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Image of Kenton Arkill

Kenton Arkill

Associate Professor in Endothelial and Vascular Imaging, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences


Expertise Summary

Endothelial Glycocalyx and Vascular Permeability

Transmission Electron Microscopy

General biological nanoscale techniques (inc. cryogenic/correlative and 3D techniques)

Research Summary

Being able to image the microcirculation is a key technology in the determination of vascular physiology. My research focuses on developing 3D correlative microscopy techniques in order to better… read more

Recent Publications

  • NIZAMUDEEN, ZUBAIR AHMED, XU, EMMA-RUOQI, KARTHIK, VIVIN, HALAWA, MOHAMED, ARKILL, KENTON P., JACKSON, ANDREW M., BATES, DAVID O. and EMSLEY, JONAS, 2021. Structural assessment of SARS-CoV2 accessory protein ORF7a predicts LFA-1 and Mac-1 binding potential BIOSCIENCE REPORTS. 41,
  • JAMES, V., NIZAMUDEEN, Z.A., LEA, A., DOTTORINI , T., HOLMES, T.L., JOHNSON B.B., ARKILL, K.P. and DENNING, C., 2021. Transcriptomic Analysis of Cardiomyocyte Extracellular Vesicles in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Reveals Differential snoRNA Cargo Stem Cells Dev. 30((24)), 1215-1227
  • DALWADI, MOHIT P., KING, JOHN R., DYSON, ROSEMARY J. and ARKILL, KENTON P., 2020. Mathematical model to determine the effect of a sub-glycocalyx space PHYSICAL REVIEW FLUIDS. 5(4),

Fellow of the Royal Microscopy Society

Member of the Institute of Physics

Member of the British Microcirculation Society (Committee 2015-2018)

Current Research

Being able to image the microcirculation is a key technology in the determination of vascular physiology. My research focuses on developing 3D correlative microscopy techniques in order to better describe the microcirculation.

Key Research Areas

2018-2021 Newton Mobility Grant (The Royal Society), FRGS (Malaysian Research Council)

Understanding the Effect of Radiation on Biolubrication which Contributes to Joint Pain Post Cancer Radiation Treatment

This project is particularly interested in the proteoglycan lubricin and how its lipid and hyaluronan interactions change due to radiation therapy. Damage may be the route cause of arthritic pain. This as a new project area in collaboration with Dr Irman Rahman, and Dr Megan Lord.

2017-2021 Medical Research Council - New Investigator Research Grant

Variation in Glycocalyx Structure in Diabetes

Diabetic Retinopathy and Diabetic Nephropathy cause blindness and kidney failure associated by leaky blood vessels. The proposed research is focused on the endothelial glycocalyx. This is a specialised layer that covers blood vessel walls and acts as a molecular filter so the correct molecules transverse blood vessel walls. In normal physiology this filter is a layer of fibres spaced regularly at 20nm apart. The systemic disruption of this layer is well established in diabetes but what the disruption is, and what mechanism causes it, is totally unknown.

The overarching aim is to determine the basis of the filtration functionality by understanding the glycocalyx fibre organisational structure and how this is changed in diabetic model systems. The proposal will use state-of-the-art three dimensional, structural, and analytical electron microscopy techniques to determine structure whilst systematically altering the constituent components and functionality (permeability) of the glycocalyx.

Main Collaborators: Prof. Dave Bates, Dr Cathy Merry, Dr Roland Fleck, Prof. Klaus Qvortrup.

2019-2024 ESPRC Strategic Equipment EP/S021434/1

High resolution, cryogenic analytical and transfer scanning electron microscope (HR-CAT-SEM).

At UoN we are proud to have this top specification cryogenic FIBSEM with lift out capabilities and support equipment (including optical tweezers, laser branding and cryogenic confocal) For more information see the nmRC

Past Research

2016-2017 Facility for Environmental Nanoscience Characterisation and Analysis

Determining Dynamic Nanoparticle Uptake On Subcellular Scale Using Correlative light Electron Microscopy

Environmentally relevant nanoparticles (e.g. Silver used in industrial processes) have similar issues to medical nanoparticles used in drug delivery when it comes to detecting where in tissue they have gone. This project is to combine the knowledge of the medical field with the environmental field to create a combined workflow within the FENAC facility.

Main Collaborators: FENAC, Prof. Paul Verkade, Dr Lorna Hodgson and Mrs Judith Mantell

2015-2017 British Heart Foundation

Novel nanosensors for real time determination of shear stress experienced by the endothelial surface layer

The wall shear stress is the force of a fluid on a surface, and in blood vessels this force changes how the walls of the blood vessels behave. In diseases such as cancer, atherosclerosis and diabetes changes in the physical and biochemical behaviour are linked to the wall shear stress yet it cannot be measured accurately.

Myself, with collaborators from several universities, have designed a semi-rigid bio-synthetic nanoparticle that is shaped as a piece of string. It is 900nm long but only 7nm wide. We attach this to any surface using a surface dependent molecule and image how the particle reacts to fluids. The current work is to alter the design the particle to work in physiological environments.

Main Collaborators: Prof. Tim Dafforn, Prof. Dave Bates, Dr Dave Smith

2015-2017 Bizkaia Talent Fellowship - (University of the Basque Country)

Regulation of Nuclear Envelope Architecture: A Hallmark in Ageing

The internal membranes around the nucleus extend out into the whole cell. As tissues age the processes within cells dividing degrades. The membranes are made of a concoction of lipid bilayers that have different abilities to curve. This project aims to determine the curvature of lipids, hence their make-up and function, using a combination of 3D Correlative Light Electron Microscopy techniques.

Main Collaborators: Prof. Banafshe Larijani, Dr Lucy Collinson, Prof. Paul Verkade, Prof. Dominic Poccia

Future Research

Funded PhD Studentships Available

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