PADSHE Project - University of Nottingham

ePARs and Personal Development Planning (PDP)

New students can start entering data into their ePARs pre-entry, as soon as they have their exam results and have fulfilled the terms of their admissions offer.

Personal tutorials/Progress review meetings structure and support the student's Personal Development Planning on an individual basis, complemented by optional group work. Additional tutorials relating to pastoral matters can also be included.

Students review their academic progress and complete reflective preparation for personal tutor meetings at least three times per year. Target-setting and action-planning are also supported.

Each School can customise the system to set its own agenda for review meetings tailored to the needs of students in different cohorts and at different levels of study.

Each student can set personal preferences and has a private area in which to work, the logbook. The system allows students to opt to share material from the logbook with their tutor or other members of their tutor group.

The ePARs Personal Evidence Database represents a major enhancement of the functionality of the system (September 2003). This allows the student a range of approaches for:
· recording evidence of skills development and transfer, inside and outside the curriculum
· demonstrating qualities relevant to employability
all linked directly into functionality for producing draft CVs and material for job applications and interviews.

There are built-in email communications and three windows on the system: Student, Tutor/Mentor and Administrator.

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