Minutes of meeting 26th August, 2005



Present at meeting:  Dr Richard Bowker               (fellow)

                                    Mr Gordon Denney               (lay representative/sponsor)

                                    Miss Susie Hewitt                 (general ED)

                                    Prof Terence Stephenson    (chair)


Apologies from:         Dr David Bond                      (general paediatrician)

                                    Dr Maria Atkinson                 (fellow)

                                    Dr Jim Bonham                     (clinical chemist)

                                    Dr Mandy Hampshire           (primary care)

                                    Dr Monica Lakhanpaul         (guideline methodologist)                           

                                    Dr Ian Maconochie                (paed. ED)

                                    Dr Stephanie Smith              (paed. ED)

                                    Sr Sue Shipston                    (emergency department practitioner)

                                    Dr Harish Vyas                      (PICU)

                                    Dr John Walter                      (metabolic medicine)

                                    Dr William Whitehouse         (paed. neurologist)




1.      Minutes of last meeting

            The minutes of the last meeting 15th June 2005 were approved without changes.


2.   Algorithm changes and options

      The views of stakeholders, guideline development group members and doctors who have piloted the guideline were discussed. Several changes have been agreed including: the order of the pages (front page now the overview algorithm – previously page 3); fewer abbreviations (and a box listing any abbreviations); and changes to emphasise the need to identify suspected problems concurrently not sequentially.


3.   Care pathway feedback

      The care pathway has been generally well accepted. A few changes to the text were suggested. The pathway should be discussed with writers of successful care pathways, for further feedback.


4.   Patient information leaflet feedback

      The pilot leaflet has now been reviewed by a number of patients and stakeholder groups. It has been well received. A few changes to the text were agreed upon by the GDG.

      Gordon Denney was unsure as to whether mention of the National Reye’s Syndrome Foundation should be on the leaflet. After the changes to the text have been made, he will discuss with the Foundation their thoughts on this matter.

      The leaflet once finalised will be translated into a number of languages.




5.   Implementation strategies

      Once the guideline technical document has been finalised (after the Public meeting), it will be sent for appraisal by the RCPCH and BAEM (British Association for Accident and Emergency Medicine). This may take a couple of months before the guideline has been fully appraised. Once appraisal has been completed, it can be disseminated widely. It is anticipated that dissemination will include journal publications, abstracts at conferences, and sending a guideline package to every Emergency department and Paediatric admissions unit in the UK.

      In the guideline package will be a letter explaining the guideline, a colour version of the algorithm and a CD. The CD will contain printable versions of the algorithm, the full technical document, a web-version which can be loaded onto local hospital intranets, a hand-held computer version for downloading to PDAs, a demonstration presentation of how to use the guideline (viewed at GDG meeting) and an education package (focussing on raised intracranial pressure and metabolic illnesses).



The public open day on 7th October aims to present the work to the Reye’s Syndrome Foundation trustees, and to gather any further comments from the stakeholders who attend.


Next meeting is the Public Open Day Meeting on Friday 7th October, in The Child Health Lecture Theatre, E Floor, East Block from 11am to 2pm (lunch provided).



Minutes written by Dr Richard Bowker 26th August, 2005