Compulsory module – research and dissertation
The research and dissertation module is designed to enable you to implement research skills and conduct a piece of educational research as part of a dissertation project.
As well as regular taught sessions, you'll be allocated a research supervisor who you'll work closely with over the course of the module in refining your study design.
The module examines the principles of teaching and learning described in the broader literature from education and psychology as applied to medical and healthcare professions higher education. It develops by exploring individual values and beliefs about teaching and learning and investigates the way in which the values, beliefs and held assumptions of teachers, together with expectations from learners, influence the delivery of teaching and the learning experience of students.
Students will apply their learning by delivering at least one teaching session on a chosen area of expertise such as a clinical sub-specialty and gain feedback about their performance.
This module introduces students to the principles of assessment and feedback described in the broader literature from education and psychology as applied to a medical or healthcare professions education context. The course initially considers the philosophy and principles of assessment. Thereafter, attention is given to the unique features of assessment including core methods used and areas of contention and controversy. The key considerations involved in designing programmes of assessment are discussed, such as constructive alignment of the curriculum and assessment, assessment validity, programmatic assessment and standard setting.
The module explores individual values and beliefs about the curriculum and the educational environment. Students will investigate the way in which the values, beliefs and assumptions held by teachers, together with the expectations of learners, influence the design, development and delivery of the curriculum.
The module explores the key aspects of inclusive curriculum design, including the inclusive alignment of curriculum content, teaching practices, educational materials, learning activities, assessment and feedback. Thereafter, the way in which the curriculum provides a template for planning and evaluating learning is explored.
The research and dissertation module is designed to enable you to implement research skills and conduct a piece of educational research as part of a dissertation project.
As well as regular taught sessions, you'll be allocated a research supervisor who you'll work closely with over the course of the module in refining your study design.
The dissertation is a supervised research or literature based investigation using appropriate methodology into an aspect of medical or healthcare professions education. You’ll produce a 4,000 word research proposal including a literature review and description of your proposed methodology, which you will receive feedback on. Your research will then lead to the production of a 5,000 word manuscript, publishable in an international journal, a conference poster and a pre-recorded research presentation.
The module begins with discussion about coaching, mentoring and supervision within the various healthcare-related disciplines and in other professions. The module develops to examine the way in which the values, beliefs and assumptions held by teachers, influence the experience of students receiving support in medical or healthcare professions education.
There is a discussion about the influence that professional standards or regulatory frameworks governing each professional discipline have on the understanding of educators and students/trainees about the role of coaching, mentoring or supervision in an educational setting. The range of skills required for competence and proficiency in coaching, mentoring supervision will be introduced with opportunities for students to practice active listening, skilled questioning, and giving feedback. Thereafter, there is an opportunity for students to demonstrate these skills and critically reflect on their opportunity as part of their ongoing development in the expert various roles of a teacher.
In the context of assessment in medical education, students taking this module have the opportunity to learn about the post examination analysis of assessment items and its interpretation which is becoming an essential component of the examination cycle that provides valuable feedback for improving the quality of the curriculum and standards of teaching and assessment. The theoretical content of the Module will deal with Classical Test Theory (including Generalizability theory), Item Response Theory, but will also actively engage participants in practical exercises, in the classroom and in private study, in order to gain the skills necessary for the psychometric evaluation of tests.
In addition, Students will learn about the principles of the measurement and evaluation and the analytical foundations of surveys in medical and health care education. Students will learn the theoretical foundations of psychometric questionnaires and surveys.
This module is assessed by an online exam.
The module begins with a review of the literature around clinical reasoning to ensure students have shared understanding of the problem, key concepts and approaches used to teach clinical reasoning. Concepts such as the ‘what’ of clinical reasoning education, the ‘how’ and the ‘when’ are discussed along with key ideas such as dual process theory, script theory, situativity theory and human factors, cognitive biases, metacognition, and the different types of knowledge teachers need to foster for successful clinical reasoning ability.
There is critical evaluation of various teaching approaches employed to develop clinical reasoning skills, with a specific focus on case-based learning. Literature on expertise development and the master adaptive learner are explored with the aim of enhancing feedback to students around their development of clinical reasoning skills over time.
This module examines the challenges of underperformance and performance enhancement for teachers in medical or healthcare professions education. The module draws on insights from the broader literature in education, leadership, psychology and sociology applied to a medical or healthcare professions education context. Various issues associated with underperformance such as specific learning differences and protected characteristics that may influence the circumstances surrounding underperformance are also discussed with respect to best practice guidelines and management of these learners in practice. Likewise, the association between cultural factors and underperformance is discussed including an examination of the experience of medical students as well as healthcare professionals in practice.
Models for investigating underperformance and planning performance enhancement are evaluated with specific attention on identifying factors associated with underperformance, triangulating observations about performance with information from interviews with learners, and supporting individuals to improve.
This module examines the challenges of teaching in clinical environments for medical and healthcare professions educators. The module draws on insights from the broader literature in education, leadership, management, psychology and sociology applied to a medical or healthcare professions education context.
The module begins with a review of the literature on volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) environments and the impact such environments can have on learners, in particular novices. The impact of the clinical environment on learners’ emotions, motivation, and learning will be discussed. The module also gives students the time and space to observe with ‘new eyes’ how learning happens, or could happen, in a VUCA environment, through non-participant ethnographic observation in a busy, and potentially VUCA, clinical environment. Students will critically reflect on their observations as part of their ongoing development in the various expert roles of a teacher.
In this module, students will be introduced to leadership concepts, characteristics and capabilities. The art of effective management during periods of change and innovation will be considered and concepts of transformational and transactional leadership explored. Principles of being a good team player, effective team leader and empowerment of others will be explored. Decision-making strategies and problem-solving tactics will be considered.
Students will also have the opportunity to explore and understand their own leadership style as determined by validated assessment instruments. Finally, the course gives students time and space to critically discuss an improvement project relevant to their own professional context, and to reflect on a complex leadership challenge as part of their ongoing development in the various expert roles of a teacher.