Nottingham Geospatial Institute


HAIYING LIU, ET AL, 2011. Method of inertial aided satellite navigation and its integrity monitoring Journal of Astronautics.

JONES, S., WARDLAW, J., CAROLAN, M. and CROUCH, S., 2011. Modelling catchment areas for acute providers: a case study. Health Care Management Science. 14(3), 253-261

SKARLATIDOU, A., WARDLAW, J., HAKLAY, M. and CHENG, T., 2011. Understanding the influence of specific Web GIS attributes in the formation of non-experts’ trust perceptions. In: RUAS, A., ed., Advances in Cartography and GIScience. Selection from ICC 2011, Paris. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. Vol. 1. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 219-238

TONI FRÖBEL, BERTHOLD FIRMENICH and CHRISTIAN KOCH, 2011. Quality assessment of coupled civil engineering applications Advanced Engineering Informatics. 25(4), 625-639

CHRISTIAN KOCH and IOANNIS BRILAKIS, 2011. Pothole Detection in Asphalt Pavement Images Advanced Engineering Informatics. 25(3), 507-515

CHRISTIAN KOCH and BERTHOLD FIRMENICH, 2011. An Approach to Distributed Building Modeling on the Basis of Versions and Changes Advanced Engineering Informatics. 25(4)(2), 297-310

GAURI M. JOG, CHRISTIAN KOCH, MANI GOLPAVAR-FARD and IOANNIS BRILAKIS, 2011. A camera based ubiquitous pavement condition assessment framework In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR).

CHRISTIAN KOCH and IOANNIS BRILAKIS, 2011. Automated Detection of Potholes in Visual Data In: Proceedings of the 6th International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ISEC-6).

CHRISTIAN KOCH and IOANNIS BRILAKIS, 2011. Improving Pothole Recognition through Vision Tracking for Automated Pavement Assessment In: Proceedings of the 2011 EG-ICE International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering.

MARQUES, HA, MONICO, JFG, ROSA, GPS, CHUERUBIM, ML AND AQUINO, M, 2011. Second and Third Order Ionospheric Effects on GNSS: a Case Study in Brazil Proceedings of IAG Symposia 136, 2009, Geodesy for Planet Earth (DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-20338-1_76).

ELMAS, Z.G., AQUINO, M., MARQUES, H.A. and MONICO, J.F.G., 2011. Higher order ionospheric effects in GNSS positioning in the European region Annales Geophysicae. 29, 1383-1399

ELMAS, Z, AQUINO, M AND FORTE, B, 2011. The Impact of Ionospheric Scintillation on the GNSS Receiver Signal Tracking Performance and Measurement Accuracy In: XXXth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Istanbul, 13-20 Aug 2011.

ROMANO, V, BOUGARD, B, AQUINO, M, MONICO, JFG and WILLEMS, T, 2011. INVESTIGATION OF LOW LATITUDE SCINTILLATIONS IN BRAZIL WITHIN THE CIGALA PROJECT In: 3rd International Colloquium on Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme.

AQUINO, M, DODSON, A, BENIGUEL, Y, DE FRANCESCHI, G, DOVIS, F, FORTE, B, GALAS, R, JAKOWSKI, N, KOS, T, MITCHEL, CN, NOTARPIETRO, R and WERNIK, AW, 2011. Training Research and Applications Network to Support the Mitigation of Ionospheric Threats In: 8th European Space Weather Week.

SREEJA, V. V., AQUINO, M., FORTE, B., ELMAS, Z., HANCOCK, C., DE FRANCESCHI, G., ALFONSI, L., SPOGLI, L., ROMANO, V., BOUGARD, B., MONICO, J. F. G., WERNIK, A. W., SLEEWAEGEN, J. M., CANTÓ, A. and FERREIRA DA SILVA, E., 2011. Tackling ionospheric scintillation threat to GNSS in Latin America: Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate. 1(1),
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