
Course overview

Our Executive MBA builds on your existing years of management and will help to expand your global career prospects and earning potential.

Our flexible blended programme enables you to tailor your experience to your career goals.


The course is flexibly structured so you can combine your studies with your demanding career. The course is delivered in a blended manner with four 1-week modules delivered on campus in Nottingham, and eight 1-week modules delivered online. You can take between two to four years to complete the programme. You can also vary the number of modules you take each year and spread the cost by paying for each module as you progress.

You will come to the Nottingham, UK campus three times during the course of your studies. Each visit is a two-week block scheduled as follows:

  • In September/October of year one for your induction and Module One
  • In June of year one for Modules Seven and Eight
  • In February of year two for Module Twelve and Project Preparation workshops


Our flexible blended programme supports you to contribute to your organisation through real-time application of your learning.

In addition to core modules covering the fundamentals of leadership, strategy, marketing, sustainability and entrepreneurship, you can also choose optional modules that align with your personal career ambitions. These allow you to develop a broad general qualification, or you can focus your MBA with our Finance Leadership, Healthcare Leadership, Innovation Leadership, Technology Leadership pathways.


For your end-of-programme 3-month project you can choose from a range of company-based challenges, solving real issues that impact real people.

The Ingenuity process – take part in a unique method for encouraging creative problem solving, developed by our Haydn Green Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Our Accelerator programme provides extra skills and experience that include negotiation skills, presentation and personal impact skills, media training, consultancy skills, and how to coach others.

You will have opportunities to develop your professional networks through contacts you make amongst your fellow students, our Business Leader seminars, and links to campuses in China and Malaysia. Our Postgraduate Careers Service is also available throughout your studies and after you graduate.


You have the option to take industry-recognised digital qualifications by Microsoft and SAP alongside your course, which will develop your digital skills and help you stand out to future employers. 


International study tours (dependent upon costs any travel restrictions) offer direct experience of global business through meetings with executives, company visits, and sessions with experts. Our unique connections with China and Malaysia also offer a fantastic opportunity to learn about the essentials of doing business in these countries. 

Why choose this course?

Top 85 worldwide

best Executive MBAs

Flexibly structured

Combine your studies with your demanding career, studying part-time over two to four years. Learning 4 modules on campus and 8 modules delivered online.

More than 27,000

Business School alumni connect you to a powerful global network of business contacts

Gain digital skills

Business School students have the opportunity to gain digital skills with industry-recognised Microsoft and SAP certifications

Triple accredited

Part of an elite group of business schools worldwide to gain ‘triple crown’ accreditation

EQUIS, AMBA and AACSB accredited

Progress your career

Our recent Executive MBA graduates have experienced average salary uplifts of 45% to 96%

2017-2018 period

Leadership Pathways

Finance Leadership, Healthcare Leadership, Innovation Leadership, Technology Leadership.

Accelerator Programme

Professional effectiveness and impact skills including networking, career management, negotiation, media training, consultancy skills, and coaching others.

Course content

Our Executive MBA aims to develop your skills in:

  • leadership
  • practical management
  • creative and entrepreneurial problem solving
  • sustainable business practices

You will experience a well-considered mixture of academic theory and practical relevance, enabling you to identify solutions to real-world challenges in your work environment.


Stage one: Broadening management experience

Here are the eight core module of the Nottingham MBA: 

Accounting and Finance

In this module you will 'examine the complex cycle of financial reporting, management accounting, corporate financing, and investment within a business.

You will learn how good financial stewardship ensures that financial resources are in the right place, at the right time, and in the right form to sustain the business in meeting the needs of its stakeholders.

You will enhance your financial literacy through the practical experience of developing financial reports, analysing risk, recommending financing, and making investment decisions.

Core to your ethos will be environment, society, and governance (ESG) objectives, sustainable value creation, and responsible investment.

Experienced professionals will share their insights into global capital markets, micro-finance, and funding in the non-profit.

Business Economics

In this module you will gain an advanced understanding of the function of a wide range of markets for the production, exchange, and consumption of goods and services.

We will examine how people perceive the choices available to them, and assess the associated risks, to make optimal decisions.

We will also explore the nature of competition in dynamic markets, and the approaches that companies take to gain temporary and lasting advantage.

Change is at the heart of our teaching. You will learn about innovation and the impact of disruptive technologies, such as digital platforms that create new markets, and how transformation occurs whilst protecting consumers and building market resilience to achieve lasting social good, and how greater environmental awareness is impacting and changing market behaviours.

Entrepreneurship and Creativity

Identifying, defining, and solving problems is key to a thriving society and economy.

Whether working individually, within an organisation, or setting up a new business, it is your entrepreneurial skills that will enable you to establish new sources of value.

Challenges and opportunities come in many forms. Whether it is the need to develop a circular economy, expand clean technologies, enable regeneration, or ensure resource sustainability for future generations, this module gives you the opportunity to make your mark.

Using the University’s Ingenuity™ creative problem-solving model, you will work in teams, mentored by experienced entrepreneurs, to address a practical entrepreneurial challenge.

This module will integrate your thinking to build your business planning and pitching skills.

Leading People and Organisations

Designing, forming, and leading organisations provides people with essential livelihoods. Doing this with a shared sense of purpose enables the organisation to amplify its social good across many markets and countries.

Within a good governance structure, we examine what leaders do to motivate and empower employees, shape cultures, drive change, resolve conflicts and increase inclusion using power and effective decision-making.

We will explore a range of human interaction techniques including motivation and rewards, job design, teamworking, and leadership. From this you will enhance your team-working skills, leadership profile, and your interpersonal effectiveness.

You will hear from experienced and successful leaders of the challenges they faced in their careers and the lessons that were learned leading to their improved practice.


We are all consumers and the targets of marketing activity from many organisations. But do we really understand why these companies do what they do for us? How do they know what products we want, how much we are prepared to pay, where we want to buy them, or how we want to be spoken to?

You will explore how companies create valuable relationships in a context of changing consumer behaviour, varied needs, dynamic market conditions, and unrelenting global competition.

This takes place in an era of improving professional standards as the marketplace rewards ethical marketing, transparency, customer engagement, and responsible consumption.

You will learn through case studies and from discussions with a range of expert practitioners.

Operations Management

Well designed and well managed operational systems that align with an organisation’s strategy are central to achieving and sustaining high levels of performance.

We focus on contemporary and emerging practice across the industrial, service, public, and not-for-profit sectors, emphasising high performing operational processes capable of delivering an organisation’s products and services efficiently and effectively.

You will be able to assess the challenges in managing complex operations, projects, and supply chains to deliver high-quality outcomes, using Lean techniques and Six Sigma. You will understand the critical importance of IT and digitally enabled systems in supporting strong operational performance.

We share insights from business and industry, including analysis of contemporary case studies and expert practitioner views to drive business agility, rapid fulfilment and customer-focused product variety while promoting resource sustainability and operational resilience.

Strategic Management

Strategy is the practice of how an organisation fits within its chosen environment to ensure sustainability, competitive advantage in the good times, and resilience in more challenging times.

You will develop strategic analyses both for the external competitive environment, and for the organisation’s internal resources and competences, establishing priorities for where and how to focus development resources.

Ever mindful of current and emerging global competition you will use creativity and nuance to make clear the organisation’s strategic purpose, giving clarity of role to key stakeholders, and ensuring transparent governance.

Experienced practitioners will share their successes and failures of developing and delivering business, societal, and international strategic interventions. You will learn from a dynamic blend of case studies, cutting-edge research insights, and guest speakers.

Sustainable Decisions and Organisations

How do business leaders recognise their need to be responsible and accountable for their environmental and social impacts? How can they develop effective strategies to address sustainability challenges such as climate change, and how can those strategies play a fundamental role in core company performance and success?

This sustainable business simulation tackles these questions in an innovative way. Students gain first-hand experience of leadership roles in sustainability, and the complexities of creating sustainability strategies to ensure ‘shared value’ for companies, their stakeholders, and the environment. They learn how to defend those strategies in a board conference with experienced business practitioners, and how to approach a sustainability crisis through a simulated press conference with real journalists.

The aim is: student understanding of what is required to be a responsible business leader.

Stage two: Deepening management experience

Here you can choose from the full set of electives, or you can combine specific modules into a Pathway. For a general qualification, choose four electives from the following list: 

Business Ethics

This module examines ethical issues and dilemmas, covering a range of complex and controversial problems relating to business in a global economy. The main concepts and theories underpinning the business ethics field will be introduced, and you shall have the opportunity to apply these to business situations.

More specifically, the module explores pertinent issues of human rights, globalisation and sustainable development, and places these within different philosophical and cultural perspectives. The module also explores the role of professionals from an ethical perspective, and situates these explorations within a political-economic framework.

Business Intelligence in the Digital Economy

This module focuses on the key digital technologies that are producing revolutionary change in business right now. Wherever you work – finance, retail, government, manufacturing, consultancy or any service role – your industry and your job is being changed by disruptive technologies as organisations become data-driven.

New uses of data are radically changing how firms produce products and services, how they interact with customers and how they partner together. But the change has just started – this module can help you take advantage of the changes to come.

We will look at the underlying business ideas which drive and make use of technologies like big data analytics, The Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, social media, Web 2.0, and cloud computing. We will discuss how they are being used by different firms to transform their capabilities, their business models and their performance. We will look at how to use these technologies in business examples, the firms that you are interested in and in your own jobs.

Commissioning and Service Redesign

In all health service organisations, services are evolving formally and informally. This module will look at the formal ways in which services change, in response to changing health needs and thus commissioning processes; and how organisations can respond through effective service re-design.

Corporate Finance

The module examines the ethical and practical justifications for the idea that companies should operate in the interests of shareholders and also the counter arguments in favour of a stakeholder perspective.

The module then deals in turn with the major financial decisions made in organisations (capital budgeting, capital structure, dividends, mergers, working capital). Decisions are analysed first in the context of well functioning capital markets. Capital market imperfections and behavioural biases on the part of managers and investors are then considered.

Data Science, Analytics and Decision Making

The module aims to jointly develop students' knowledge on how to integrate Data Science / AI within businesses and provide an awareness and high level understanding of the full technical Data Science / AI process and core concepts. After being taught core Data Science / AI concepts students will leverage this knowledge to gain a more in depth understanding of the key elements and stages in managing and running Data Science / AI projects, from initiation to completion with the aim of ensuring students are then aware of, and be able to critically assess, potential challenges and risks and be able to devise mitigation strategies.

The module additionally aims to develop skills to communicate complex AI concepts, techniques, and results to non-technical stakeholders, using appropriate visualizations and presentations.

Digital Transformation and Change Management

To develop a holistic and robust understanding of digital transformations, complemented with a solid technical and methodological knowledge to succeed in fast paced business environments.

To allow participants to reflect and develop an understanding of the skills and qualities required to lead change and manage risk.

Entrepreneurship in Practice

The module will help students build skills across a number of areas central to the entrepreneurial experience, including:

  • Opportunity recognition, evaluation and exploitation
  • Innovation assessment and management
  • Environmental analysis
  • Understanding and managing risk
  • The strategy process
  • Market research and the marketing plan
  • Finance and Funding

Intellectual property rights Students will learn through a mixed delivery model, which will include formal lectures, group work and sessions with visiting entrepreneurs.

Students will also engage with a start-up business simulation (SimVenture), designed to introduce players to the complexity of entrepreneurial decision making.

Ethics, Governance and Risk

This module engages with contemporary challenges and issues in governance, ethics and risk in complex healthcare systems. The module brings together academic theory drawn from both the study of high-performing healthcare organisations and major organisational crises and disasters, as well as exploring and applying insights and models from other sectors. The issues examined throughout the module reflect current concerns in health policy and practice, with a particular focus on the UK health and care context.

The module explores difficult ethical issues, the management of risk and the governance of healthcare in broader historical and social context, and examines both the practical application of, and challenges inherent to, major tools and techniques used in healthcare. The module provides a detailed examination of key concepts of governance and ethics; major developments in NHS policy; challenges in the governance of risk, safety and resilience; and practices and theories of healthcare improvement.

Financial Technologies

The primary objectives of this module are to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of the key technologies shaping the financial sector, including blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and machine learning. Participants will explore the practical applications of these technologies in finance, gaining insights into how they drive innovation and efficiency. Additionally, the module seeks to prepare students for real-world scenarios by examining cybersecurity protocols and exploring emerging trends like InsurTech and RegTech.

Games and Strategies for Business

Game theory is used to analyse and predict the outcomes of complex situations involving strategic interactions, ie interactions in which the right choice for us depends upon the choices made by others, and our choices affect how others behave. Managers face strategic interactions within the firm (with other divisions and subordinates) and outside the firm, with suppliers, competitors, customers, regulators, and even capital markets. Examples include pricing decisions in oligopolistic markets, entry or exit decisions, incentive schemes, and optimal timing to release information.

In this module, you will learn the essential tools of game theory, discover their use by applying them to a variety of business situations and cases, and find out which are its limitations. It aims at developing your ability to think ahead and to take into account other people’s possible responses to your actions. More importantly, we’ll discuss how to choose or design the best “game”. After all, “successful business strategy is about actively shaping the game you play, not just playing the game you find” (Brandegurger and Nalebuff, 1995).

Global Tourism Futures

The module Global Tourism Futures is aimed at developing a critical appreciation of theoretical and practical aspects of tourism in the context of a dynamic world economy.

Health Finance, Economics and Decision Making

This module examines financial and economic decision making in healthcare, with relevance to the public sector more generally. The aim of the module is to help non-specialist managers who work in - or with - healthcare organisation understand the financial environment and provide them with the basis to discuss financial issues, as well as consider the financial and economic basis for making decision.

You will be introduced to tools and techniques for a range of financial activities such as setting budgets, making investment decisions, forming contractual relationships and including financial issues in strategic plans. You will also be introduced to the core concepts in health economics such as Quality Adjusted Life Years, risk and value; these concepts will be particularly useful in making a case for organisational or service change.

The module will include a number of critical cases and give you the opportunity to discuss your own organisational challenges with the experienced session leads.

Innovation Management

The aim of this module to understand the different factors that support innovative performance within firms. First, we look at innovation from an industrial perspective, showing how innovations of product, process and organisational structure can create and destroy markets. Then we consider innovation within an organisation, showing how innovation can be used to address social, environmental and governance challenges. Finally, we look at innovation from a managerial perspective, highlighting the entrepreneurial practices necessary to sustain innovation. We draw upon live cases of innovation within small, fast-growing firms and learn from approaches used to re-vitalise larger firms.

Participants choose which firm they wish to work upon and research the historical innovation performance of that firm and recommend a change programme for senior managers to act upon. This equips participants with the knowledge to manage innovation within their sector of interest and helps build their capability to respond to uncertainty and change.

International Study Tour

The International Study Tour (IST) offers an exciting opportunity to appreciate the dynamics of contemporary business practice in an international context. It comprises a mixture of preparatory classroom learning and research, and field visits to organisations in the destination country, and meetings with senior managers.

The IST provides a great opportunity to reflect on the application of theory to practical business management issues in different environments, namely national, corporate and consumer cultural contexts and business environments. A range of sectors, industries, and company sizes are included to maximise alignment to students’ interests.

The IST has visited USA and China. The destination each year is based on the benefit that the destination country adds to the experience but may be affected by regulatory and logistical constraints. Assessment mirrors the innovative nature of the module and includes reflection on personal learning.

Portfolio Management and Investment Analysis

This module aims to introduce students to different classes of financial instruments, to identify relevant data sources for financial returns, to explain how pattern in returns can be investigated, to show how financial instruments can be combined in portfolios, and to show how the performance of portfolios and portfolio managers can be measured.

Project Management

Varying in size and type, projects are literally everywhere. They are vital to all sectors and all business functions and are key platforms for improved performance and enhanced competitiveness. However, many projects are not easy to plan, manage or control, and may fail; they may overshoot the deadline, go over budget, or not meet the specifications. Risks and uncertainty and the choice of the right methodology, further complicate planning and control and affect the chances of successful project completion.

The module develops knowledge of the most important project planning and control methods and techniques, both traditional and contemporary. It enhances understanding on how the variety of project management methods work through in-class applications, readings, and the use of relevant software. It addresses broader issues and challenges of managing projects successfully, including stakeholder engagement and management, risk and uncertainty, the contribution of projects to innovation, and the development of a portfolio strategy.

Strategic Market Relations: Building, Managing and Leveraging Market Relationships

Why focus on business-to-business marketing? It is believed that between 50% and as much as 80% of all marketing related jobs and associated economic activity are in business markets. New perspectives in business marketing have emerged that focus on intangible resources, the co-creation of value, and relationships in networks of organisations rather than the traditional buyer-seller dyadic view of markets and marketing.

The aim of this module is to provide an introduction to the main theoretical and managerial concepts and issues in the area of business-to-business marketing and strategic market relations. We explore the complex dynamics of networked relationships between buying and selling organisations. Such networks offer organisations the opportunity to learn and create value in novel and innovative ways. However, they also constrain the actions of individual organisations in the network. Thus, strategic market relations require firms to understand how to build, manage, and leverage their market relationships.

Supply Chain and Procurement Management

This module introduces students to the topics of sourcing, procurement and purchasing. It provides students with an appreciation and understanding of strategic sourcing, and the issues, decisions and techniques purchasing managers should be familiar with, in particular: costs related to sourcing decisions, and how to compare different sourcing alternatives; behavioural factors and the impact of incentives in sourcing and dealing with suppliers; organisational forms for purchasing and controlling of this function, centralisation of purchasing and maverick behaviour; the strategic management of the portfolio of relationships with suppliers; factors to consider when preparing for negotiations and conducting them.

Venture Capital and Private Equity

Venture Capital and Private Equity (VC&PE) provide risk capital to firms at various stages of their life cycle, from selecting early-stage young firms to identifying late-stage investment opportunities such buyouts.

This module examines how VC&PE firms operate from both the investor and investee perspective. It looks at due diligence, firm section, structuring deals, valuation, managing portfolio firms, and exit. Cases discussed range from seed funding to management buyouts (MBOs) and bolt-ons to turnarounds and are often accompanied by industry experts in class.

To gain a Pathway award, select three modules from the same group, then one other from the list above.

Finance Leadership pathway

  • Corporate Finance
  • Financial Technologies
  • Portfolio Management and Investment Analysis

Healthcare Leadership pathway

  • Commissioning and Service Redesign
  • Ethics, Governance and Risk
  • Health Finance, Economics and Decision Making

Innovation Leadership pathway

  • Entrepreneurship in Practice
  • Innovation Management
  • Venture Capital & Private Equity

Technology Leadership pathway

  • Business Intelligence in the Digital Economy
  • Data Science, Analytics and Decision Making
  • Digital Transformation and Change Management

Stage three: Preparing for your future career

Management project, which includes the Company Based Challenge.

Management Project

All MBA students complete a management project, giving them the opportunity to put theory into practice. You spend up to six months on a management project exploring current business issues and applying the theories and techniques learned during your MBA to resolve them.

You have three options. Either:

  • apply for a project with a real business (company-based management project)
  • do a desk-based project
  • write a business plan

The specific topic is subject to an approval process. Course members enrolled on a specific MBA variant must undertake a Management Project related to their named variant.

The above is a sample of the typical modules we offer but is not intended to be construed and/or relied upon as a definitive list of the modules that will be available in any given year. Modules (including methods of assessment) may change or be updated, or modules may be cancelled, over the duration of the course due to a number of reasons such as curriculum developments or staffing changes. Please refer to the module catalogue for information on available modules. This content was last updated on Monday 23 September 2024.

Due to timetabling availability, there may be restrictions on some module combinations.

Learning and assessment

How you will learn

  • Lectures
  • Seminars
  • Tutorials
  • Workshops
  • Case studies
  • Simulations
  • Live projects

Highlights of your learning experience include:

  • small, diverse class sizes which promote discussion and the exchange of knowledge and ideas
  • international study tours - experience different cultures and realise the direct impact of differing environments on business, taking you from the classroom to the real world
  • Business Practice Week - attend company visits in Nottingham and London, learning more about current business challenges and how these relate to theoretical concepts
  • the Ingenuity process – take part in a unique method for encouraging creative problem solving, developed by our Haydn Green Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Digital professional skills certifications

We offer the opportunity for you to take industry-recognised Microsoft and SAP certifications alongside your degree programme. This will enhance your digital capability, differentiate your CV and help you stand out to future employers. Find out more on our digital professional skills website.

How you will be assessed

  • Examinations
  • Essay
  • Project work
  • Presentations
  • Portfolios of learning
  • Investment pitches
  • Group activities

Modules are assessed by a combination of exams and coursework at the end of the relevant semester.

Entry requirements

All candidates are considered on an individual basis and we accept a broad range of qualifications. The entrance requirements below apply to 2025 entry.

Undergraduate degree2:1 (or international equivalent) in any discipline. We will also consider applications from graduates with good approved university honours degrees as well as those with significant professional experience or qualifications that have the potential to enhance the diversity of the MBA class.
Work experience

For entry to our Executive MBA, we usually expect you to have at least five years of post-graduation full-time work experience. The application process will include an interview.


Our step-by-step guide covers everything you need to know about applying.

How to apply


Qualification MBA
Home / UK £32,400
International £32,400

Additional information for international students

If you are a student from the EU, EEA or Switzerland, you may be asked to complete a fee status questionnaire and your answers will be assessed using guidance issued by the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) .

These fees are for full-time study. If you are studying part-time, you will be charged a proportion of this fee each year (subject to inflation).

Additional costs

All students will need at least one device to approve security access requests via Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). We also recommend students have a suitable laptop to work both on and off-campus. For more information, please check the equipment advice.

Additional information for international students

If you are a student from the EU, EEA or Switzerland, you may be asked to complete a fee status questionnaire and your answers will be assessed using guidance issued by the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) .

These fees are for full-time study. If you are studying part-time, you will be charged a proportion of this fee each year (subject to inflation).

Additional costs

All students will need at least one device to approve security access requests via Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). We also recommend students have a suitable laptop to work both on and off-campus. For more information, please check the equipment advice.

As a student on this course, you should factor some additional costs into your budget, alongside your tuition fees and living expenses.

You should be able to access most of the books you'll need through our libraries, though you may wish to purchase your own copies or more specific titles.


There are many ways to fund your postgraduate course, from scholarships to government loans.

We also offer a range of international masters scholarships for high-achieving international scholars who can put their Nottingham degree to great use in their careers.

Check our guide to find out more about funding your postgraduate degree.

Business School MBA scholarships

There are many ways to fund your postgraduate course, from scholarships to government loans.

We also offer a range of international masters scholarships for high-achieving international scholars who can put their Nottingham degree to great use in their careers.

Check our guide to find out more about funding your postgraduate degree.

Postgraduate funding


We offer individual careers support for all postgraduate students.

Expert staff can help you research career options and job vacancies, build your CV or résumé, develop your interview skills and meet employers.

Each year 1,100 employers advertise graduate jobs and internships through our online vacancy service. We host regular careers fairs, including specialist fairs for different sectors.

International students who complete an eligible degree programme in the UK on a student visa can apply to stay and work in the UK after their course under the Graduate immigration route. Eligible courses at the University of Nottingham include bachelors, masters and research degrees, and PGCE courses.

Graduate destinations

Our MBA provides an excellent platform for career enhancement, career change or entrepreneurial activities.

Full time MBA graduate destinations include:

  • management consultants
  • finance and investment analysts and advisers
  • general managers
  • marketing and commercial managers
  • project managers
  • business development executives
  • buyers and procurement professionals
  • engineering professionals
  • events managers
  • human resource managers
  • IT managers
  • operations managers

Companies and organisations our graduates have gone on to work for include: Accenture, BDO, Deloitte, EY, Ericsson, HSBC, IKEA, JP Morgan, KPMG, Mars, NHS, PwC, Santander Group, Shell, UBS.

Immediately following graduation, 95% of our 2022 MBA full time graduates were employed*. Some of our MBA graduates have returned to their previous employer in a more senior role. Our Ingenuity Lab has also supported a number of our MBA graduates in starting their own company.

* 6 months after graduation (data collected by the Business School)

Career progression

Our recent Executive MBA graduates have experienced average salary uplifts of 45% to 96% (2017-2018 period).

As working professionals, many graduates from the Executive MBA programme have experienced career enhancements in their employing organisations or have been able to make career changes. Entrepreneurial ventures have also been pursued.

EQUIS accredited

The Business School is EQUIS accredited.

AMBA accredited

The Business School is AMBA accredited.

AACSB accredited

The Business School is AACSB accredited. 

Two masters graduates proudly holding their certificates
" An Executive MBA makes my skills and education current and highly relevant to the dynamic nature of business today. The curriculum is challenging, yet rewarding. Many faculty members have a lot of business experience and knowledge, which underpins and supports the academic learning. "
Susan Finch, Site General Manager, Pennine Healthcare

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This content was last updated on Monday 23 September 2024. Every effort has been made to ensure that this information is accurate, but changes are likely to occur given the interval between the date of publishing and course start date. It is therefore very important to check this website for any updates before you apply.