Dr Hemi Mistry joined the School of Law as an Assistant Professor in September 2015. She holds an LLB (Hons) and an LLM (with distinction) in International Criminal Justice and Armed Conflict, both from the University of Nottingham. She was awarded a PhD by the University of Nottingham in 2016 for her thesis on the topic of dissent by international judges.
Hemi's research focuses upon how judicial procedure within international courts and tribunals affects the manner in which those institutions pursue 'international justice'. Currently she is working on projects that explore the nature of judicial authority in international law, an in particular how that authority is established and reproduced through visual and material performance and ritual.
Previously, Hemi has worked with the International Law Programme at Chatham House contributing to projects in the fields of international criminal law and justice, the laws of armed conflict and international human rights law and policy. She has also interned at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law, where she focused on the right to education within the Inter-American and African regional human rights regimes.
In April 2014, she was awarded the Antonio Cassese Initiative Prize for her paper 'The Paradox of Dissent: Judicial Dissent and the Project of International Criminal Justice'.
Hemi has a diverse range of teaching interests. She currently or has recently taught Trusts, Tort and International Criminal Law on the Undergraduate Programme, and Principles of Public International Law on the LLM.
Teaching Summary
Hemi is module convenor of Foundations of International Criminal Law and contributes to teaching in Foundations of Tort, delivering both tutorials and lectures.
In recent years Hemi has also contributed to teaching Public International Law on the LLM Programme and The Law of Trusts on the Undergraduate Programme.
Recent Publications
HEMI MISTRY, 2023. A Performative Theory of Judicial Dissent Modern Law Review. 86(3), HEMI MISTRY, 2023. Joint Opinion. In: HÉLÈNE RUIZ FABRI, ed., Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law Oxford University Press. HEMI MISTRY, 2021. Referral by the United Nations Security Council (ICC). In: HÉLÈNE RUIZ FABRI, ed., Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law Oxford University Press. (In Press.)