics involving internet, ethics, viral content, news etc., with an emphasis on the creation of digital content (videos and written contributions). It will prepare students to engage with various aspects of the Spanish-speaking digital landscape, including digital communication and content creation, as well as critical thinking and ethical considerations.
Course structure
Autumn semester only
You will:
- create digital content in Spanish
- develop useful professional skills
- understand the Spanish used in different digital contexts
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Spanish in the digital world
Module code: LANG2084
For any qustions about Spanish in the digital world, please contact the module convenor -
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Podcasting in Spanish
Spanish with CEFR C1/C2 or heritage speakers with an equivalent knowledge
This practice-based module will introduce students to the world of podcasting and radio in Spanish. The aim is to nurture the student’s confidence in oral and presenting skills by applying the principles of storytelling and narrative structures, while researching, sharing and enjoying talking about topics of their own choice.
Students will not only benefit from a language teaching perspective, but they will also have a first approach to the experience of creating and recording a podcast, a platform which is bcoming more and more widely used in the world.
Course structure
Spring semester only
You will:
- get into the world of podcasting and radio in Spanish in
- participate in the recording of a two-episode podcast
- acquire knowledge about the steps, processes and technology involved in the production of a podcast
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Podcasting in Spanish
Module code: LANG2085
For any questions about Podcasting in Spanish, contact the module convenor -
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British Sign Language
Did you know….
- British Sign Language (BSL) is a unique and distinct language with its own grammar and vocabulary. It is not simply a signed version of English. American Sign Language (ASL) and BSL, for example, are different sign languages.
- in BSL, individuals often have unique sign names that tell a story about them? It's like having a personal logo or superhero symbol that captures the essence of who you are in the signing world.
- You can join the BSL TikTok community and ride the wave of sign language trends? It's not just about learning; it's about being part of a fun and creative online signing movement!
British Sign Language stage 1
For complete beginners or those with very little knowledge of the language
This module is designed for students with no prior knowledge of British Sign Language and will develop an understanding of simple words and sentences in British Sign Language. As the focus of this module is on communication skills, a large proportion of class time will be based on practising the skills they have learned to reinforce vocabulary and language structures by signing in groups and in pairs in a variety of question-and-answer and role play exercises using productive and receptive skills they have learned in the weekly sessions.
Course structure
Autumn semester
In this semester you will:
- understand of the basic principles of BSL
- understand the use of limited range of simple words and sentences in BSL
- be able to fingerspell in BSL
- demonstrate an awareness of deaf culture and BSL development.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty British Sign Language 1A (BSL 1A)
Module code: LANG1092
Spring semester
In this semester you will:
- understand post beginner principles of BSL
- understand the use of simple words and sentences in BSL at post beginner level equivalent to Level 1 Signature Award in BSL
- be able to fingerspell in BSL at Level 1 Signature Award in BSL
- demonstrate an awareness of deaf culture and BSL development.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Inter Faculty British Sign Language 1B (BSL 1B)
Module code: LANG1093
For any questions about British Sign Language stage 1 contact the module convenor -
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Culture modules
Did you know…
- learning about culture is like embarking on a journey around the world without leaving your seat? Each cultural lesson is a passport stamp, taking you to new and exciting destinations of understanding.
- engaging with culture is like participating in a global game of charades? You decipher gestures, symbols, and meanings, enhancing your ability to communicate in the rich language of cultures.
- learning about culture offers a backstage pass to understanding the 'why' behind human practices? It's not just about knowing; it's about uncovering the motivations and stories that shape societies.
Exploring intercultural awareness
This module will allow students to reflect on the concept of ‘culture’ and how cultural practices can differ. We will reflect on and challenge the knowledge we have of ourselves and our culture(s), as well as our knowledge of others. This includes understanding how values are interpreted differently among people from different backgrounds.
Course structure
Autumn or Spring semester
You will:
- show understanding of intercultural competence, both at a theoretical level and in specific contexts
- communicate more effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds
- reflect on our own culture in order to understand other cultures
- show awareness of equality, diversity and inclusion complexities when comparing the UK with the rest of the world
- identify intercultural challenges in different cultural contexts, including professional environments
- reflect on the role of modern languages and cultures for business practices
- identify linguistic patterns that influence the cultural characteristics of a country.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Exploring Intercultural Awareness
Module code: LANG1091
For any questions about Exploring intercultural awareness, contact the module convenors - or
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This module provides a comprehensive introduction to Japanese, Korean, and Chinese cultures including various aspect of these countries. This module covers overview of language characteristics, cultural customs, and contemporary insights as well as some references to religion and history. By the end of the semester, students will gain a foundational understanding of these diverse Asian societies, setting the stage for further exploration and cross-cultural interactions.
Course structure
Autumn or Spring Semester
You will:
- develop awareness of cultural differences and similarities
- compare and contrast key aspects of cultures, including language, traditions and customs, across China, Japan and Korea
- reflect on personal cultural perspectives and assumptions
- appreciate and respect the diversity within Asian cultures while recognising commonalities and shared influences
- critically evaluate representations and stereotypes of China, Japan and Korea in various media and popular cultures
This module is repeated in the Spring semester using the same module code. Please make sure which semester you are enrolling for.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Exploring Asian Cultures
Module code: LANG1096
For any questions about Exploring Asian cultures, contact the module convenor -
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Language education modules
Did you know…
- learning about languages is like magic spells for your brain? Each module is a linguistic enchantment, expanding your cognitive abilities and weaving a tapestry of words in your mind.
- delving into languages is a bit like having a passport to different worlds? You travel through the pages of grammar, navigate the landscapes of vocabulary, and immerse yourself in the cultures that each language unveils.
- immersing yourself in languages is a bit like becoming a language detective? You decipher phonetic fingerprints, grammatical footprints, and semantic clues to unlock the secrets of linguistic diversity.
Exploring Language and Linguistics
Core module for MLT students (autumn semester); also targets undergraduate students enrolled on the degree programs in the School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies. This module is also available to exchange students. Available to JYA/Exchange students.
The purpose of this module is to introduce students to issues which will give them a better understanding of the study of a foreign language and of translating between languages. It provides an introduction to the design features of language, as well as to basic notions of several subfields of Linguistics, including phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax, language acquisition and psycholinguistics.
Course strucutre
You will:
- learn different issues related to human communication
- create awareness of linguistic features universal to all languages
- identify and elaborate these features for the purpose of foreign language learning
- bridge the gap between basic notions of Linguistic Theory and their own language learning experience.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Exploring languages and linguistics
Module code: LANG1045
For any questions about Exploring languages and linguistics, contact the module convenor -
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Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages
This module introduces students to theories of how languages are learned and to approaches and methods of language teaching. We will discuss factors affecting success in language learning and address the question of whether and how teachers can impact students' motivation. Learner autonomy will be a key topic of discussion, followed by an exploration of the notion of culture and the debate on whether and how culture should be integrated into language teaching. Discussions about inclusive language use in the classroom and teacher cognition will form part of this module. The final segment of the module focuses on the role of technology in the language learning and teaching process.
Course structure
You will...:
- Understand key theories of language acquisition and their implications for language teaching.
- Develop critical thinking skills to evaluate different language teaching methodologies, approaches and current discourse.
- Explore strategies for enhancing student motivation in language learning.
- Examine the integration of technology in language learning and teaching, assessing its effectiveness and challenges.
Module value: 10 credits
Module title: Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages
Module code: LANG2083
For any questions about Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages contact the module convenor -
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