A thorough understanding of human factors/ergonomics is critical to the successful design and implementation of products, workplaces, jobs and systems.
This module focuses on the physical characteristics of people (eg body size, strength, flexibility, vision and hearing abilities) and considers how to account for an individual's fundamental needs, capabilities and limitations.
Ultimately, such an understanding will lead to products, workplaces, jobs and systems which promote productivity, health, safety, comfort, etc.
This module covers:
- structure and functioning of the human body
- anthropometry (human body dimensions) and product/workplace design
- biomechanics (loadings on the human body)
- work-related upper-limb disorders
- manual materials handling
- risk assessment for work-related musculoskeletal disorders
- designing and assessing environments to account for visual, acoustic, thermal and vibration factor
This module covers the following topics:
- cognitive psychology and ergonomics
- the human as an information processor: memory and attention, mental models
- human workload
- displays, controls, consoles and control rooms
- decision making, automation
- situation awareness
- problem-solving and artificial intelligence
- decision support systems, decision-making biases
- situated cognition and joint cognitive systems
Method and Frequency of Class: two hours of lectures per week in 11 weeks, two of these lectures are practical classes.
Method of Assessment: one 2-hour examination ( 100%).
This module aims to give a broad review of the measurement techniques which can be used in ergonomic analysis and evaluation of systems or products, together with an understanding of the need for experimental design and control in order to obtain valid and meaningful results. It also provides a theoretical basis for techniques which may be practised during laboratory work and exercises in other human factors modules.
The module covers:
- Introduction to experimental design; experimental controls; selection and recruitment of subjects; user trials; ethical considerations
- Observational methods: direct and indirect observation; recording techniques; measurement of behaviour; activity sampling
- Subjective measurements: ranking methods, rating scales, application in interviews and questionnaires
- Task analysis: task description; tabular and hierarchical task analysis; applications
- Introduction to SPSS
- Descriptive statistics
- Statistical analysis: Types of data; Normal distribution; Non-parametric tests; Parametric 2 samples tests, Correlation and regression, Chi Square, ANOVA
For human factors/ergonomics work, simulation tools can enable designers, managers and end-users to experience products and systems in realistic, interactive environments. Such advancements have significant cost implications, enabling designs and their implications to be visualised early in the development life cycle. In addition, virtual/augmented reality and other advanced human-machine interfaces (HMIs) are being developed in many different industries to support different user needs.
This module will provide you with the knowledge and skills required to understand and utilise computers as human factors tools for understanding peoples’ interactions with new technology. Moreover, the module will consider HMIs that are increasingly common in modern life and frequently designed and evaluated using simulation techniques.
The module is a mix of practical and research-oriented content, and you will make extensive use of the simulation facilities and on-going research projects within the Human Factors Research Group and elsewhere in the University.
Topics include:
- virtual reality technologies/environments/interfaces
- augmented reality; fidelity and validity of simulators
- presence factors for simulation
- understanding and minimising simulator sickness
- multimodal interfaces including the use of natural language and gesture interfaces, computers and collaborative/social interfaces, accessibility, in-car interfaces
Activity |
Number of Weeks |
Number of sessions |
Duration of a session |
Lecture |
11 weeks |
1 week |
2 hours |
Practicum |
11 weeks |
1 week |
2 hours |
Assessment method
Assessment Type |
Weight |
Requirements |
Coursework 1 |
50.00 |
Report (approx. 3,000 words) on the use of simulation to aid in the design/evaluation of specific products |
Coursework 2 |
50.00 |
Presentation arguing for the use of advanced Human-Machine Interface solutions in a specific design context |
A project-oriented module involving a review of publications and views on a topic allied to the chosen specialist subject. The module will also involve organisation and design of the main project. Skills will be acquired through workshops and seminars that will include:
- Further programming in MATLAB and /or MSExcel Macros
- Project planning and use of Microsoft Project
- Measurement and error analysis
- Development of laboratory skills including safety and risk assessment
Students will select a further set of specialist seminars from, e.g.:
- Meshing for computational engineering applications
- Modelling using CAE packages
- Use of CES Selector software
- Specific laboratory familiarisation
- Use of MSVisio software for process flow
- Use of HYSYS process modelling software
- Use of PSpice to simulate analogue and digital circuits
The specialist seminars will be organised within the individual MSc courses.
Activity |
Number of Weeks |
Number of sessions |
Duration of a session |
Seminar |
12 weeks |
1 week |
3 hours |
Assessment method
Assessment Type |
Weight |
Requirements |
Coursework 1 |
40.00 |
Project planning |
Coursework 2 |
20.00 |
Literature review |
Coursework 3 |
20.00 |
Experimental Design |
In-Class Test |
20.00 |
Stats test |
Health and Safety test |
Pass required. |
This modules aims to give an understanding of systems approaches to the design and analysis of effective and safe work, primarily in the context of industrial systems but also in relation to major projects, public and social systems and digital systems.
It is vital that students learn that technical, human, organizational and economic factors must be addressed when understanding the operation and potential failure in existing systems, and in developing requirements, implementation and evaluation approaches for social and socio-technical systems, and for systems of systems.
In this module, particular attention will be paid to distributed (in time and space) systems and ones with elements of automated processes (all of which will have to interact with human and organisational elements at some point and time). The potential causes of accidents and of human error are explained, and an introduction given to methods of reporting and investigating accidents and techniques for analysing accidents and systems reliability which will lead to the design of safer organisations and work systems.
Topics covered include:
- risk and risk perception
- risk assessment and management
- accident models and accident causation
- causes of human error
- epidemiology, accident reporting and analysis
- accident prevention
- human reliability assessment
- safety climate and culture
- safety systems management
Method and Frequency of Class:
Activity |
Number of Weeks |
Number of sessions |
Duration of a session |
Lecture |
12 weeks |
2 week |
2 hours |
Method of Assessment:
Assessment Type |
Weight |
Requirements |
Coursework 1 |
30.00 |
Exam 1 |
70.00 |
This module takes a human factors design perspective on HCI considering the overall human-computer system. A highly practical stance is taken and the module will follow a typical user-centred design process, commencing with lectures and accompanying method-focussed sessions on understanding user requirements, progressing to design work and finally objective and subjective interface testing approaches. These sessions will align closely with the coursework application areas.
Topics include:
- introduction to HCI
- usability and user experience
- understanding user requirements
- context of use analysis
- design guidelines and principles
- designing for user acceptance
- lo and hi-fidelity prototyping
- user and non-user-based approaches to interface testing
Method and Frequency of Class:
Activity |
Number of Weeks |
Number of sessions |
Duration of a session |
Lecture |
12 weeks |
1 week |
2 hours |
Method of Assessment:
Assessment Type |
Weight |
Requirements |
Coursework 1 |
80.00 |
Group coursework (moderated by peer assessment), designing/evaluating a novel user-interface
Coursework 2 |
20.00 |
Individual reflective report on experience as an interface designer |
Topics include:
- working as a human factors engineer/HCI professional
- predictive evaluation techniques (eg GOMs, Fitts Law)
- psychophysical methods
- verbal protocol analysis
- qualitative approaches and methodologies
- eye-tracking methodologies
- ethical considerations in human factors research
- capturing and analysing human physiological data
This project involves students undertaking an original, independent, research study into an engineering or industrial topic appropriate to their specific MSc programme. The project should be carried out in a professional manner and may be undertaken on any topic which is relevant to the MSc programme, as agreed by the relevant Course Director and module convenor.
The project has several aims, beyond reinforcing information and methodology presented in the taught modules; the student is expected to develop skills in research, investigation, planning, evaluation and oral and written communication.
Final reporting will take the form of a written account including a literature review and an account of the student's contribution. A presentation will be made to academic staff towards the end of the project.
Method and Frequency of Class:
There will be a one hour introductory session/session via Moodle . All other activities are arranged on an individual basis between the student and the project supervisor.
Method of Assessment:
Assessment Type |
Weight |
Requirements |
Coursework 1 |
10.00 |
Interim Report (Marked by project supervisor) |
Coursework 2 |
15.00 |
Supervisor assessment of student input and professionalism (marked by project supervisor) |
Coursework 3 |
10.00 |
15 minute oral presentation (peer marked and with 1 staff) |
Coursework 4 |
65.00 |
Dissertation (10,000 word limit) |
The project area is flexible and will be supervised by an academic member of staff