School of Pharmacy

Shanghai Jiao Tong Subject Tables: Nottingham ranked in global elite

The University of Nottingham has again been confirmed in the intercontinental higher education elite, in global tables published this month (February 2008).

Shanghai Jiao Tong University's 'Academic Ranking By Broad Subject' (published  February 15th 2008) ranks Nottingham research in Clinical Medicine and Pharmacy 29th best in the world. Nottingham academics undertaking research in clinical medicine and pharmacy perform strongly alongside colleagues at The University of California Berkeley (32nd), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (33rd) and Cornell University (30th) – and Nottingham is one of only 5 British institutions in the World Top 30 for Clinical Medicine and Pharmacy, with Oxford, Cambridge, University College London and Imperial College London.

The new table – which reflects the number of alumni and staff winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals, the volume of highly cited researchers within the faculty, and the number of articles published in the most prestigious academic journals – also places Nottingham in the world's Top 50 for Agricultural and Life Sciences, and the world's Top 100 universities in the Social Sciences. Arts and humanities subjects are not included in the Shanghai Jiao Tong rankings.

The Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) subject tables are the first global index to be produced in 2008. A full table - giving overall worldwide University rankings - will be published in August this year. Currently, The University of Nottingham is ranked 9th overall in the United Kingdom by SJTU. Full details can be found at

The other established world universities league table – issued by The Times Higher Education in the United Kingdom – ranks Nottingham 70th in the world overall. The University has risen more than 70 places since the table was first published in 2004.

For students and prospective students, the latest Shanghai Jiao Tong University research rankings are excellent news. Nottingham students are learning from truly pioneering academics. In Pharmacy, to take just one example, every member of the academic staff is also a teacher, and the number of medical research staff involved in the provision of lectures and teaching sessions here is extremely high.

Nottingham – alongside Cambridge and Manchester – was rated top choice by leading companies recruiting UK graduates in the most recent independent survey for The Times newspaper.

It was also declared Britain's University of the Year in 2006/7, and enjoys one of the highest completion rates anywhere in UK higher education. Once students enrol on a Nottingham degree course, nearly all will go on to complete their studies

Coming to Nottingham to study is a hugely attractive proposition - borne out by the continuing number of high calibre applicants (Top 5 choice in 2008) and by the record number of international students, who now represent more than 141 nations, and who help to create truly cosmopolitan campuses. Nottingham's student mix is diverse - and thanks to high levels of investment in student financial support, and an imaginative programme to attract the broadest range of talented applicants - it is becoming more reflective of society, with the number of students from lowest-income groups rising from 17% to 22% since 2005.

Our students swept the board at the most recent Student Radio Awards, have the highest production count at the National Student Drama Festival in 2008, ensure that we are ranked in the Top 10 by the British Universities Sports Association, and currently hold accolades including UK Graduate of the Year, and national winner of Students in Free Enterprise, for the third year running.

The University's campuses in Nottingham UK, Malaysia and The People's Republic of China are award-winners in themselves. Open parkland sites, with gorgeous landscaping and signature architecture, they offer an unrivalled setting for learning. The University Park campus in Nottingham UK has won a Green Flag award for four years in succession, and was singled out by judges who declared Nottingham the UK's Best Large City in the most recent Britain in Bloom accolades.

This year the University and the Students' Union delivered a £1m refurbishment of social facilities on campus, the University appointed a Director of Teaching and Learning as well as a Director of Student Services, and it is implementing a dynamic programme of continuous investment and refinement in teaching, learning and student experience.


Jonathan Ray

Director, Communications

External Relations

The University of Nottingham

PA: Katy Smart

Tel: +44-(0)115-951-5765


Posted on Saturday 19th January 2008

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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