School of Pharmacy

Further Accolades for the school

The School is celebrating again, after being judged to be the top English School of Pharmacy in the latest Guardian University Guide.  The Guide is designed to inform students considering entry to higher education in 2010. 

This follows hot on the heels of the results of the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise, in which the School was judged to be the UK's top School of Pharmacy. 95% of the School's research was judged to be of international quality and 35% world-leading.

Professor Saul Tendler, Head of School, said  "I am proud of the fact that both the quality of our research and the excellence of our teaching have been recognised so publicly in recent weeks.  There is no doubt that we are Britain's leading School of Pharmacy and our ambitious plans for the future will ensure we continue to lead the way."

For more information, please follow these links to see the Guardian webpage and The Times Higher Education webpage about the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise.

Posted on Thursday 21st May 2009

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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