
From:             "Martin.Luck" 
Organization:     The University of Nottingham
To:               ovary-science@nottingham
Date sent:        Wed, 23 Sep 1998 10:01:35 GMT0BST
Subject:          Policy decision - roundup

Some 32 subscribers have responded to the Policy Decision 
message. Of these, 28 clearly indicated that they felt current 
policy to be correct, that is, that ovary-science should not be 
a forum for discussion of personal medical conditions. None 
stated that the policy was incorrect. Four replies were 

Seven respondents pointed to the possible legal implications of 
giving medical advice on the internet. Several others noted that 
any such advice would be provided without the benefit of an 
adequate medical consultation.

Eight respondents agreed with the original complainant that the 
list owner's response was "cold" or could at least be better 
worded. Six suggested that the standard reply to personal 
enquiries should include direction to other internet sources 
(a number of which were listed).

On the basis of this response, the list owner has decided to 
retain the current policy, as stated in the welcome message.
However, a new standard reply to personal enquirers will be 
drafted which will seek to be rather less abrupt. It will 
suggest that there maybe other sources of advice available on 
the internet but will not name them (so as to avoid 

It remains possible for subscribers to reply to such enquiries 
on an individual and personal basis if they so wish (as some 
have done in the past) but this should not be done on behalf of 
the list. Such replies should be addressed to the enquirer 
personally and not to ovary-science. 

A collection of the (anonymised) replies appears in the next message of this thread. 

Thank you very much to all who took the trouble to send their 
views. The subscribership clearly felt this to be an important 
issue and many deeply-held opinions were expressed.

(List Owner)