PADSHE Project - University of Nottingham

Project work in partner universities 1999 - 2000:

The University of Reading

The University of Reading has a total student population of over 12,000 to whom it offers a wide-range of inter-related single and combined subject programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in a research active environment. Although often praised in QAA Subject Review (and before them in Teaching Quality Assessment) reports, a recent internal review of the University’s Personal Tutor system highlighted some areas which the University is keen to address. The main weakness of the present system is that no formal records are required to be kept of meetings between students and their personal tutors. In addition, the University is currently improving its student provision in the area of key skills, including career management, which are to be embedded into the curriculum. As well as being given the opportunity to develop these skills students also need to be enabled to reflect on their progress.

The University sees the development of Personal Academic Records for students as an ideal way to record not only academic progress, but also to document pastoral care. Further it allows students to reflect on and evaluate their academic and personal progress in many areas including key skills in a way which will benefit both students and academic staff.

Five departments, one from each of the Faculties, have developed their own PARs by customising the one developed by the English department in the University of Nottingham and after consultation with students and the personal tutors. The PAR material is now being used with first year students and is being evaluated. If these pilots prove to be successful the University intends to introduce the scheme campus-wide over the next five years.

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