The Holistic Engineering Design module is vital for future engineers as it equips them with the skills and mindset needed to address the complex and multifaceted challenges of the modern engineering landscape. It encourages students to consider ethical, environmental, and societal aspects of engineering design, making them well-prepared to create sustainable and innovative solutions in their future careers. This course fosters creativity, critical thinking, and effective communication, which are essential skills for successful engineers.
Coursework 1
Lab based exercise
Coursework 2
Poster presentation
Coursework 3
Poster peer assessment and completion
Coursework 4
Group proposal presentation
The Project Design and Development module equips students with the skills and knowledge needed to design, plan, and implement research projects – the module is essential for MSc students in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering that will commence their individual project in the summer. Students will learn about the importance of developing proposals, time plans and project management, as well as the necessity to adequately explain the context and backgrounds of projects through critiquing literature. Students will engage with their assigned project supervisors to aid in this module.
Coursework 1
Thesis background review (Chapters 1 and 2)
Coursework 2
Proposal Defence
In this module a student will be assigned to an individual supervisor who will be a staff member in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering. The student will carry out a practical or theoretical project chosen from the current interests of the staff member concerned.
The principal aims of the module are to develop the student's ability to work as part of a group to develop and analyse a proposed process design and to identify research need. Then to develop the student’s ability to evaluate and select information and apply this knowledge to propose and execute a research programme to address the identified need.
The module is composed of four major deliverables, a mixture of group and individual project work.
Assessment: 100% coursework
Task 1 (30%) Group design project
Task 2 (Formative) Individual research proposal
Task 3 (50%) Individual research paper
Task 4 (20%) Individual design re-evaluation
This module introduces the state-space representation of physical systems and the control design of multi-input multi-output systems using multivariable control techniques for both continuous and discrete implementation.
The module then covers both the full and reduced observer design for those cases when state variables are not measurable. The module finishes with an overview of optimal control design.
Activity |
Number of Weeks |
Number of sessions |
Duration of a session |
Lecture |
11 weeks |
1 week |
2 hours |
Assessment method
Assessment Type |
Weight |
Requirements |
Exam |
100.00 |
2 hour exam. |
This module covers the design of power electronic converters for real applications. Both component-level design and the impact of non-idealities on modelling and operation are considered.
Exam, 40.0%
Coursework 1, 30.0%
Coursework 2, 30.0%
Power electronic systems design exercise that puts module content into practice using modelling and simulation tools.
Key Module Topics
Advanced modelling and control of power converters
Enabling technologies of power conversion (semiconductor devices, packaging, cooling)
This module introduces students to the concepts and operating principles of fixed and variable speed electric machine and drive systems. The module will use a number of system examples to demonstrate how machines and drive systems are specified, designed, controlled and operated.
Activity |
Number of Weeks |
Number of sessions |
Duration of a session |
Lecture |
12 weeks |
1 week |
2 hours |
Practicum |
11 weeks |
1 week |
2 hours |
Assessment method
Assessment Type |
Weight |
Requirements |
Coursework |
25.00 |
25 hours of student time |
Exam |
75.00 |
2 hour exam |
Providing an understanding of the operational principles of power electronic converters and their associated systems, this module covers: 3-phase naturally commutated ac-dc/dc-ac converters, capacitive and inductive smoothing - device ratings, dc-ac PWM inverters and modulation strategies, resonant converters, high power factor utility interface circuits and power converter topologies for high power (multilevel). You’ll have two one-hour lectures per week.
This module covers the control of AC drives, covering drives for a variety of machine types and control strategies, for example, vector control.
This module:
- provides a good understanding of the concepts of field orientation and vector control for induction and non-salient and salient PM AC machines.
- provides information and guidance on the design of control structures and their implementations including parameter dependencies and field weakening
- imparts design skills through the design of a vector controlled drive using manufacturer’s machine and converter data and defined design specifications
- develops critical assessment skills through design evaluation
Activity |
Number of Weeks |
Number of sessions |
Duration of a session |
Lecture |
12 weeks |
2 weeks |
2 hours |
Assessment method
Assessment Type |
Contribution |
Requirements |
Coursework |
50% |
2-hour written examination |
Exam |
50% |
Part 1: weight 20%, 20 hours of student effort; assessment of student ability to demonstrate fundamental acquisition of the module's learning outcomes.
Part 2: weight 30%, 30 hours of student effort; assessment of student ability to demonstrate application of the module's learning outcomes to realistic engineering design and implement tasks.
This module introduces advanced electrical machine concepts and applications in the area of more electric transport, renewable generation and industrial automation.
The module will help you to:
- develop a fundamental understanding of the interaction of the electromagnetic, mechanical and thermal engineering disciplines related to electrical machine design.
- develop analytical skills in modelling and design of electrical machines.
- have a clear understanding of the different types and topologies of modern electrical machines.
- develop skills in designing electrical machines
- develop the ability to analyse and characterise an electric motor through its parameters and performance using FEA approach
Activity |
Number of Weeks |
Number of sessions |
Duration of a session |
Lecture |
12 weeks |
2 weeks |
2 hours |
Practicum |
10 weeks |
1 week |
2 hours |
Assessment method
Assessment Type |
Contribution |
Requirements |
Coursework |
25% |
Part 1: weight 12.5%, 12.5 hours of student effort; assessment of student ability to demonstrate fundamental acquisition of the module's learning outcomes.
Part 2: weight 25%, 12.5 hours of student effort; assessment of student ability to demonstrate application of the module's leaning outcomes to realistic engineering design and implement tasks.
Exam |
75% |
This module provides students with an understanding of power system apparatus and their behaviour under normal and fault conditions. This module covers:
- concept and analysis of load flow
- voltage/current symmetrical components
- computation of fault currents
- economic optimisation
- power-system control and stability
- power system protection
Activity |
Number of Weeks |
Number of sessions |
Duration of a session |
Lecture |
11 weeks |
1 week |
2 hours |
Practicum |
11 weeks |
1 week |
1 hour |
Assessment method
Assessment Type |
Contribution |
Requirements |
Coursework |
25% |
25 hours of student time |
Exam |
75% |
2 hour exam |
This module aims to develop an understanding of the design and operation of power systems in aerospace, marine and automotive applications.
With the introduction of more electrical technologies in these application areas, the understanding and expected performance of the power system has become a critical platform design issue.
Activity |
Number of Weeks |
Number of sessions |
Duration of a session |
Lecture |
12 weeks |
2 week |
2 hours |
Practicum |
10 weeks |
1 week |
2 hours |
Assessment method
Assessment Type |
Weight |
Requirements |
Coursework |
25.00 |
Part 1: weight 12.5%, 12.5 hours of student effort; assessment of student ability to demonstrate fundamental acquisition of the module’s learning outcomes.
Part 2: weight 12.5%, 12.5 hours of student effort; assessment of student ability to demonstrate application of the module’s learning outcomes to realistic engineering design and implement tasks.
Exam |
75.00 |
This module covers the analysis and design of renewable and sustainable energy systems. It covers the various types of renewable energy and the resources available.
It uses an understanding of the physical principles of various types of energy resources in order to develop analytical models which can be applied to the design of renewable energy systems, including energy conversion and storage, especially for electrical power generation.
It includes;
- Wind power: wind probability distributions, wind turbine performance and control, comparison of generator types
- Hydro and tidal power: resource assessment, turbine types and principles
- Solar power, including PV cell equivalent circuit, analysis of losses, matching to DC and AC power systems
- Wave power systems, including wave energy characteristics, types of energy converter
- Characteristics of synchronous and induction generators
- Embedded generation; types of generator and operation of RE within the power system
- Economic and environmental assessment of energy conversion technologies.
Activity |
Number of Weeks |
Number of sessions |
Duration of a session |
Lecture |
12 weeks |
1 week |
2 hours |
Assessment method
Assessment Type |
Contribution |
Requirements |
Coursework |
25% |
Sustainable energy case study: A written report. |
Exam |
75% |
Two Hour Paper. The examination will be based on the whole of the course. |
This module covers a selection of topics where information is acquired from sensors and subsequently electronically processed.
Applications include:
- optical
- acoustic
- non-destructive evaluation
- medical
- biophotonics
Method and Frequency of Class:
Activity |
Number of Weeks |
Number of sessions |
Duration of a session |
Lecture |
11 weeks |
1 week |
2 hours |
Method of Assessment:
Assessment Type |
Contribution |
Requirements |
Coursework 1 |
25% |
Matlab exercises |
Coursework 2 |
25% |
Research and design proposal |
Exam |
50% |
End of module exam |