
Course overview

Who is this course for?

This course delivers understanding of the art of electrical and electronic engineering and an in-depth study of topics covering modern technology for electrical and electronic engineering. It allows for study of a variety of topics, including

  • Electronic design
  • Communications
  • Software engineering
  • Power generation and distribution
  • Electrical machines
  • Renewable energy systems

Our objective is to help you develop the confidence to work as a professional, at ease with the conventions of the discipline, and ready to tackle any area of research in electrical and electronic engineering.

Key facts

  • Students will gain experience of the type of problems encountered by academic and industrial researchers.
  • This course is suitable for graduates of closely related disciplines who wish to convert to electrical and electronic engineering.
  • This degree is accredited by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) on behalf of the Engineering Council as meeting the requirements for Further Learning for registration as a Chartered Engineer. Candidates must hold a CEng accredited BEng/BSc (Hons) undergraduate first degree to comply with full CEng registration requirements.

Why choose this course?

9th in the UK

for electrical and electronic engineering

The Guardian University Guide 2023

Tailored to you

With a wide range of modules taught by subject specialists.


Core modules

Electrical and Electronic Fundamentals for Masters (autumn) 20 credits

The module expands students lifelong learning skills by developing their proficiency in self- assessment of their knowledge. This will be achieved by asking students to identify gaps in their knowledge in the core areas of electrical and electronic engineering and the development and implementation of an improvement plan.

The problem/project based learning will be used to reinforce the fundamental skills of an electrical and electronic engineer. These problems will be introduced in student led small group seminars where students will discuss the problem and discuss what background knowledge is required and suitable resources. A member of academic staff will aid the students identify appropriate learning material where students find it difficult to do so. As part of the learning experience, students will keep a weekly online log detailing the learning activities undertaken, what they have learnt and the areas they still need to develop.

Practical skills, both ICT and laboratory based skills will be developed using both individual and group activities.

To provide formative feedback during this learning period, there will be 4 compulsory on-line tests. Although the mark attained is not used in the calculation of the module mark, failure, without good cause to complete 3 of the 4 tests within the given time window, will result in a zero module mark.

ICT technology plays a key role in modern engineering and this module will introduce typical commercial engineering packages used in their area of interest. The software packages are Matlab, Keysight ADS ( Circuit Simulation), ADS (communication systems simulation), Simulink, PLECS

Experience of these packages will be gained from solving exemplar problems.  Students will be required to show competency in 2 packages. A student may elect to experience more ICT packages but will not be assessed on them.

Method and Frequency of Class:

Activity Number of Weeks Number of sessions Duration of a session
Computing 2 weeks 2 week 2 hours
Lecture 8 weeks 1 week 2 hours

The formative progress tests will be on-line for completion within a 24 hour period.

Method of Assessment:

Assessment Type Weight Requirements
Poster  5.00 Poster presentation
Presentation 15.00 Oral presentation
Coursework 1 20.00 Assessment of software competencies #1
Coursework 2 20.00 Assessment of software competencies #2
Exam 40.00 End of module exam (autumn) - e-assessment
Research Project Organisation and Design (spring) 10 credits

A project-oriented module involving a review of publications and views on a topic allied to the chosen specialist subject. The module will also involve organisation and design of the main project. Skills will be acquired through workshops and seminars that will include:

  • Further programming in MATLAB and /or MSExcel Macros
  • Project planning and use of Microsoft Project
  • Measurement and error analysis
  • Development of laboratory skills including safety & risk assessment

Students will select a further set of specialist seminars from, e.g.:

  • Meshing for computational engineering applications
  • Modelling using CAE packages
  • Use of CES Selector software
  • Specific laboratory familiarisation
  • Use of MSVisio software for process flow
  • Use of HYSYS process modelling software
  • Use of PSpice to simulate analogue and digital circuits

The specialist seminars will be organised within the individual MSc courses.


Three hour seminars in 12 weeks.

Assessment method

Assessment Type Weight Requirements
Coursework 1 40.00 2,000 word literature review on a topic relevant to MSc programme.
Coursework 2   Formative health and safety risk assessment
Coursework 3 60.00 2,000 word max planning report; topics to be specific to individual MSc courses and specialist training
MSc Project (Summer) 60 credits

In this module a student will be assigned to an individual supervisor who will be a staff member in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering. The student will carry out a practical or theoretical project chosen from the current interests of the staff member concerned.

The principal aims of the module are to develop the student's ability to work as part of a group to develop and analyse a proposed process design and to identify research need. Then to develop the student’s ability to evaluate and select information and apply this knowledge to propose and execute a research programme to address the identified need.

The module is composed of four major deliverables, a mixture of group and individual project work.

Assessment: 100% coursework

Task 1 (30%) Group design project

Task 2 (Formative) Individual research proposal

Task 3 (50%) Individual research paper

Task 4 (20%) Individual design re-evaluation

Optional modules

Advanced Computational Engineering (autumn) 20 credits

This module covers the development of advanced engineering software projects, spanning a range of application areas.

Generic Topics to be discussed include:

  • Large-scale software management
  • robust design and coding techniques
  • accurate and efficient numerical computing for technological simulations
  • parallel computing techniques applicable to several classes of parallel computer e.g. multicore, distributed and graphics processing unit (GPU) based systems
  • database design and implementation
  • distributed network based computing
  • hardware interfacing


Activity Number of Weeks Number of sessions Duration of a session
Computing 11 weeks 1 week 2 hours
Lecture 11 weeks 1 week 2 hours

Assessment method

Assessment Type Weight Requirements
Coursework 1 12.50  
Coursework 2 12.50  
Coursework 3 25.00  
Coursework 4 25.00  
Coursework 5 25.00  
Advanced Control (autumn) 20 credits

This module covers a range of advanced control techniques used in a wide range of engineering applications.

Typical topics include:

  • multivariable state space modelling
  • inear and nonlinear systems
  • continuous and discrete domains
  • observer theory.


Activity Number of Weeks Number of sessions Duration of a session
Lecture 7 weeks 2 weeks 2 hours
Practicum 10 weeks 1 week 2 hours

Assessment method

Assessment Type Contribution Requirements
Coursework 50%

Part 1: weight 25%, 25 hours of student effort; assessment of student ability to demonstrate fundamental acquisition of the module's learning outcomes.

Part 2: weight 25%, 25 hours of student effort; assessment of student ability to demonstrate application of the module's learning outcomes to realistic engineering design and implement tasks.

Exam 50% Formative health & safety risk assessment
Advanced Power Electronics (autumn) 20 credits

This module covers the design of power electronic converters for real applications. Both component-level design and the impact of non-idealities on modelling and operation are considered.


Exam, 40.0%

Coursework 1, 30.0%

Coursework 2, 30.0%



Power electronic systems design exercise that puts module content into practice using modelling and simulation tools.


Key Module Topics

Advanced modelling and control of power converters

Enabling technologies of power conversion (semiconductor devices, packaging, cooling)

Digital Signal Processing (autumn) 20 credits

Explore the principles, major algorithms, methods of implementation and applications of digital signal processing. 

Electrical Machines, Drive Systems and Applications (autumn) 20 credits

This module introduces students to the concepts and operating principles of fixed and variable speed electric machine and drive systems.

The module will use a number of system examples to demonstrate how machines and drive systems are specified, designed, controlled and operated.


Activity Number of Weeks Number of sessions Duration of a session
Lecture 12 weeks 1 week 2 hours
Practicum 11 weeks 1 week 2 hours

Assessment method

Assessment Type Contribution Requirements
Coursework 25% 25 hours of student time
Exam 75% 2 hour exam
Instrumentation and Measurement (autumn) 20 credits

This module is an introduction to the principles and practice of instrumentation and measurement systems in an engineering context.

The module will cover the generally applicable basic principles and then look at specific classes of instrument and associated electronics and signal processing methods.

Topics covered include:

  • Basic principles and instrument characteristics.
  • Measurement errors, basic statistics, noise and its control.
  • Dynamic characteristics of instruments, time and frequency domain responses.
  • System identification using correlation techniques.
  • Amplifiers, filters, ADCs and DACs.
  • Position, strain, pressure and motion sensors (resistive, capacitive, inductive, optical).
  • Flow sensors.    
  • Electronic and optical measurement instrumentation.


Activity Number of Weeks Number of sessions Duration of a session
Lecture 11 weeks 2 weeks 2 hours

Assessment method

Assessment Type Contribution Requirements
Coursework 60%

Coursework Part 1: weight 0.5, 25 hours of student effort; assessment of student ability to demonstrate fundamental acquisition of the module's learning outcomes.

Coursework Part 2: weight 0.5, 25 hours of student effort; assessment of student ability to demonstrate application of the module's learning outcomes to realistic engineering design and implement tasks.

Exam 40% 2 hour exam.
Integrated Circuits and Systems (autumn) 20 credits

The module introduces CMOS integrated circuit design and internal operating mechanisms of semiconductor electronics and opto-electronic devices. 


Activity Number of Weeks Number of sessions Duration of a session
Lecture 11 weeks 2 weeks 2 hours
Computing 10 weeks 1 week 1 hours

Assessment method

Assessment Type Weight Requirements
Coursework 1 30.00 VLSI design coursework
Coursework 2 30.00 Devices coursework
Exam 40.00 End of module exam
Power Electronic Applications and Control

Providing an understanding of the operational principles of power electronic converters and their associated systems, this module covers: 3-phase naturally commutated ac-dc/dc-ac converters, capacitive and inductive smoothing - device ratings, dc-ac PWM inverters and modulation strategies, resonant converters, high power factor utility interface circuits and power converter topologies for high power (multilevel). You’ll have two one-hour lectures per week.

Advanced AC Drives (spring) 20 credits
Advanced Electrical Machines (spring) 20 credits
Advanced Engineering Mathematics (spring) 10 credits

This module covers advanced analytic mathematical techniques used to provide exact or approximate solutions to common classes of ordinary differential equations (ODES) typical in Engineering.

Each week there will normally be one, one-hour lecture and a two-hour workshop to introduce key mathematical knowledge on module topics.

Techniques covered include:

  • method of variation of parameters
  • Laplace transform methods
  • Taylor series method
  • Frobenius method
  • asymptotic regular perturbations and strained coordinates
  • multiple scales


Activity Number of Weeks Number of sessions Duration of a session
Laboratory 5 weeks 1 week 2 hours
Lecture 11 weeks 1 week 2 hours

Assessment method

Assessment Type Contribution Requirements
Coursework 25%  
Exam 75%  
Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems (spring) 20 credits

Selected topics from the field of artificial intelligence with particular focus on the interface with electronic systems.

Digital Communications (spring) 10 credits

This module is an introduction to the operation of modern digital communication systems. Topics covered include:

  • communication systems
  • information content and channel capacity
  • digital modulation techniques
  • data compression techniques
  • error-correcting and line coding techniques
  • digital signal regeneration techniques
  • system examples, telephone, digital television and CD technologies.


Activity Number of Weeks Number of sessions Duration of a session
Lecture 11 weeks 1 weeks 2 hours

Assessment method

Assessment Type Contribution  Requirements
Coursework 1 25% 12.5 hours of student time
Coursework 2 25%  
Exam 50% 2 hour exam
Distributed Generation and Alternative Energy (spring) 20 credits

This module aims to give an understanding of the operation of power systems which incorporate significant input from renewable energy generators, especially wind power systems and will enable design and analysis of such systems.

HDL for Programmable Devices (spring) 20 credits

This module introduces both the syntax and application of HDL for the design of modern electronics. That would typically cover Xilinx, Mentor Graphics, and combinational and sequential circuits design. The module will use the software tools from both Xilinx and Mentor Graphics to present FPGA based digital system design flow with VHDL.

Mobile Technologies (spring) 10 credits

This module provides knowledge of the fundamentals of mobile communications and its application to real systems.

Typical subjects might be 3rd and 4th generation systems, OFDM and MIMO and how 5th generation systems are likely to develop.


Activity Number of Weeks Number of sessions Duration of a session
Lecture 11 weeks 1 week 2 hours

Assessment method

Assessment Type Contribution  Requirements
Coursework 1 25%  
Coursework 2 25%  
Exam 50% End of module exam 
Power Systems for Aerospace, Marine and Automotive (spring) 20 credits

This module aims to develop an understanding of the design and operation of power systems in aerospace, marine and automotive applications.

With the introduction of more electrical technologies in these application areas, the understanding and expected performance of the power system has become a critical platform design issue.


Activity Number of Weeks Number of sessions Duration of a session
Lecture 12 weeks 2 week 2 hours
Practicum  10 weeks 1 week 2 hours


Assessment method

Assessment Type Weight Requirements
Coursework 25.00

Part 1: weight 12.5%, 12.5 hours of student effort; assessment of student ability to demonstrate fundamental acquisition of the module’s learning outcomes.

Part 2: weight 12.5%, 12.5 hours of student effort; assessment of student ability to demonstrate application of the module’s learning outcomes to realistic engineering design and implement tasks.

Exam 75.00


Renewable Generation Technologies (spring) 10 credits

This module covers the analysis and design of renewable and sustainable energy systems. It covers the various types of renewable energy and the resources available. It uses an understanding of the physical principles of various types of energy resources in order to develop analytical models which can be applied to the design of renewable energy systems, including energy conversion and storage, especially for electrical power generation.

RF Electronics (spring) 20 credits

This module covers the main concepts in design of high-speed circuits and devices. These typically include passive circuits, amplifiers  and active devices.

Robotics, Dynamics and Control (spring) 10 credits

This module gives and Introduction to electromechanical fundamentals in robotics, and introduces students to: Direct Kinematics, Inverse Kinematics, Workspace analysis and trajectory planning, Manipulator Dynamics (Lagrange, Lagrange-Euler, and Newton-Euler) and Robot Control.

Optical Networks (spring) 10 credits

You will be introduced to the concepts and operating principles of optical communication systems and networks and the devices that underpin them.

Topics typically include:

  • characteristics of optical fibres
  • active and passive optical devices: including transmitters, detectors, amplifiers, multiplexers, filters and couplers


Activity Number of Weeks Number of sessions Duration of a session
Lecture 11 weeks 1 week 2 hours

Assessment method

Assessment Type Contribution 
Coursework 1 25%
Coursework 2 25%
Exam 50%
Power Networks (spring) 10 credits

This module provides students with an understanding of power system apparatus and their behaviour under normal and fault conditions. This module covers:

  • concept and analysis of load flow
  • voltage/current symmetrical components
  • computation of fault currents
  • economic optimisation
  • power-system control and stability
  • power system protection


Activity Number of Weeks Number of sessions Duration of a session
Lecture 11 weeks 1 week 2 hours
Practicum 11 weeks 1 week 1 hour

Assessment method

Assessment Type Contribution  Requirements
Coursework 25% 25 hours of student time
Exam 75% 2 hour exam
Sensing Systems and Signal Processing (spring) 10 credits

The module provides students with the necessary background knowledge so that they can understand sensors and their applications.  The module covers a selection of topics where information is acquired from sensors and subsequently electronically processed. Applications will typically include, optical, acoustic, non-destructive evaluation, medical and bio-photonics.

The above is a sample of the typical modules we offer but is not intended to be construed and/or relied upon as a definitive list of the modules that will be available in any given year. Modules (including methods of assessment) may change or be updated, or modules may be cancelled, over the duration of the course due to a number of reasons such as curriculum developments or staffing changes. Please refer to the module catalogue for information on available modules. This content was last updated on Monday 06 November 2023.

Due to timetabling availability, there may be restrictions on some module combinations.

Learning and assessment

How you will learn

  • Independent study
  • Lectures
  • Group study
  • Practical classes
  • Workshops
  • Lab sessions
  • Supervision
  • Tutorials

You will be taught using up to date practices, including the use of electronic resources.

How you will be assessed

  • Coursework
  • Examinations
  • Lab skills
  • In-class test
  • Online exams
  • Dissertation
  • Reports
  • Research project
  • Presentations

The assessment strategy differs between the taught (120 credits) and individual project (60 credits) modules. A typical module contains both written assignment(s) and an end of semester exam which is mostly weighted as 40%. The individual project module is continuously assessed in the summer period and concludes with submission of a final project report, as well as an oral assessment based upon the practical demonstration of the proposed engineering design/solution. The pass mark for all the modules is 50%. Your final degree classification will be based upon your aggregated achievement from both the taught and the project stages of 180 credits.

Contact time and study hours

You will study a total of 180 credits which consists of 120 taught credits over autumn and spring semesters, with the final 60 credits from a large individual project carried out in the summer semester. Typical class contact time is 4 hours per week for a 20 credit module. There is typically 11 weeks of class teaching in each taught semester. In addition direct contact with academics, students are expected to put in additional self-study time preparing for lectures, tutorials, labs and assignments. As a guide, one credit is equivalent to 10 hours of total combined effort.

Typical class size is approximately 50 students. Teaching for this course usually takes place on Monday to Friday with the exception of Wednesday afternoon when students are involved in extracurricular activities.

Entry requirements

All candidates are considered on an individual basis and we accept a broad range of qualifications. The entrance requirements below apply to 2024 entry.


Undergraduate degree2:1 or equivalent grade in Electrical & Electronic Engineering or related discipline. Applicants are expected to have covered modules such as Maths, Electric Circuits, Power Electronics, Electrical Machines, Analogue Electronics, Integrated Circuits, Instrumentation, Control Engineering, or related key technical modules.


Applicants with other relevant Engineering qualifications should demonstrate clear evidence that they have covered sufficient Electrical and or Electronics based subjects in their undergraduate studies. Please ensure that you include any relevant work experience in your personal statement.

Our step-by-step guide covers everything you need to know about applying.

How to apply


Qualification MSc
Home / UK £11,850
International £28,600

Additional information for international students

If you are a student from the EU, EEA or Switzerland, you may be asked to complete a fee status questionnaire and your answers will be assessed using guidance issued by the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) .

These fees are for full-time study. If you are studying part-time, you will be charged a proportion of this fee each year (subject to inflation).

Additional costs

All students will need at least one device to approve security access requests via Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). We also recommend students have a suitable laptop to work both on and off-campus. For more information, please check the equipment advice.

As a student on this course, you should factor some additional costs into your budget, alongside your tuition fees and living expenses. Project equipment and components are normally covered by the department, though some students opt to buy some of their own components up to £100.

You should be able to access most of the books you’ll need through our libraries, though you may wish to purchase your own copies or more specific titles which could cost up to £300. Please note that these figures are approximate and subject to change.


There are many ways to fund your postgraduate course, from scholarships to government loans.

We also offer a range of international masters scholarships for high-achieving international scholars who can put their Nottingham degree to great use in their careers.

Check our guide to find out more about funding your postgraduate degree.

Postgraduate funding


We offer individual careers support for all postgraduate students.

Expert staff can help you research career options and job vacancies, build your CV or résumé, develop your interview skills and meet employers.

Each year 1,100 employers advertise graduate jobs and internships through our online vacancy service. We host regular careers fairs, including specialist fairs for different sectors.

International students who complete an eligible degree programme in the UK on a student visa can apply to stay and work in the UK after their course under the Graduate immigration route. Eligible courses at the University of Nottingham include bachelors, masters and research degrees, and PGCE courses.

Graduate destinations

Career destinations for our graduates in the department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering include:

  • IT business analysts
  • Systems designers
  • Programmers
  • Software development professionals
  • Production engineers
  • Electrical engineers and engineering professionals

Career progression

100% of postgraduates from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering secured work or further study within six months of graduation. The average starting salary was £25,450.

* HESA Graduate Outcomes 2019/20 data published in 2022. The Graduate Outcomes % is derived using The Guardian University Guide methodology. The average annual salary is based on graduates working full-time, postgraduate, home graduates within the UK.

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)

This course is accredited by the IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) to meet the further learning requirements of a Chartered Engineer.

Two masters graduates proudly holding their certificates
" The MSc course is giving me confidence to pursue a research degree and shape my ambition for the future. I feel that I am being supported not only academically with my studies but also the settling into my university life at Nottingham by having an understanding personal tutor. The other positive aspect is the style of teaching and assessment, where I am able to apply the knowledge gained when doing coursework and the provision of well organised learning materials which is great when preparing for exams. "
Yihan Zhang – MSc Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Related courses

This content was last updated on Monday 06 November 2023. Every effort has been made to ensure that this information is accurate, but changes are likely to occur given the interval between the date of publishing and course start date. It is therefore very important to check this website for any updates before you apply.