Subject Resources: Biological processes

Subject Resources: Biological processes

Listed below are Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs) developed by the School of Nursing, Midwifery & Physiotherapy in the subject area of Biological processes. Click on a title link to view the RLO. To keep up to date on released RLOs, keep checking our news section, or link to our RSS news feed (what's RSS?). Use of these RLOs is governed by our Terms of Use.

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Full list of RLOs

Biological processes RLOs
Title Description Detail
Action of drugs that target carriers This learning resource introduces carriers as a target for drug action and describes how carriers function and how drugs utilise these carriers. View further information on this RLO.
Bacteria and viruses compared Introduces and compares the structural components associated with bacteria and viruses by allowing users to build their own. View further information on this RLO.
Cell Division To identify the importance of cell division and briefly describe mitosis and meiosis. View further information on this RLO.
Clinical impact of changes in drug clearance Examines some of the factors which affect total body clearance of a drug and how this, in turn, influences a drug's clinical impact. View further information on this RLO.
Collagen formation Describes how collagen fibres are assembled in the formation of connective tissue. View further information on this RLO.
Concentration gradients This RLO describes the concept of concentration gradients in biological systems through analogy with gradients found in everyday life, and outlines passive and active transport across cell membranes. View further information on this RLO.
Different types of Epithelia Relates the microscopic appearance and structure of epithelia to their function. View further information on this RLO.
Elements that make up the human body Introducing the periodic table of elements, and identifying the major elements involved in the human body and their roles View further information on this RLO.
Events of the Menstrual Cycle This RLO describes the timing and main events for each of the phases of the menstrual cycle. It concentrates on the main events occurring in the ovary and uterine wall during these phases View further information on this RLO.
Exploring the synapse Describe the events during the transmission of an impulse across a synapse View further information on this RLO.
Glomerular Filtration Pressure The RLO deals with the opposing forces within the glomerulus and the Bowmans capsule which together create the glomerular filtration pressure. The RLO builds on the Starlings Forces RLO by the same author and is intended to form the basis for a future RLO on glomerular filtration rate. This RLO was developed jointly with De Montfort University. View further information on this RLO.
Heart Failure This RLO deals with the pathophysiology of heart failure, drug treatments, and nursing management. View further information on this RLO.
Homeostasis Introduction to the principles of homeostasis. View further information on this RLO.
How ligand-gated ion channel receptors communicate messages This learning object explains how ligand-gated channel receptors signal messages. View further information on this RLO.
Inflammatory response Describes the inflammatory response - a series of local cellular and vascular responses which are triggered when the body is injured or invaded by micro-organisms or antigen. View further information on this RLO.
Introducing Metabolism This learning resource looks at anabolic and catabolic metabolism. It describes the metabolic fate of energy substrates within the body and the relationships between subunits, storage and breakdown. View further information on this RLO.
Introduction to drug clearance Provides a definition of clearance and a basic explanation of the processes View further information on this RLO.
Introduction to Nociception This learning object helps the learner to describe the main components of the nociceptive pathways. View further information on this RLO.
Kidney Anatomy Introduction to the external and internal anatomy of the kidney. View further information on this RLO.
Kidney Physiology Introduction to the physiology of the kidney, examining the processes by which the kidneys filter blood, control body pH and eliminate the waste products of metabolism from the body. View further information on this RLO.
Liver Anatomy Introduction to the external and internal anatomy of the liver. View further information on this RLO.
Liver Physiology Introduction to the physiology of the liver, examining its role in filtering blood, metabolism, nutrient extraction and homeostasis. View further information on this RLO.
Meiosis: an interactive demonstration This is an interactive demonstration of the stages of cell mitosis. You can view the whole process in one continuous animation, or view the individual stages one by one. This learning object is part of the Cell Division RLO, where it appears as a popup on the Meiosis page. View further information on this RLO.
Mitosis: an interactive demonstration This is an interactive demonstration of the stages of cell mitosis. You can view the whole process in one continuous animation, or view the invidual stages one by one. This learning object is part of the Cell Division RLO, where it appears as a popup on the Mitosis page. There's also a demonstration of Meiosis available. View further information on this RLO.
Organisation of Organs Describes how a hollow organ such as the intestine, and a compact organ such as a salivary gland, are formed from the four basic tissue types. View further information on this RLO.
Osmosis and Diffusion Explaining the difference between the processes of diffusion and osmosis, and introducing the concepts of concentration gradients and tonicity. View further information on this RLO.
Pain Pathways ULO This learning object describes the main components of the nociceptive pathways. View further information on this RLO.
Perception of pain The Perception of pain learning resource is one of a series of objects which have been developed for the Pain pathways project. View further information on this RLO.
Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic influences of aminoglycoside dosing Examines how the absorbtion and distribution of aminoglycosides within the body affects the dosing regimens used. View further information on this RLO.
Plasma Proteins and Drug Distribution Examing the role of plasma proteins in the blood in the distribution and elimination of drugs in the body. View further information on this RLO.
Receptor location and the speed of drug action To explain how cellular receptor location influences the speed of drug action. View further information on this RLO.
Respiratory ventilation: anatomy and mechanics Presents the purpose of ventilation, the anatomical parts involved, and the muscular activity that enables ventilation to take place at rest. View further information on this RLO.
Safer Urinary Catheter Care This resource is designed to help healthcare professionals understand the dangers associated with urinary catheters and the correct ways in which to care for them to help prevent infection. The resource uses video clips and interactive elements as well as text. View further information on this RLO.
Starling's Forces An examination of the roles of hydrostatic and oncotic pressure in movement of fluid and gases across the capillary wall. View further information on this RLO.
The Kidneys and Drug Excretion The role of the kidneys in the excretion of drugs. View further information on this RLO.
The Liver and drug metabolism The role of the liver in the metabolism of drugs. View further information on this RLO.
Tissue Fluid Formation This RLO describes the distribution of fluids within the body and describes the forces involved in the circulation of fluids between the capillary and tissue compartments. View further information on this RLO.
Transduction of pain The Transduction of pain learning resource is part of a series of objects being developed for the nociceptive pathways project. View further information on this RLO.
Transmission of pain The Transmission of pain learning resource is part of a series of objects being developed for the nociceptive pathways project. View further information on this RLO.
Volume of distribution Explains the pharmacological concept of Volume of Distribution, and how it is calculated. View further information on this RLO.