
From:             Malcolm C Richardson 
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To:               Abdullah Shaito 
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Subject:          Review
Date sent:        Thu, 8 Oct 1998 13:56:23 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time)

The group has been asked by Abdullah Shaito about references 
to culture of granulosa cells on Matrigel. 
We have published several papers in this area which can be 
found referenced in O'Sullivan et al Molecular Human 
Reproduction (1997) vol 3, 405-410.

It is interesting that granulosa cells form discrete clusters 
on Matrigel similar to those seen with mammary epithelial 
cells.  Differentiated function is prolonged on Matrigel.  
The problem with it is that it contains many growth factors 
and other substances that may complicate results.  We are 
beginning to think that granulosa cells may make their own 
matrix in culture and it may be better to utilise this.  
There is certainly a lot of evidence that in vivo, luteinised 
granulosa cells may be in contact with basement membrane 
components so that, in general, culture systems that allow 
cell matrix interactions are a good idea.  There is certainly 
a lot of work to do.
Kind regards

Malcolm C Richardson
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Level F, Princess Anne Hospital,
Coxford Road, Southampton SO16 5YA