School of Law

Professor Derclaye becomes president-elect of the Association for teaching and research in intellectual property law (ATRIP)

session 2 atrip 2024

Professor Derclaye presenting at ATRIP

The 42nd ATRIP congress took place in Rome under the theme of “Intellectual property, ethical innovation and sustainability”. ATRIP is the largest international organisation of academics who teach and research in the field of intellectual property. Its general objective is “to contribute to the advancement of teaching and research in the field of the law of intellectual property. The Association pursues only educational and scientific objectives, not lucrative aims.”  It currently has almost 500 members from all over the world.

Professor Derclaye became a member of ATRIP’s executive committee in July 2023. This involves, among others, reading and ranking the essays for the Essay Prize and commenting on and ranking PhD students’ presentations at the Doctoral Students Contest. She also chaired the second session of the conference.

At the general assembly, the president announced that Professor Derclaye is the new president-elect of ATRIP. She will be its 23rd president starting in the summer 2026 and will organise the annual congresses in 2027 and 2028.

In Professor Derclaye’s words: “It is an immense honour and privilege and I am extremely humbled to be able to serve the intellectual property community through this presidency. I am grateful for the trust and support from the past presidents. I look forward to carrying on the great work of previous presidents and especially supporting early career researchers and doctoral students and reinforcing our ties with the World Intellectual Property Organisation”.

Posted on Monday 15th July 2024

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