School of Law

Life imprisonment in England and Turkey in the context of Europe: A comparative jurisprudential study

A3, Law and Social Sciences Building, University Park
Wednesday 5th December 2018 (16:00-17:00)

Part of the School of Law PhD Seminar Series

Ergul Celiksoy (Penal Law)


This presentation aims to provide an insight into my PhD project, titled as Life Imprisonment in England and Turkey in the Context of Europe: A Comparative Jurisprudential Study. This project investigates the question of how life imprisonment is used in England and Wales and Turkey as the two leading life imprisoners amongst the Council of Europe countries, with 7.439 and 7.101 life prisoners respectively (Council of Europe, SPACE-I, 2016).

The imposition and implementation of, and release from life imprisonment in both legal systems under survey are explored against the backdrop of the European standards for imposition, implementation and release which stem from the European human rights instruments such as the ECtHR, the CPT and the Council of Europe's recommendations.

School of Law

Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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