PADSHE Project - University of Nottingham

Download PAR documents

In the event of difficulty with this download, please contact Sandra Kingston.

We are happy to make a sample set of student PAR materials available here and for you to download any sections which are of use to you. Please note, however, that these materials come with a health warning: many of them date from as early as 1993 and do not necessarily reflect current thinking or trends in PDP.

In return for this documentation we would be grateful if you could register your interest. This will help us by contributing to our picture of the range of professional situations from which our enquirers come. We may make occasional use of the resulting database to mail you information about our current project work.

Thank you.

Basic components of a PAR

See Basic components of a PAR for an index to the sample PAR materials.


The procedures documented in the sample materials have undergone some revision through pilot schemes in other departments. In particular, materials supporting students' reflection on their learning and skills development are being developed for the IT-based version of the PAR through the Internet-PARs project.

Further examples

Examples of paper-based PARs developed in a range of other disciplines are available for consultation. Please contact the Project Secretary, Sandra Kingston. Subjects include: Biological Science, Classics, Education, English, Law, Mathematics, Nursing, Physics, Physiotherapy, Politics, Psychology.

To register your interest, please fill in the following information and press submit. Your name will be added to our database.


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