School of Law

Professor Peter Cartwright speaks about 'Consumer Voices on Fair and Open Gambling'

On 10 August 2024, Peter Cartwright, Professor of Consumer Protection Law in the School of Law, spoke at a deliberative forum on ‘Consumer Voices on Fair and Open Gambling’ organised by the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT). The forum forms part of a research project funded through regulatory settlements and Peter is an expert advisor on the project. At the event, a wide range of consumers were invited to consider what they thought gambling products, services and operator practices that are ‘fair and open’ for everyone should look like, and how they thought this should be implemented. As well as Peter’s talk, the participants heard from Professor Mark Griffiths, Director of the International Gaming Research Unit at Nottingham Trent University, and representatives from the Gambling Commission and the gambling industry.

The overall purpose of this research is to contribute to a wider body of evidence to ensure that gambling policy and regulation in Great Britain meets the needs of its diverse consumers.

Posted on Wednesday 21st August 2024

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