This module aims to provide students with a comprehensive grounding in renewable energy sources and allied conversion systems with the focus on their application within the built environment. Specifically the module will cover:
- energy principles
- solar energy resources
- solar thermal collectors
- solar photovoltaics
- wind energy
- district heating and heat pumps
- biomass energy
- efficient boilers
- heat recovery
For each of the renewable and energy efficient systems, the student will learn and develop an understanding of principle of operation, basic components, merit and limitations, and investigate the contribution they can make to a building's energy requirement with reference to their environmental impact.
By undertaking this module you will acquire the ability to relate building design and context to energy needs and from this develop and assess environmentally responsible approached to meeting these needs. You will also learn to design and evaluate key renewable and energy efficient energy technologies with a focus on building application.
The module will introduce you to the latest thinking in the areas of creativity, the creative process, knowledge management practices and the nature of entrepreneurship. Having established the vital link between creativity, entrepreneurship, innovation and value creation, the course uses directed reading, case study exercises, reflective blog writing and group-based creative problem solving to illustrate entrepreneurial creativity in practice. You will be introduced to a variety of creative problem solving techniques and learn how to apply these techniques in the context of the development, evaluation, and application of ideas and concepts with commercial potential. The course culminates in you pitching your entrepreneurial opportunity to peers and real world entrepreneurs.
This module is worth 20 credits.
This module will introduce you to the more practical elements of innovation and enterprise activity across multiple contexts, including not just new venture creation but corporate and social entrepreneurship as well.
Whereas Entrepreneurship and Creativity focuses on idea generation and entrepreneurial theory, Launching New Ventures will prepare you to recognise opportunities, and to implement innovation and enterprising ideas. The ability to make informed and timely decisions will be an important aspect of this, and the module will use a start-up business simulation to encourage this.
This module enables students to acquire the core skills used in research, and to practice these through exploration of a specialist subject relevant to architecture and the built environment.
This module covers the skills and resources needed to conduct independent academic research, including how to present findings effectively. It will cover choosing a research topic, how to shape research literature search techniques, including the use of the web.
As a result, students will be able to conduct their own primary research, including quantitative and qualitative methodologies; data collection and simple statistical analysis. Opportunities to practice these skills will be presented through participation in a mixture of lectures, seminars and workshops designed to introduce specialist subject areas relevant to the field of architecture and related disciplines.
This module will examine aspects of performance analysis and system design/sizing of renewable energy systems for building integration. The course provides opportunities to gain experience in issues of technology selection, system design, installation and performance analysis of a range of renewable energy systems. The module will emphasize solar energy technologies (photovoltaic and solar thermal systems) and small-scale wind turbines, and their integration into buildings.
This includes aspects of weather data resource/collection, system performance analysis, system design parameters, design/simulation tools, field evaluation of these technologies and cost appraisal.
This module develops a knowledge and understanding of:
- the dynamics of the global economy and international business and/or an awareness of cultural, legal/regulatory, political, and economic differences across countries and/or an appreciation of management issues from a global perspective
- business innovation - creativity, intrapreneurial - and entrepreneurial behaviour and enterprise development, and the management and exploitation of intellectual property
- leadership and management of people within organisations - leadership, organisational behaviour and motivation
- strategic management - the development and implementation of appropriate strategies within a changing environment
The purpose of the dissertation project is to undertake independent research into a topic appropriate to Renewable Energy or Energy Efficiency Technology Transfer. In undertaking the project, students should draw on and extend material presented in the course. The project has several aims, beyond reinforcing information and methodology presented in the taught modules. Students will gain experience by:
- addressing the challenges involved in developing the commercial potential of a scientific advance;
- giving a PowerPoint presentation that describes some aspects of the work achieved;
- producing a written report in a style that would be useful, not only to the scientists involved in the field of your investigations, but also to potential investors.
The project will commence in June after the end of the examination period.