Trent Building

July 27, 2021, by Emma

REF: Ensuring your RIS outputs are compliant

Guidance on ensuring that your RIS outputs are compliant for the next REF (Research Excellence Framework).

In anticipation of the next REF, Research England states that open access requirements associated with REF 2021 continue to apply.

Articles and conference papers must therefore complete the process of deposit in RIS (Research Information System) within three months of the date of acceptance for publication.

To ensure REF compliance, authors must ensure that outputs are pushed through from ‘in progress’ to ‘in review’ well within this 3-month timeframe.

Frequently asked questions

Q. I have outputs listed as ‘in progress’, do I need to do anything?

A. Yes, authors are strongly encouraged to visit RIS regularly to review their ‘in progress’ outputs.

Q. What are ‘in progress’ outputs?

A. Indicated by a red square, ‘in progress’ outputs await author action. You may have started adding a record but not completed the process.

Some will be records harvested automatically into RIS from external sources such as Scopus (sometimes in error; sometimes duplicating outputs already in the system).

Others require the addition of extra information or files. Further guidance can be found in the RIS Outputs and Research Repository user guide (PDF).

Q. I have outputs listed as ‘in review’, do I need to do anything?

A. No, outputs listed as ‘in review’ are in a queue for library staff to process.

Q. How do I move my ‘in progress’ outputs onto ‘in review’?

A. Items cannot progress to ‘in review’ for processing by library staff until the Deposit button is clicked. The Deposit button becomes active (i.e. goes green) only when every mandatory field is completed.

Mandatory record fields are marked with red asterisks.  You can also add extra comments/information for library staff.

Please contact with any queries.

Posted in AcademicsResearch Support