School of Pharmacy

Double awards for top pharmacy students at our Malaysia campus

KUALA LUMPUR, 14 November 2007: Two pharmacy students at The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus received “Best in Year 1” awards at a prize giving ceremony at the campus recently.

Ms Lau Yen Kheng was awarded the AstraZeneca R&D prize for best student in year 1 in Pharmacy and was given a cheque for £150 plus RM1000 worth of book tokens, while Ms Chua Cher Wei was presented with the Manor Pharmacy Prize of £250 for best student in professional pharmacy in year 1.

Students studying Pharmacy at the Malaysia Campus follow exactly the same course of study as those at the University Park Campus in the UK and the “best student” prizes are awarded irrespective of which campus the student studies at. This is now the 2nd consecutive year that the prize for overall best pharmacy student in year 1 has gone to a student studying at the Malaysia Campus.

“We at the Malaysia Campus are especially delighted that this prize went to a pharmacy student at the Malaysia Campus for the second year running as it goes to prove that students at both campuses are equally outstanding,” said Professor Brian Atkin, CEO and Vice President of the Malaysia Campus.

Professor Saul Tendler, Head of The University of Nottingham's School of Pharmacy presented the Manor Pharmacy prize for the best student in professional pharmacy in year 1. Professor Tendler also highlighted the new prestigious Research Prizes that had recently been introduced by the School of Pharmacy, where the top five students in year 2 receive a research bursary worth in-excess of £2,000 each. This year three students from the Malaysia Campus have won the inaugural awards. Professor Tendler commented “This is a tremendous opportunity to experience the excitement of research work at first hand and to be paid at the same time.”

In presenting the AstraZeneca R&D prize for the best overall pharmacy student in year 1, Mr Takara Kitaguchi, Marketing Company President, AstraZeneca (Malaysia/Singapore) reiterated AstraZeneca's commitment to developing young scientists of the future and expressed his delight at being able to be back at the Malaysia Campus again for a second year running. He also presented a plaque to Ms Lau Yen Kheng commemorating her success.

The prize giving ceremony was concluded with Dr Akhmal Yusof of AstraZeneca presenting a very interesting overview of the future of current medicines in the AstraZeneca pipeline.

Dr Stephen Doughty, Director of Studies for Pharmacy at the Malaysia Campus said “It is once again a great pleasure to see pharmaceutical industry actively involved in encouraging the young pharmacists of tomorrow to succeed in their studies and perform to the highest of their abilities.”

Posted on Tuesday 1st April 2008

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
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Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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