Evidence-Based Practice RLO Pathway

To help guide students through the mass of EBP RLOs on this site, Stephen Timmons, Associate Professor in the School and author of some of the RLOs, suggests the following 'pathway' through the titles as a guide to students:

Stage 1

What is EBP?

Stage 2

Asking the right question

Qualitative and quantitative research

What are journals?

Why critique research?

Using database to find journal articles

How to conduct a literature search

Stage 3

What is an RCT?

Cohort and case control studies

Types of qualitative research

Designing a questionnaire

Steps in conducting a systematic review

Stage 4

Qualitative Data Analysis


Presenting and interpreting meta-analyses

Stage 5

Confidence intervals

Descriptive statistics for interval and ratio scale data

Determining the clinical importance of trial results

Levels of Measurement

Levels of Measurement: what you can and can't do arithmetically

Numbers needed to treat and numbers needed to harm

Positive and negative predictive value of diagnostic tests

Probability associated with inferential statistics