PADSHE Project - University of Nottingham

Synopsis of current work

The focus of current work is making links between the new DfES Progress File in schools and colleges and the Higher Education Progress File (PARs and ePARs) in the University. Data is being collected on Widening Participation students' experiences of transition into the University and a New Entrant Profile has been developed, which is completed on paper or on-line before Week One and encourages the incoming student to feel part of the University at an early stage. Some of the first students to use the NEP last September reported that it helped to overcome their fear of their first personal tutorial, allowed them to update their UCAS personal statement and acted as an 'ice-breaker' on both sides when meeting their personal tutor for the first time.

Proposed workshops for Year 11 students, to complete their Nottingham Passport end of Key Stage 4 personal statement, prior to entry into 6th form college.

Evaluation of use of New Entrant Profile in Schools using it for the first time in 2003.

Develop the PADSHE input to the regular students Welcome Event in September 2003, to establish stronger relationships with lst year students in order to faciliate further work.

Tracking and collecting experiences of 1st and 2nd year Widening Participating undergraduates, as a basis for making recommendations for nature and extent of support required during transition (see 2002 UCAS report Paving the Way)

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