Waveform analysis


Some cell types have characteristic waveform shapes that you may want to analyse further. This procedure is a simple (if protracted) way of exporting waveform shape data from NeuroEXplorer into Matlab. I also suggest some (slightly inelegant) methods for extracting waveforms from certain time periods for further analysis, such as, making an average waveform, or extracting the waveform maxima and minima. Further analysis is possible, depending on your Matlab skills! These instructions assume little knowledge of Matlab so please excuse them if you are a Matlab genius.




Procedure for extracting waveforms from Plexon data

Example of simple waveform analysis in Matlab  

1. Extracting the first 100 waveforms from each unit

Writing a script

Set path

Running the script on your data

2. Extracting data from later in the experiment

3. Creating an average waveform

     Plotting on the same graph

4. Quantifying waveform shape

Waveform maxima and minima

Finding other waveform coordinates

Common problems or error messages and what they mean







Procedure for extracting waveforms from Plexon data


Open your file in NeuroEXplorer (e.g. data.plx)


In the variables window, select the units you wish to analyse further (e.g. sig001a_wfs; sig002a_wfs etc.). Make sure you select the signals with the _wfs ending (darker colour)!





From the File menu, select Send data to Matlab.



This should open a Matlab command window in which the waveforms for each unit you selected are contained and named as they were in NeuroEXplorer (sig001a_wfs; sig002a_wfs etc.). To see them as they are displayed below, from the View menu, select Workspace.



If you are not able to send files to Matlab see Common problems or error messages and what they mean below.


You can delete the timestamps data if you don’t want to use them later (e.g. sig001a_wf_ts). Highlight the variables you don’t need and press the rubbish bin icon, select Edit, Delete or press the Delete button.


You should save your workspace at this point (e.g. data_wfs.mat)!




Example of simple waveform analysis in Matlab 

1. Extracting the first 100 waveforms from each unit


Open your Matlab file (e.g. data_wfs.mat). As a check, you should be able to see each variable (unit) in the workspace (e.g. Name: sig001a_wfs; Size: 56x3913; Bytes: 1753024; Class: double array). I prefer to work in the default Matlab set-up which looks like this:



To extract the first 100 waveforms from sig001a_wfs, you could enter the following into the command line (the main window at the >> prompt):




This creates a variable, called basal_1a, which contains the first 100 waveforms from sig001a_wf. The quickest and simplest way to do this for all the units in your experiment is to copy and paste the text above into a Matlab script, which you can adapt for each experiment.






Writing a script

To write a new script, from the File menu, select New, and m-file. This should open another window containing a blank sheet. Alternatively, you can adapt one that already exists, for example, look for





In this script, the first 100 waveforms for several units will be extracted using text like this:








basal_5a=sig005a_wf(:,1:100); % and so on…


Matlab ignores text which is preceded by the % sign (and makes the text green). This script was written to enable the user to include or exclude units in different experiments easily.


For example, in experiment A, 2 units (sig001a and sig001b) were recorded but in experiment B, only sig001a was recorded and so the extraction for sig001b has been excluded or commented out using the % sign.


In your script file, you can copy, paste and adjust the naming and numbering to extract the first 100 waveforms for all your units.


You will need to save your script before you can use it in Matlab. A good way to do this is to create a folder in the Matlab Toolbox, which is where the in-built Matlab m-files are located e.g.:



When a script has not been saved, you will see the title of the window is:

            Untitled1* (or a higher number depending on how many new sheets have been used).



Once you have saved your script (e.g. as BasalWFs.m), this will become the title of the window. If you make further changes without saving them, the * sign follows the title of your script file.






Set path

In order for Matlab to use your new script, Matlab needs to know where it is. Thus, you may need to tell Matlab where the script files you want to use are located before they will work. To do this, select File, Set Path.


A small window should open up:


On the right-hand side of this small window are listed all the places where Matlab will look for your scripts. If your script is not contained within any of the folders or subfolders listed, press the Add Folder… button. This will open another window in which you can browse and select the folder containing your script file. Press the Save button and Close the window.





Running the script on your data

To run a script on your data, you need only type the name of the script in the command window (main window) followed by a semi-colon e.g. BasalWFs; and press return.



You should see the new variables you have created (e.g. basal_1a) appear in the workspace. If you get a red error message, check the Common problems or error messages and what they mean section below.





2. Extracting data from later in the experiment

If, for example, you gave a drug 30 minutes (1800 seconds) after you started recording and you wanted to extract 100 waveforms at this point, you need to open the original data.plx file again in NeuroEXplorer. You then need to look up in NeuroEXplorer when each unit fired after 1800 seconds.

Press the Timestamps tab at the bottom of the NeuroEXplorer window:




The left-hand column (grey) is the point number (the spike tally) and each additional column (white) refers to each signal or unit. If you scroll down to the last spike in sig001a, the point number should be the same as the size in the Matlab workspace window.



Thus, if you want to look for the spikes that occurred 1800 seconds after the recording started, you need to look up the point closest to 1800 in the columns of each unit you want to analyse. For example, for sig001a below, the first spike after 1800 was point number 2709 for the spike occurring at 1803.843 seconds.



Since each unit is different, you will need to look up, and note down the point at which the first spike occurred after the time (e.g. 1800 seconds) you have selected. This is tedious, sorry!


As the point number in the Variables table in NeuroEXplorer is the same as the point number in Matlab, you can use this number in the same kind of script you wrote to extract the first 100 waveforms. You might want to write a new script (e.g. DrugWFs.m) to save lots of typing if you use these scripts often. To avoid overwriting variables you have already created you might also want to use a different name for the new variables:


e.g. instead of: basal_1a=sig001a_wfs(:,1:100);

use: drug_1a=sig001a_wfs(:,2709:2808);


where, we have used the point number we looked up in NeuroEXplorer as the first spike after 1800 seconds (2709) and extract the next 100 points after this (to 2808). You can then continue, using the point numbers you looked up in NeuroEXplorer

e.g. drug_2a=sig002a_wfs(:,3113:3212);






3. Creating an average waveform

To make an average waveform, you can use the inbuilt average function in Matlab and in the command window, type:




Make sure you include the ' sign as this orders the data the right way round to average it!

If you want to see what your averaged wavefrom looks like, in the command window, type:



A graph window should appear showing a nicely averaged waveform:




To create an average of each unit, you can make a script, as described above, or amend an existing one such as





Again, in the script, you can copy, paste and adjust the text to fit your data:









In the wfaverage script, I have also included a way of plotting the average waveforms for each unit on one graph:



subplot (3,2,1); plot (av_1a, ('r'));

subplot (3,2,3); plot (av_2a, ('r'));

subplot (3,2,5); plot (av_3a, ('r'));

subplot (3,2,2); plot (av_4a, ('b'));

subplot (3,2,4); plot (av_5a, ('b'));

subplot (3,2,6); plot (av_6a, ('b'));


The first line tells Matlab to open a new graph window (make sure it is not a capital F).

The following lines tell Matlab to plot each averaged waveform in a different position on a 3-down, 2-across grid (3,2,n).

For example, Matlab fills position 1 (3,2,1), with av_1a in red in the top left-hand corner. In position 2 (3,2,2) it plots av_4a in blue in the top right-hand corner. Note that Matlab plots across and then down if you use a subplot.






Plotting on the same graph

If, for example, you want to compare the waveforms from the same unit at the beginning and end of a recording, or after the addition of a drug, you can plot the averaged waveforms on the same graph by typing in the command window:



            hold on;



To produce something like this:



where the basal waveform is in the default colour (blue) and the waveform after the drug is in red (as defined by writing ,‘r’). The command hold on means that Matlab will overlay subsequent plots on the same graph.

Shorthand for other colours include: r red; y yellow; g green; b blue; m magenta; k black; c cyan.






4. Quantifying waveform shape

If you want to quantify differences you observe when comparing waveforms, or want a further method of discriminating your spikes from noise, you may want to quantify your averaged waveforms. There are a couple of simple ways of doing this in Matlab.


Waveform maxima and minima

Matlab will tell you the maximum and minimum points of your waveform using the max and min functions.

e.g. to find the minimum point in your waveform, type in the command line:



and when you press return, you will get a value for D which indicates the minimum value and J which indicates the point number at which the minimum was found (omitting the ; sign means that Matlab prints the result in the command window).


You can write a simple script, like the following, that will speed things up if you want to look at several waveforms:

e.g. C:\Matlab\Toolbox\JillsMatlabFunctions\wfminmax.m


which says:


function [data]  = wfminmax(data);





This is a function, which differs slightly from the scripts described above. As defined in Matlab: scripts are simply files containing a sequence of MATLAB statements. Functions make use of their own local variables and accept input arguments. Using this function means that if you want to find the minimum and maximum of the averaged waveform av_1a, you only need to type into the command line:




Matlab will then return the maximum coordinates as C and I, and the minimum coordinates as D and J in the command window for you to use as you wish e.g. copy into a data table:





Finding other waveform coordinates

One more interactive way of getting information from your waveform plot is to use the command ginput. For example, if you want to know the coordinates of a specific point type in the command line:




(omitting the ; ) and some crosshairs will appear on your graph:



Every time you click on the graph, Matlab will note the coordinates of your click. Once you have clicked on your final location, press return and in the command window Matlab will return the coordinates of your clicks e.g. in the example above Matlab returns:



Again, you can copy and paste these numbers into your spreadsheet.



Common problems or error messages and what they mean


??? Undefined function or variable 'BasalWFs'.

The error refers to your script file (function).

This might occur if Matlab doesn’t know where to find your script file (m-file). You may need to Set Path to show Matlab where to look (see Page X).


??? Undefined function or variable 'sig001b_wf'.

The error refers to your variable (sig001b_wf).

This means the variable you have asked Matlab to work on doesn’t exist. This often occurs if you have forgotten to comment out (using the % sign) variables that don’t exist in this experiment but did exist in previous experiments.


??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions.

This means the numbers you have asked Matlab to use are greater than the size of the variable you have asked it to work on.

If you typed something like this: drug_1a=sig001a_wfs(:,2709:2808);

Check the number of points in your variable (sig001a_wfs) – are there greater than 2808 points in the Size column in the workspace (e.g. Size: 56 x 3913)?

If the number of points is less than the number you have typed (e.g. less than 2808), you are asking Matlab to work on points that don’t exist in this file. You may have looked up the wrong point number in NeuroEXplorer or the unit may have less spikes than you expected. You might need to run the analysis on less spikes or discard this unit from your analysis.


You thought you made a change to your script but when you ran the script, the change didn’t happen.

Check you saved all the recent changes to your script – if a * is present following the title of your window, you didn’t save the last changes.


A Matlab command window doesn’t open when I try to send it from NeuroEXplorer

There may be some .dll files missing. Ask Beth or Rob!


If you want to be able to do more….. Matlab help is excellent so go for it !!



J.M.S. February, 2004