
Course overview

How does climate change affect society and the environment, and how does society affect climate change? Our MSc Climate Change, Environment and Society will teach you the practicalities of managing climate challenges at a societal level. You will learn through an interdisciplinary lens that combines social and physical aspects of climate change with organisational and project management skills from related disciplines.

You'll gain a deep understanding of the risks we currently face, how we manage it effectively, and how societies can adapt to be more resilient for the future. By understanding the complexity of climate challenges and exercising problem-solving skills, you'll develop practical skills such as: 

  • climate change risk and uncertainty assessment
  • awareness of inequality within a globalised landscape
  • organisational and project management skills
  • cost benefit and scenarios analysis
  • whole system thinking

For your final project, you'll have the opportunity to investigate and design solutions for a real-life climate challenge with all the knowledge and skills gained throughout the course.

This is an interdisciplinary programme where you'll meet students from various backgrounds, each bringing a unique perspective to climate change and environmental issues. This is an excellent course for valuable peer-to-peer learning and a chance to broaden your global connections, as well as expanding your capacity to address a universal challenge from multiple viewpoints.

As masters students and therefore members of the university's research community, you will also have access to research seminars and lectures hosted by Nottingham Geospatial Institute and Centre for Environmental Geochemistry and the school’s research groups.

Why choose this course?

Develop green skills

in demand across NGOs, governing bodies and commercial brands


Integrating physical and social sciences with organisational and project management skills


in solution design for global issues

Co-created curriculum

with students and alumni so it’s relevant to the workplace

Develop green skills

in demand across NGOs, governing bodies and commercial brands


Integrating physical and social sciences with organisational and project management skills


in solution design for global issues

Co-created curriculum

with students and alumni so it’s relevant to the workplace

Develop green skills

in demand across NGOs, governing bodies and commercial brands


Integrating physical and social sciences with organisational and project management skills

Course content

Through core modules, you'll explore a range of areas including environmental and climate justice, climate risk management, climate change decision-making and techniques for environmental solutions. You will also have a final project with a supporting module looking at project preparation, design and management.

You have 40 credits of optional modules. You could choose to focus on global climate change, looking at the impact on society alongside policy, mitigation and adaptation. Other possible pathways include the psychology of the environment and climate change, or the political economy of climate change. You can also choose to develop an international outlook by delving into international climate change law and policy, analysing issues and policies from a legal perspective.


Core modules

This module will cover issues around the management of uncertainty and trade-offs, enhancing co-benefits between mitigation and adaptation, adapting to multiple risks in complex systems, understanding climate governance and notions of climate justice.

This module is an introduction to climate risk management, covering the fundamental concepts and principles that underpin contemporary approaches to managing the risks that climate change poses to the natural and built environment, infrastructure, and socio-economic structures and systems.

The module explores the methods and tools that are used by governments, businesses and non-governmental organisations to evaluate the impacts of climate change on society and the environment, taking account of costs, benefits and trade-offs, alongside the strategies, management options and solutions for reducing the future risks of climate-related damage and harm.

The aim of the module is to introduce climate risk management, including the concepts and methods used, alongside case study examples of how climate risk management operates in practice.



This module will critically examine the geographies of environmental and climate (in)justice. Through in-depth case studies, the module will explore how (in)justices are actively (re)constructed through the interplay between policies, politics and power. You will look at case studies across the Global North and South, and at national to local scales, exploring procedural, recognitional, distributive, intergenerational and reparative debates in environmental management and responses to climate change.

The aim of this module is to introduce students to the range of injustices and justice dilemmas associated with environmental and climate change decision-making. The module will critically examine the ways in which (in)justice is (re)constructed, sustained and challenged, and corresponding implications for achieving just futures.

This module will introduce you to a breadth of techniques relevant to addressing practical environmental sustainability challenges. These techniques relate to human and physical components of environmental sustainability problems and engage with quantitative and qualitative data. You will be required to integrate these methods and address a real-world environment sustainability challenge

This module will also incorporate:

  • methods for designing and implementing studies to assess environmental impacts of human activity
  • stakeholder mapping and engagement
  • methods for aiding decision-making under uncertainty
  • common statistical techniques for analysing environmental data
  • displaying data clearly to communicate to diverse audiences
  • extracting information from various textual sources
  • spatial representation of environmental information

This module will develop skills in project design and project management for environmental settings and incorporate preparation for the Project. Students will work on scoping their project aims and designing their project with supervisors, and will develop practical skills in project management. This module is taught by seminars and supervision meetings with a project supervisor.

This module will require students to research an environmental, sustainability and/or climate change issue under the supervision of an appropriate member of staff and to report their findings in the form of a written report (12,000 words) or other relevant format as approved by the module convenor. Key skills developed include those of independent study, critical analysis, problem articulation, solution design and report writing.

The aim of this module is to allow students to make a detailed independent analysis of an applied environmental, sustainability and/or climate change challenge of their choice and to report their findings or proposed solutions in appropriate ways. The module will encourage the analysis of a topical issue from an interdisciplinary perspective. Students will be expected to link up and explore several areas of study covered during their MSc Climate Change, Environment and Society.

Optional modules

This module aims to introduce students to river and catchment processes, the links between river habitats and the ecosystems they support, their need for management in light of anthropogenic impacts, and common techniques (i.e. in-situ monitoring and GIS/remote sensing) for providing the evidence needed for effective river/catchment management.

The module covers past mismanagement of river environments and explains how changes in our understanding of catchments (and the waterbodies they support) and the increasing adoption of modern management strategies and technologies are advancing our ability to manage rivers and catchments in a sustainable manner.

In this module, you will learn:

  • Key river and catchment processes
  • Impacts of anthropogenic (ie climate, land-use) change on rivers and catchments
  • Current and historic river/catchment management practises
  • Interactions between physical habitats of rivers and the ecosystems they support
  • Tools and techniques for monitoring and mapping rivers and catchments
  • Modelling rivers and catchments to test management scenarios 

This module considers:

  • The emergence and development of the International Climate Change Law: Institutions, principles, and early UN agreements
  • The Paris Agreement
  • Climate Change and Energy: The energy transition from the perspective of international and EU law
  • Climate Change and Forests: The protection of the world’s carbon sinks from the perspectives of the international and EU law
  • Market mechanisms
  • Climate justice: Small islands’ perspectives
  • Climate Change Litigation I: Theory and practice by reference to landmark domestic cases
  • Climate Change Litigation II: Regional and international courts
  • Grand challenges ahead: From climate migration to geoengineering technologies

This module aims to provide you with a foundational knowledge of the international climate change law and selected EU climate law and policy aspects. The emphasis will be placed on understanding the broad architecture of the subject and its main challenges. You will be introduced to the historical development and main features of climate change international agreements, such as principles, objectives, commitments, differentiation, action areas, and implementation mechanisms.

This module will allow students to understand how psychology relates to contemporary issues and debates. Students will have the opportunity to specialise in one area and consider the deeper implications for the world and society. It includes topics such as health behaviours, the environment and climate change, psychology of women and others. Students will write an extended essay in the specified area, with support from an academic.

The module provides a big-picture state-of-the-art summary of one the greatest threats to global society, the climate crisis, including some of the options for reducing future climate change and ways in which society can build resilience to a warmer world.

The module covers key areas that inform the climate change debate, including: projections of future climate change and confidence in them, climate policy, projected impacts of climate change on society and the natural environment, adapting to climate change, and mitigation of climate change. The module content is informed by the research specialisms of the teaching staff who are climate change experts in their fields.

This module will provide an introduction to the central issues facing people and the environment in the Anthropocene. The first half of the module will explore key themes and approaches for understanding these environmental issues. These may include Environmental Knowledge(s), Risk perception, Ecosystem services, Environmental Governance, Gender issues, and legal perspectives. The second half of the module will engage with these concepts in the context of current environmental issues, such as climate change, pollution, biodiversity, urbanisation, and water management.

The aim of this module is to introduce you to key global environmental issues at the nexus of people and the environment. The module will explore critical approaches to these environmental problems, and their impact on society.

This module will provide an introduction to the relationship between economic activities and climate change. The first half of the module will examine the history, scope, and scale of the exploitation of natural resources by capitalist societies. It will review the history of resource extraction, the globalisation of supply chains, fossil fuel consumption and the financialization of nature. It will summarise the uneven global dynamics of the causes and impacts of climate change risks.

The second half of the module will engage with debates around the governance and management of economic transitions and climate risk. It will examine the roles played by the private sector, policy makers and NGOs in economic transitions to sustainable, low carbon economies. This will open up debates around government transition policies toward low carbon economies and the distributional issues generated by such policies. In doing so, it will evaluate the design and implementation of public policies and private sector initiatives that aim to mitigate climate risk.

This module provides you with a compelling insight into environmental health, one of the most diverse and exciting areas of public health, and introduces the fascinating concept of one health and what this collaborative, multisectoral, and transdisciplinary approach has to offer. It explores climate change in a way that not only enhances understanding of cause and affect but inspires thought and discussion of innovative and inspirational interventions to address negative impacts and enhance human and planetary renaissance.

The module has a strong focus on developing your critical thinking skills and encourages you to be confident in embracing new ideas and ways of working, through understanding the importance and benefits of innovation and partnership working. You will develop communication skills that will allow you to deliver public health messages to a variety of audiences.

The above is a sample of the typical modules we offer but is not intended to be construed and/or relied upon as a definitive list of the modules that will be available in any given year. Modules (including methods of assessment) may change or be updated, or modules may be cancelled, over the duration of the course due to a number of reasons such as curriculum developments or staffing changes. Please refer to the module catalogue for information on available modules. This content was last updated on Thursday 10 October 2024.

Due to timetabling availability, there may be restrictions on some module combinations.

Learning and assessment

How you will learn

  • Lectures
  • Seminars
  • Tutorials
  • Field courses

Your modules are taught through a combination of lectures and seminars. Seminars enable you to discuss and develop your understanding of topics covered in lectures in smaller groups. You will also have regular timetabled meetings with your personal tutor for academic support.

How you will be assessed

  • Reports
  • Essays
  • Presentations
  • Blog posts
  • Policy review
  • Research project

Contact time and study hours

You typically have around 10 contact hours per week, typically consisting of:

  • four to six hours of lectures
  • four to six hours of seminars

A typical 20-credit module assumes roughly 200 hours of taught and independent study.

Independent learning

When not attending lectures and seminars or other timetabled sessions you will be expected to continue learning independently through self-study. Typically, this will involve reading journal articles and books, working on individual and group projects, undertaking research in the library, preparing coursework assignments and presentations. Your independent learning is supported by a range of excellent facilities, including the library, Moodle, and our computer laboratories.

Entry requirements

All candidates are considered on an individual basis and we accept a broad range of qualifications. The entrance requirements below apply to 2025 entry.

Undergraduate degree2:1 (or international equivalent) including subjects with a climate change component or some vocational experience of a climate change nature.


Our step-by-step guide covers everything you need to know about applying.

How to apply


Qualification MSc
Home / UK £11,250
International £24,300

Additional information for international students

If you are a student from the EU, EEA or Switzerland, you may be asked to complete a fee status questionnaire and your answers will be assessed using guidance issued by the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) .

These fees are for full-time study. If you are studying part-time, you will be charged a proportion of this fee each year (subject to inflation).

Additional costs

All students will need at least one device to approve security access requests via Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). We also recommend students have a suitable laptop to work both on and off-campus. For more information, please check the equipment advice.

As a student on this course, you should factor some additional costs into your budget, alongside your tuition fees and living expenses.

You should be able to access most of the books you'll need through our libraries, though you may wish to purchase your own copies or more specific titles.


There are many ways to fund your postgraduate course, from scholarships to government loans.

We also offer a range of international masters scholarships for high-achieving international scholars who can put their Nottingham degree to great use in their careers.

Check our guide to find out more about funding your postgraduate degree.

Postgraduate funding


We offer individual careers support for all postgraduate students.

Expert staff can help you research career options and job vacancies, build your CV or résumé, develop your interview skills and meet employers.

Each year 1,100 employers advertise graduate jobs and internships through our online vacancy service. We host regular careers fairs, including specialist fairs for different sectors.

International students who complete an eligible degree programme in the UK on a student visa can apply to stay and work in the UK after their course under the Graduate immigration route. Eligible courses at the University of Nottingham include bachelors, masters and research degrees, and PGCE courses.

Two masters graduates proudly holding their certificates

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This content was last updated on Thursday 10 October 2024. Every effort has been made to ensure that this information is accurate, but changes are likely to occur given the interval between the date of publishing and course start date. It is therefore very important to check this website for any updates before you apply.