Nottingham Geospatial Institute


MD. TARIQUL ISLAM, 2014. Least Square Approach to Estimate 3D Coordinate Transformation Parameters: A Case of Three Reference Systems in Sweden International Journal of Remote Sensing and GIS. 3(3), 30-38

MOORE, T., ABDULRAHIM, K., HIDE, C. and HILL, C., 2014. Increased error observability of an inertial Pedestrian navigation system by rotating IMU: Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences. 46 B(2), 211-225

MOORE, T., ABDULRAHIM, K., SEMAN, K., OTHMAN, M., MD SHUIB, F. M., HIDE, C. and HILL, C., 2014. On magnetometer heading updates for inertial pedestrian navigation system: Gyroscopy and Navigation Gyroscopy and Navigation. 5(3), 145-152

ABDULRAHIM, K., HIDE, C., MOORE, T. and HILL, C., 2014. Rotating a mems inertial measurement unit for a foot-mounted pedestrian navigation: Journal of Computer Science Journal of Computer Science. 10(12), 2619-2627

BASIRI, ANAHID, AMIRIAN, POURIA, WINSTANLEY, ADAM, MOORE, TERRY and HILL, CHRIS, 2014. Spatial Uncertainty Management in Pedestrian Navigation. In: Principle and Application Progress in Location-Based Services Springer. 343-355

ABDULRAHIM, K., MOORE, T., HIDE, C.D. and HILL, C.J., 2014. Understanding the Performance of Zero Velocity Updates in MEMS-based Pedestrian Navigation International Journal of Advancements in Technology. 5(2), 53-60

SABATINI, R., MOORE, T. and HILL, C.J., 2014. GNSS Avionics-Based Integrity Augmentation for RPAS Detect-and-Avoid Applications In: Proceedings of the Fourth Australasian Unmanned Systems Conference, ACUS 2014.

MOORE, T., 2014. Ubiquitous Positioning: A Pipe Dream or Reality? In: Institute of Navigation International Technical Meeting 2014, ITM 2014. 1-36

BASIRI, A., LOHAN, E. S., PEDRO FIGUEIREDO, E., PELTOLA, P., MOORE, T. and HILL, C., 2014. Overview of positioning technologies from fitness-to-purpose point of view In: Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Localization and GNSS, ICL-GNSS 2014.

SABATINI, R., MOORE, T. and HILL, C., 2014. Avionics-based GNSS integrity augmentation for unmanned aerial systems sense-and-avoid In: 27th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, ION GNSS 2014. 4. 3600-3617

JING, H., PINCHIN, J., HILL, C. and MOORE, T., 2014. Collaborative Wi-Fi fingerprint training for indoor positioning In: 27th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, ION GNSS 2014. 2. 1669-1678

GREBBY, STEPHEN, CUNNINGHAM, DICKSON, TANSEY, KEVIN and NADEN, JONATHAN, 2014. The impact of vegetation on lithological mapping using airborne multispectral data: a case study for the North Troodos region, Cyprus. REMOTE SENSING. 6(11), 10860-10887

MILLER, JAMES D., KIM, HYEONJUN, KJELDSEN, THOMAS R., PACKMAN, JOHN, GREBBY, STEPHEN and DEARDEN, RACHEL, 2014. Assessing the impact of urbanization on storm runoff in a pen-urban catchment using historical change in impervious cover. JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY. 515, 59-70

MILLER, JAMES D. and GREBBY, STEPHEN, 2014. Mapping long-term temporal change in imperviousness using topographic maps. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION. 30, 9-20

ODBERT, HENRY M. and GREBBY, STEPHEN, 2014. A note on geographical systems and maps of Montserrat. In: WADGE, G., ROBERTSON, R.E, & VOIGHT, B., ed., The eruption of Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat from 2000 to 2010: GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, LONDON, MEMOIRS 39. 489-494
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