This module will provide you with a thorough understanding of cognitive ergonomics and the way in which the consideration of cognitive ergonomics can impact on human performance in the workplace.
This is an advanced module in fluid mechanics applicable to a wide range of engineering disciplines. You will develop understanding and application skills of basic concepts and fundamental knowledge in turbulence and turbulent flows in engineering.
Topics to be covered include:
- fundamental theory of turbulence
- statistical description of turbulence
- boundary layer structures
- turbulent flow control
- turbulence modelling and CFD
- experimental techniques
- practical and industrial examples
Activity |
Number of Weeks |
Number of sessions |
Duration of a session |
Lecture |
11 weeks |
1 week |
2 hours |
Assessment method
Assessment Type |
Weight |
Requirements |
Coursework |
30.00 |
Assessed extended laboratory report based on experimental data on turbulent boundary layer taken in the wind tunnel.
Exam |
70.00 |
Closed book examination. |
The aim of this module is to provide an introduction to most of the main fields within Aerospace technology such that students understand the basics and are equipped to understand 'what there is to know' in this field.
The main topics covered are:
- A brief history of aircraft
- Aerodynamics
- An introduction to Aircraft Propulsion
- An introduction to Flight dynamics
- An introduction to aerospace materials and structures
- A brief overview of Astronauts and Space
- A brief introduction to Rotorcraft
- Airworthiness
- An introduction to Avionics
- Future developments in aircraft
Students who fail this module overall and are required to complete a re-assessment will be re-assessed by exam. The re-assessment exam mark alone will be used to determine whether students satisfy progression requirements.
An advanced module which builds on the students knowledge of thermo-fluids as applied to a range of advanced powertrain systems.
- Design features, function and layout
- Performance, efficiency and energy flows
- Fuel delivery and gas exchange processes
- Combustion, heat release and work transfer
- Coolant system and heat rejection
- Lubrication system and friction
- Aftertreatment system, emissions and test regulations
This module is concerned with the biomedical application of materials. It addresses three key areas:
- The clinical need for materials in medicine. An outline of cases where disease and trauma can be treated using materials and the tissues involved.
- The biological responses to materials in the body. Specifically the effect of the biological environment on materials and the effect of implantation of materials on the body.
- The application of materials in medicine. The material requirements, surgical procedures and expected biological performance of biomaterials. The advantages and disadvantages of using different types of materials and the importance of the design of medical implants.
Activity |
Number of Weeks |
Number of sessions |
Duration of a session |
Lecture |
11 weeks |
1 week |
2 hours |
Practicum |
11 weeks |
1 week |
2 hours |
Assessment method
Assessment Type |
Weight |
Requirements |
Coursework 1 |
20.00 |
Laboratory report |
Coursework 2 |
20.00 |
Clinical observation report |
Exam 1 |
60.00 |
Closed book exam. 2 hours. |
The aim of this module is to provide students with the knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of automotive engineering. The module also develops the appreciation of the economic and legislative influences on the design of a modern automobile.
For each of the following subject areas, the historical evolution of design of the component is considered with regard to the influences of performance optimisation, cost, and legislative requirements:
- Engine (i.c. types and development trends, fuel economy and emissions, alternative and hybrid powertrains)
- Transmission (manual and auto gearbox, differential, 2- and 4WD systems)
- Body/chassis (skeletal and unitary constructions, crashworthiness, aerodynamics)
- Control systems (steering and linkage, braking inc. ABS and traction/stability control)
- Suspension (arrangements, handling/dynamics)
Activity |
Number of Weeks |
Number of sessions |
Duration of a session |
Lecture |
11 weeks |
1 week |
2 hours |
Assessment method
Assessment Type |
Weight |
Requirements |
Exam |
100.00 |
One 2 hour exam |
This module aims to provide students with a basic knowledge and understanding of the main stream computer modelling techniques used in modern engineering practice, including Finite Element, Finite Difference and Finite Volume methods.
Topics covered will include:
- Introduction to numerical methods in engineering
- Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of structures
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for thermo-fluids problems
- Coursework on running FEA and CFD software
This is a module which requires personal engagement in the classes and there is no examination. In this way the module is like the Individual Project.
The module has four cycles, each comprising students individually preparing a talk, and report, on a topic within a theme and with a title that has been negotiated with the Teachers straight after the Teachers have delivered an introductory lecture on that theme.
The point of this module is to improve oral presentation and engineering report-writing skills using advanced materials as a vehicle.
The classes are seminars, where good practice is openly discussed and materials' advantages and disadvantages are openly debated.
This module is designed to deal with a wide range of materials (including advanced metallic, ceramic, glass, composite and polymeric-based materials) for a wide range of applications. Also it considers materials' themes, such as aerospace materials, medical materials, coatings, carbon-based materials, and so on.
The module deals with:
- the underlying principles behind the suitability of material properties for the targeted applications
- the processing of these materials
- the effects of processing on their subsequent structure and properties
- ultimate performance
This module introduces the design, manufacture and performance of fibre-reinforced composite materials.
Constituent materials including fibres, resins and additives are described. Processing techniques and the relationships between process and design are highlighted. Design methodologies and computer-aided engineering techniques are demonstrated for component design.
Case studies from a variety of industries including automotive and aerospace are presented.
Method and Frequency of Class:
Activity |
Number of Weeks |
Number of sessions |
Duration of a session |
Lecture |
12 weeks |
1 week |
2 hours |
Method of Assessment:
Assessment Type |
Weight |
Requirements |
Exam 1 |
100.00 |
2 hour exam |
This module introduces the important aspects of advanced automated manufacturing principles. It aims to help you develop a sound understanding of flexible automated manufacturing solutions. Through case studies, you’ll study their role in the context of current and future manufacturing challenges, as well as their advantages and limitations. Topics include:
- computer integrated manufacturing
- implications of mass customisation on automated manufacturing systems
- the impact of enterprise agility on their manufacturing facilities
This module covers:
- Basic airframe structure
- Airframe component manufacturing techniques
- Joining techniques
- Assembly technology
- Composite structures
- Jigless assembly and automated manufacture
- Basic aero-engine structure
- Geometry and material constraints
- Manufacturing processes: forging, casting, welding and joining techniques, special processes, small and non round hole manufacture
- Certification, verification inspection and quality control
Method and Frequency of Class:
Activity |
Number of Weeks |
Number of sessions |
Duration of a session |
Lecture |
11 weeks |
1 week |
2 hours |
Seminar |
10 weeks |
1 week |
2 hours |
Workshop |
8 weeks |
1 week |
2 hours |
Method of Assessment:
Assessment Type |
Weight |
Requirements |
Coursework 1 |
30.00 |
Group Project: FMS design for product families. |
Coursework 2 |
10.00 |
Lab report |
Exam 1 |
60.00 |
1.5 hour exam |
In this module you’ll develop an advanced understanding of fluid mechanics. You’ll use computational methods in fluid mechanics to further understand how techniques are applied to real fluid engineering problems. For example, you’ll study fluid/structure interactions, air flow, channel flow and water wave propagation. You’ll spend between two and four hours in lectures and two hours in computing sessions each week.
This module focuses on understanding and manipulating of material's microstructure to avoid failure. It addresses the main areas of mechanical failure using specific material system examples to illustrate how materials design is used to develop better materials for particular applications.
The four areas are:
- Design for strength – metallic alloys, ceramics
- Design for toughness – metallic alloys (including discussion of strength/toughness balance for Al alloys)
- Design for creep resistance - metallic alloys
- Design for fatigue resistance
This module will allow the theoretical background needed to understand linear Finite Element analysis. To present a number of examples to illustrate how practical problems can be analysed using FE software.
You will cover the following topics:
- Structural analysis
- Derivation of finite element equations using energy considerations
- Linear and quadratic elements
- Beam, plate and shell elements
- Practical applications of finite elements in stress analysis problems
- Examples of finite element applications
- Introduction to thermal problems
- Introduction to non-linear problems
In this module students develop understanding of hydrogen vehicle technologies and their role in delivering more sustainable transport and energy sectors.
The module covers technologies currently under development and those likely to be used in future vehicle power-train systems, as an energy storage buffer for the grid and as an alternative gas vector to decarbonise heat.
Technologies covered include;
- electrolysers, storage, fuel cells and the impact of hydrogen on different applications.
- Hydrogen use in the transport and energy sectors
- Sustainable sources of Hydrogen
- Hydrogen storage and distribution
- Fuel cell technologies
- Hydrogen Vehicles
- Grid stability and decarbonisation of heat applications
- Economic and environmental feasibility assessment
Activity |
Number of Weeks |
Number of sessions |
Duration of a session |
Lecture |
10 weeks |
1 week |
2 hours |
Assessment method
Assessment Type |
Weight |
Requirements |
Exam |
100.00 |
1 examination (2 hours) |
The aim of this module is to provide students with detailed knowledge of the various Additive Manufacturing technologies including specific design, material and process principles. Students will gain an insight into current and future applications as well as the research developments required for the advancement of this technology.
This module will cover design, processing and material aspects of Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing technologies, as well as the current and potential applications of the technology in a wide variety of sectors. Topics covered will include:
- commercial and experimental systems
- material requirements
- design for Additive Manufacturing
- software and systems
An introductory module to the specialist area of materials for low carbon transport.
- Overview of policy, regulation and materials requirements for low-carbon transport Composites
- Emerging propulsion materials and systems (fuel cells, rechargeable batteries, supercapacitors, superconductors) for road vehicles, trains and aircrafts.
- Advanced metal and alloys (steel, titanium alloys, aluminium alloys, magnesium alloys and superalloys) for transport applications.
- Advanced composites including carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) and glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) for transport applications.
- Ceramic thermal barrier coatings for aircraft gas turbine engines
The module introduces the relevant background and fundamental concepts regarding the integration of different Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in modern manufacturing systems.
The focus is on understanding topics such as cyber-physical systems, adaptive and autonomous manufacturing, digitalisation, data analytics and emerging business models through a series of relevant case studies.
The aim of the module is to enable students to develop a sound understanding of how ICT technologies can be combined and integrated with available manufacturing technologies in the context of today’s and tomorrow’s manufacturing challenges.