School of Pharmacy

Graduation Celebration


Graduation Celebration

The School is delighted to be celebrating the graduation of 135 MPharm students.  This cohort is particularly special, as it contains the first group of students to graduate from the School's innovative 2+2 programme, where students spend the first two years of their degree programme at the University's campus in Malaysia, and then transfer to Nottingham for the final two years.

The students' degrees were conferred at a ceremony held on University Park Campus on Thursday 23rd July.  Head of School, Professor Saul Tendler, said, “It is an absolute pleasure to see so many Pharmacy students graduating this year.    For the students who were our 2+2 pioneers, this is an extra special achievement, and one that marks the culmination of many years of effort by colleagues both in Nottingham and Malaysia who have been involved in setting up the programme, and, of course, by students themselves.  We wish all our students the very best for successful careers as pharmacists, and we hope they will keep in touch with us in the future”.

Posted on Thursday 18th September 2014

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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