School of Law

Image of Christopher Sargeant

Christopher Sargeant

Assistant Professor in Property Law, Faculty of Social Sciences



Christopher is an Assistant Professor in Property Law at the University of Nottingham. In this role, he holds/has held teaching responsibilities on their Land Law, Trusts Law, Law in Practice, Dissertation and Introduction to Law & Legal Theory modules (acting as module co-convenor in the first case) and he coaches the School team in the Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition. He is also a Director of the School of Law Study Abroad program, the largest at any UK Law School, wherein he runs its incoming/outgoing student mobility programs, directs its associated international partnerships and sits on the University Global Opportunities Steering Group and its Credit & Grade Transfer Sub-Committee, having formerly sat on the University, Faculty and School Global Engagement Committees and the University Japan & South Korea Working Group. In addition, Christopher chairs the School of Law Teaching & Learning Group, its Space Law and Policy Seminar Series and its Property Law Research Group, is its Mooting Co-ordinator, has been its Deputy Director of UG Assessment, Deputy Senior Tutor and Careers Liaison Officer and has sat on its UG and PG Teaching Committees. In 2023, he was awarded a University Lord Dearing Award and a Faculty ESE Award for his 'world-class contribution' to teaching and learning and was appointed as a visiting Martin-Flynn Global Law Professor by the University of Connecticut. Prior to this role, Christopher gained a first class LLM from the University of Cambridge, winning the Hugh Bevan Prize for obtaining the highest mark on the course that year at Wolfson College and finished second in the world in the International Air and Space Moot Court Competition 2012. He also has an LLB in Law with Australian Law from the University of Nottingham (with an exchange year at the University of Queensland), achieving an upper second class grade in English law and a distinction (equivalent to a first class performance) in Australian law and receiving academic commendations in 2009 and 2010 and prizes in Constitutional Law in 2009 and in Evidence in 2011. Finally, Christopher has completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (for which he was appointed as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy), a short course in International Human Rights Law at Florida State University via an IBA scholarship, the Teaching Associates Programme at the University of Cambridge and the Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector course (PtLLs). He was also a tutor for the Cambridge Immerse Summer School, producing, delivering and evaluating a 10-day Summer School introducing sixth form students from around the world to legal study.

Teaching Summary

Christopher is an Assistant Professor in Property Law at the University of Nottingham He holds/has held teaching responsibilities on their Land Law, Trusts Law, Law in Practice, Introduction to Law… read more

Selected Publications

  • CHRISTOPHER SARGEANT and DANIEL CLARRY, 2016. Judicial Panel Selection in the UK Supreme Court: Bigger Bench, More Authority? UK Supreme Court Yearbook. 6, 1-7
  • CHRISTOPHER SARGEANT, 2015. Factortame Revisited and the Constitution Reimagined: The UK Supreme Court Takes Its First Ride on the HS2 Rail-Line UK Supreme Court Yearbook. 5, 157-175
  • CHRISTOPHER SARGEANT, 2015. Human Rights Law UK Supreme Court Yearbook. 6, 393-403
  • CHRISTOPHER SARGEANT, 2014. Two Steps Forward, One Step Back - The Cautionary Tale of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 Seoul National University Public Interest and Human Rights Law Review. 14(1), 141-176

School of Law

Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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