April 23, 2021, by Sarah

Discover our collections: William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare was a renowned English poet, playwright, and actor born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. 

Considered by many to be the greatest dramatist of all time, this blog (published on 23 April, the date most commonly celebrated as his birthday) provides an overview of Shakespeare’s works and related resources which can be found in our collections. 

To find out more about his life and career, read Shakespeare’s biography in either Literature Online or Britannica Academic.  

Books and Journals 

How many of Shakespeare’s plays, poems and sonnets have you read? You can find them all in the Arden Shakespeare Complete Works. Available in our collections in both print or online format.  

Some key sources include: 

Key journals in our collections include: 

Some of these titles are edited by, and feature content from, Nottingham academics. 

Explore NUsearch

Much has been written about The Bard and you might find some of these NUsearch results interesting: 

For even more sources, check out World Shakespeare Bibliography Online. This tool provides annotated entries for all important books, articles, book reviews, dissertations, theatrical productions, reviews of productions, audiovisual materials, electronic media, and other scholarly and popular materials related to Shakespeare and published or produced between 1960 and the present.

DIscover Shakespeare's Globe on Screen on Drama Online

Performances and broadcasts

More productions are available on Digital Theatre+, where you’ll also find documentaries, interviews, graphic novels, essays and study guides. 

Productions available on Digital Theatre+

These curated playlists on Box of Broadcasts contain films, television programmes and documentaries: 

Box of Broadcasts

Updated: 8 August 2022

Posted in Collections