Building a New Paradigm: Restorative Justice Training for Trainers

Holiday Inn Bloomsbury, London
Friday 25th May 2018 (09:00-17:00)
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This workshop provides trainers with new insights into theoretical developments in restorative justice and its application to enhance restorative justice practice within the criminal justice system. Participants will explore how restorative justice practice informed by the concepts of agency and accountability can: 

  1. increase the active participation of victims and offenders in restorative processes
  2. increase the number of face to face encounters
  3. improve the quality of dialogue
  4. improve the quality of agreed action plans
  5. improve the level of completed action plans
  6. achieve longer term outcomes such as victim satisfaction and recovery and offender reintegration and reductions in recidivism

The workshop will be relevant to restorative justice trainers and practitioners engaged in a range of practice contexts, including policing, youth and adult offenders, prisons and conferencing. Tim Chapman, who has extensive experience in training restorative justice practitioners will lead the sessions, along with Professor David O'Mahony (University of Essex), Professor Jonathan Doak (Nottingham Trent University) and Dr Kerry Clamp (University of Nottingham), all of whom are active researchers in restorative justice.

Nottingham Law School and the University of Essex fund this Workshop and places are strictly limited. The delegate fee for the event is £25 and all refreshments, lunch and a copy of a bespoke 'Training for Trainers' manual will be provided.

Register now.

School of Law

Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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