The school is delighted to announce that Dr Chloe Holloway has been shortlisted for the ESRC Outstanding Early Career Impact Prize. Dr Holloway used the findings of her PhD study into the experiences of autistic individuals in police custody to deliver training to police officers across Nottinghamshire. Funded by a Nottingham Impact Accelerator Award she also worked with autistic individuals and police officers to develop a training package for custody staff. Dr Holloway's PhD was supervised by Professor John Jackson and Dr Nell Munro from the School of Law and Dr Dani Ropar from the School of Psychology.
Dr Holloway's supervisors commented that, "It is fantastic news that the impact of Chloe's research is being recognised. Her project has been a great example of the importance of working with autistic people and partners to get results".
The ESRC Celebrating Impact Prize is an annual competition that recognises and celebrates the success of ESRC-funded researchers in achieving and enabling outstanding economic or social impact from social science research. There are four impact prizes available and each winner will receive £10,000 to spend on further knowledge exchange, public engagement or other impact related activities.
Winners will be announced at an awards ceremony in London on Tuesday 9 July 2019.
View more information about the Impact Prize and the finalists.
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