Commonwealth Masters Scholarship

Masters scholarships for students from the Commonwealth

The application deadline has now passed

The University of Nottingham has excellent links with the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission and is a popular destination for Commonwealth scholarship holders.

What are Commonwealth Masters Scholarships?

Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships are funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and are designed for students who could not otherwise afford to study in the UK. The awards are for outstanding candidates from eligible low- and middle-income Commonwealth countries, with aspirations to become leaders and innovators in their home countries. They cover approved tuition fees, approved airfare, and a living allowance stipend, amongst other financial assistance. Full details are on the Commonwealth website.

Subject areas

Scholarships are offered under six themes:

  • Science and technology for development
  • Strengthening health systems and capacity
  • Promoting global prosperity
  • Strengthening global peace, security and governance
  • Strengthening resilience and response to crises
  • Access, inclusion and opportunity


To apply for a Commonwealth Scholarship, you must:

  • be a Commonwealth Citizen, refugee or British protected person
  • be permanently resident in an eligible Commonwealth country
  • be available to start your academic studies in the UK by the start of the UK academic year in September 2024
  • by September 2024, hold or be predicted to gain a first degree of at least 2:1 honours standard or a 2:2 degree with a relevant postgraduate qualification (usually a masters degree)
  • be unable to afford to study in the UK without this scholarship
  • provide Commonwealth with all supporting documents in the required format

You must not have studied or worked in a high-income country for an academic year or more.

See the Commonwealth Scholarships website for full details of the scholarships available and their eligibility criteria.

How to apply

Applications for Commonwealth Masters scholarships for the 2024/25 academic year are now closed.

I am the founder and CEO of Kente Master Limited, a social enterprise producing high quality original kente fabric products. I applied for the Chevening Scholarship as the perfect fit to help me expand my business across the world and empower more kente weavers in Ghana.
Peter Paul Akanko, studying Msc Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Management
Commonwealth Scholarships website


Contact details

Offered by the UK Department for International Development

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