Ovarian Discussion Group Archive
The ovarian science discussion group is maintained by Martin Luck
on the majordomo system at the University of Nottingham.
If you wish to subscribe to this e-mail discussion group see the information page
The following is a selected archive of some of the discussion that has taken place

Go to Loose Threads
RUNNING THREADS - Items with responses

Abdul Rashid Baba (26/3/98) bST and its effect in superovulation of sheep
  • - Roger Pierson (8/4/98)
  • - Ieuan Joyce (7/4/98)
  • - Jin-Gui Gong (6/4/98)
  • - Joy Pate (26/3/98)

    David Townson (9/3/98) Progestins in pseudopregnant rats
  • - David Townson (9/3/98)

    Doug Eckery (4/2/98) Testosterone antibody
  • - Richard Ivell (6/2/98)
  • - Jeff Parrott (3/2/98)

    K Yamanouchi (20/1/98) Hamster peptide hormones
  • - AF Parlow (19/1/98)

    Martin Luck (13/1/98) Matrigel +/-
  • - Malcolm Richardson (14/3/98)

    Saffron Whitehead (10/11/97) Rat corpus luteum
  • - Hugo Ortega (11/11/97)

    Rob Fowkes (6/11/97) PG receptor binding & Kinetics
  • - Lori Anderson (6/111/97)
  • - Rob Fowkes (7/11/97)

    Leigh Silvester (22/10/97) Possible mechanism of cloprostenol action on subsequent luteal development

  • - Jack H. Britt (6/11/97)
  • - Tony Michael (6/11/97)
  • - Robert Blair (29/10/97)
  • - Neil Beck (29/10/97)
  • - Andrew Roberts (28/10/97)
  • - Milo Wiltbank (28/10/97)
  • - Michael Fields (28/10/97)
  • - Neil Beck (28/10/97)
  • - Michael Fields (27/10/97)
  • - Joy Pate (24/10/97)

    Malcolm Richardson (14/5/97) Human luteal granulosa derived cells-ECM interactions

  • - Tony Michael (21/5/97)

    Tony Michael (12/5/97) Ovarian Cortisol Metabolism

  • - Tony Michael (15/5/97)
  • - Martin Luck (15/5/97)
  • - Martin Luck (12/5/97)

    Back to top
    LOOSE THREADS - Items with no response so far
    To respond, send your response as an email message to ovary-science@nottingham.ac.uk with the blue heading as your subject line

    Further information about Indo-German Symposium - (4/1/99)
    FSH receptor antibody - Kate Wright (14/4/98)
    The 1999 NATIONAL OVARIAN WORKSHOP - Julian Jenkins (8/4/98)
    NOW98 abstracts - Julian Jenkins (4/498)
    An International Meeting on « Ovarian Aging and Failure » - S.Rozenberg (30/3/98)
    Second International Conference on Transgenic Animals - Li Birong (11/3/98)
    Activin Search! - Rhonda Henshall (6/3/98)
    Granulosa proteins 50-80 kD - Paul Fowler (30/1/98)
    P and E Receptors - John Verstegen (27/1/98)
    EP and FP receptor antibodies - Rob Fowkes (23/1/98)
    Hares and Nutria - Alexander Sirotkin (2/12/97)
    Online info for egg donors - Kriss Fearon (1/12/97)
    PDGH expression and PG metabolism - Rob Fowkes (26/11/97)
    Biological models research - Gwen Childs (26/11/97)
    Human ovarian cDNA library wanted - Paul Fowler (17/11/97)
    Insulin, androgens, binding proteins and PCO - Angela Cartee (10/11/97)
    Hypothyroidism & Polycystic ovarian- EDABIT (25/10/97)
    Culturing luteal slices from sheep - Neil Beck (2/10/97)
    Endothelial Steroidogenesis - Tony Michael (21/5/97)
    Ovarian Antioxidants - Jennifer Ragoobir (20/5/97)
    Pictures - Martin Luck (13/1/97)

    Last updated 4/1/98

    Current number of ovary-science subscribers: 191