School of Law

Professor Derclaye spoke on the Data Act at EIPIN international conference in Alicante

On 4 November, Professor Estelle Derclaye spoke on article 35 of the Data Act (an EU Regulation proposal) which maps the interaction between the database directive (Directive 96/9/EC) and the Data Act. The talk was part of a conference organised by EIPIN exploring the so-called European data package including the Data Act (DA), the DSA (Digital services act), the DMA (Digital markets act) and AI Act (artificial intelligence act) and gathering the main European experts in the area.

The two main purposes of the new proposals for European Digital Acts is to foster innovation in Europe and to strengthen the competitiveness of European companies. Having in mind the connection between these objectives and the European intellectual property system, it is surprising that only few provisions in these proposals refer to IP. The purpose of the conference was to analyze the interaction between these new Acts and the EU instruments in the field of IP, and to determine whether there are obstacles which may hinder the achievement of the EU’s overall common objective of promoting innovation in Europe.

There were lively discussions on all topics and an announcement that EIPIN will become an international network of intellectual property scholars aimed at doctoral candidates and young academics.  Watch this space.

Please see the programme. See also various tweets on Twitter: @EIPN_IS conference

The conference was also streamed live online and the recordings are available below:

Morning session and afternoon-evening session 


Posted on Monday 7th November 2022

School of Law

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