Investigate the multidisciplinary subject of business and organisational communication.
We cover a range of quantitative and qualitative approaches, examining how individuals and groups use spoken, written and digital communication to enact their workplace identities, how workplace teams and communities communicate effectively and how tasks at work get achieved through communication.
The wide range of methodologies and analytical frameworks for interrogating business and organisational communication include:
- conversation analysis
- corpus linguistics
- critical discourse analysis
- pragmatics
- linguistic ethnography
- sociolinguistics
We also highlight contemporary issues emerging from the field, exploring, for example, new multi-media technologies and globalisation on communication in commercial domains and organisational environments.
The module demonstrates how the findings of communicative research can be practically applied in teaching and training materials and in consultancy work.
This module is worth 20 credits.
This module represents a course in cognitive poetics. It aims to understand the meanings, emotions and effects of literary reading based on our current best understanding of language and mind. This means drawing on insights developed in cognitive science, especially in psychology and linguistics. You will also develop skills in stylistics and critical theory.
Cognitive poetics attempts to find answers to the following questions:
- How is it that different readers interpret the same literary work differently?
- How can we care emotionally about fictional people in books?
- How do some literary works make you cry, or laugh, or be fearful or joyous?
- How do we understand the minds of other people, real and imaginary?
- How do literary works create atmosphere, tone, and ambience?
- Does reality and fictionality matter?
- How does language create worlds?
You do not need to have a background in both linguistics and literary studies – either area will be perfect preparation for your exploration of cognitive poetics. You will be taught in a small-group two-hour tutorial discussion.
This module is worth 20 credits.
This module studies the representation of fictional consciousness.
Character consciousness has become so fundamental to any narrative, that we hardly think about the problems involved in representing another person's mind.
On this module, you will:
- explore in depth techniques for the presentation of consciousness in novels and other fictional texts
- learn about the linguistic indices associated with the point of view of characters and the various modes available to a writer for the presentation of characters' thoughts and perceptions
- examine the style of narrative texts that portray consciousness and study the theories that explain their methods
- consider the historical development of consciousness presentation techniques
The module is worth 20 credits.
Explore the relationship between the ‘dramatic text’ of the written script, and the ‘theatrical text’ of the script in performance.
Working with texts from the early modern period to the present day, we will draw on aspects of stylistics and discourse analysis.
You will consider:
- the role of language in moving dramatic scripts from page to stage
- exploring aspects of characterisation (such as identity, power and provocation)
- the role of language in story-telling on stage
- the 'management' of performance through stage directions
This module is worth 20 credits.
This module introduces theory and research from the field of vocabulary studies.
Vocabulary is a key aspect of language learning and use. This module aims to discuss the key issues related to this process, particularly from the perspective of learning and teaching a second language.
You will explore a number of key topics, including
- The nature of lexical knowledge and the key question of what is involved in knowing a word
- Different categories of vocabulary (i.e. academic or technical vocabulary)
- The use of corpora, large databases of language, in the study of vocabulary
- Practical applications of vocabulary research in language teaching, syllabus design and materials development
We look at a wide range of vocabulary teaching approaches, learning activities and strategies and examples of vocabulary tests. We pay particular attention to how research findings can inform language pedagogy, materials development and teaching methodology more broadly.
By engaging with the relevant literature and critically reviewing existing findings, you will gain solid foundations in the theory of vocabulary and learn how to apply in practical ways across various learning and teaching contexts.
This module is worth 20 credits.
With ever increasing interactions in the world today taking place between people of diverse cultural backgrounds, it is important to consider how language use may lead to misunderstandings and communicative difficulties.
In this module, we explore language use in different cultural environments and in interactions between speakers of different cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
We look at what language barriers might be present, and how these might be overcome. We examine intercultural interactions in a variety of contexts, including:
- business and other professional encounters
- the media
- education
This module is worth 20 credits.
Explore the relationship between language and gender.
We consider both spoken interaction and written texts, drawing on key approaches in the areas of discourse analysis and interactional sociolinguistics.
We will focus on:
- how gender and sexuality affect the language we produce when interacting with one another in a variety of contexts
- the critical analysis of how individuals and groups of people are represented in the media, in ways related to their gender and/or sexual identities
- issues of sexist and discriminatory language towards LGBT people
You will explore current theories which explain the relationships between language, gender and sexuality. These include how ideologies of gender and sexuality are reproduced both in cultural discourse and everyday interaction.
You will also engage in hands-on analysis of data from spoken interaction, as well as from print, broadcast and social media.
The practical consequences of the discipline, in terms of how findings can have a political impact on wider society, will also be discussed.
This module is worth 20 credits.
Develop your skills and knowledge relating to teaching second language (L2) speaking and listening. The module is suitable for all, whether you have prior language teaching experience or not.
As a basis for discussion, we focus on teaching English as a foreign/second language. You will explore issues and ideas not often included on teacher training programmes, including topics relating to:
- Spoken grammar
- Fluency and pronunciation
- Metacognitive approaches
- Varied textbooks and materials critique
The module is centred around the notion of research informed practice, and we will draw on diverse bodies of research to inform discussion. We then relate this to a practical critique of English language textbooks, materials and activities, and consider their relevance and/or application to varied English language teaching contexts worldwide.
You have the opportunity to analyse, plan, prepare and present a research-informed teaching activity to your peers, designed to target a specific aspect of speaking/listening of your choice. These will contribute to a Speaking and Listening Activity Database. This is growing resource throughout the module, providing a concrete forum for resources and ideas sharing.
You will both reflect on and relate the issues under discussion to your own experiences as a language learner, and/or as a language teacher.
This module is worth 20 credits.
C4N 70U R34D 7H15?
With some difficulty, you may be able to read the above question (which says Can you read this?). How do you do this? What explains our impressive capacity to speak, listen, read and write in a first language, as well as potentially in a second, third or fourth?
In this module we consider and try out language experiments that tell us how we produce, understand, and learn language.
You will explore:
- how we learn, produce and understand speech, words, sentences and discourse
- how is this the same and different in a first, second or third language
- how we understand non-literal language like how 'spill the beans' means ‘reveal a secret’
- what is the relationship between language and emotion and how emoticons may convey emotion
This module is worth 20 credits
Corpus linguistics provides methods for studying collections of electronic texts. These could be written texts (including literary texts), material from the internet, or transcripts of spoken language.
We introduce fundamental corpus methods, that include:
- retrieving and interpreting word frequency information
- studying patterns of words in the form of concordances
- analysing key words and key semantic domains
The module will explain these concepts and illustrate methods through case studies, with an emphasis on the use of corpus methods for the purposes of discourse analysis.
Through hands-on sessions, you will practise using corpus analysis software and several online interfaces. Throughout the module, you are encouraged to reflect on the applicability of a range of methods to your own areas of interest (for example, literary linguistics, critical discourse analysis, ELT).
For the assessment, you will complete a small-scale corpus project on a topic of your choice (in consultation with the module convenor). This project can test ideas that might be further developed during the dissertation.
This module is worth 20 credits.
This module focuses on Second Language Acquisition (SLA), an area of research which focuses on the process of learning a second language.
With many factors determining the success of language learners, we will study this process in detail and gain a better understanding of how second language competence is developed. You will be introduced to the main theories and findings from the field, related to topics such as:
- The effects of age and individual learner differences
- The influence of mother tongue on second language learning
- The acquisition of grammar, vocabulary and other aspects of language
- The role of language teaching in the classroom and in other contexts
We will draw on a diverse body of research to inform our discussion. We also analyse case studies of language learners and specific learning situations. Crucially, you will develop important research skills, culminating in the development of your own research proposal in the area of SLA.
This module is worth 20 credits.
Communication is an essential aspect of any workplace. From the language used in the cockpit of aeroplanes, to the language used in advertising and call centres, spoken, written and visual discourse is at the very centre of, and often defines, contemporary work practices.
Discover the theories and insights of sociolinguistic-related research, as applied to a vast array of work-related and institutional settings. We cover a range of communicative topics that reveal how language is used and abused in the workplace and institutional setting, including:
- linguistic coercion in courtrooms, classrooms, prisons
- electronic communication
- miscommunication
- advertising communication
- critical discourse analysis and multimodal critical discourse analysis
- political talk and the use of persuasive discourse
- jargon, double speak, and fake news
Often taking a critical perspective on language in the workplace (exposing inequities in institutional discourse), the module will emphasise the vital relationship between power and communication in the workplace. It shows how looking closely at and through language can illuminate and enhance communication in a range of workplaces and institutional settings.
This module is worth 20 credits.
Discover the main psychological factors and processes that determine how students learn foreign languages within a classroom context.
We will focus on two key issues that have a considerable practical significance. They are language learning motivation, and the internal dynamics of the learner group (which can either enhance or hinder the individual members' achievement).
Key topics to be discussed include:
- the components of L2 motivation
- strategies to increase student motivation
- structural and developmental characteristics of the 'good' learner group
- group building techniques
- effective leadership roles
This module is worth 20 credits.