
Date sent: Wed, 14 May 1997 13:30:27 +0100 (BST)
From: "M.C.Richardson"
This is just a test run on the "ovary science" system. A contribution from
Malcolm Richardson at Southampton.

We've been interested over the last few years in the way in which granulosa
derived cells in the human corpus luteum interact  with extracellular matrix. 
Using a model culture system, we have looked at the way in which human gc behave
given basement membrane (Matrigel) and serum-free medium. In this system, the
cells appear to move together to form characteristic cell clusters and we have
looked at this using a time-lapse video system (this will be presented at York).

At the recent ovarian workshop it became clear that gc derived cells in the cl
may be surrounded by basement membrane components.  This gives our in vitro
model some physiological credibility.  Lots of questions need to be answered:
a) Which integrins are involved in cell-matrix interaction?
b) Which matrix components are involved in this interaction?
c) Are cells modulated by changes in ECM?  For example, lack of gonadotrophin
could lead to  degradation of ECM and thereby cause cell death and luteolysis.
This could  be modulated by changes in proteinases and inhibitors.

This is probably enough for now.  Any comments?
By the way, thanks to Martin Luck for arranging this discussion group.

Joke of the day:  what did one dispersed cell say to another?  The suspense is
killing me.