School of Pharmacy

Pharmacy Students on 'Eggheads' - Results

On Monday 17th May at 6pm on BBC2 (and on BBC HD) we saw a team of our Pharmacy students playing against the 'Eggheads'.

This was filmed last summer, when the students were in their third year here.  Their names are: Matthew Prior, Nick Sherwood, Girish Lakhanpal, Matthew King, Peter Foxon and Mark Young (reserve) and their team was called 'Shabba'.

Matthew Prior said :

"Last June five of us with one reserve travelled to the main BBC studios where we were taken to our green room, given some snacks, sent to make up and then taken to the studio.  We played against CJ, Kevin, Daphne, Chris and Barry and it was an intense two hours of filming to provide the half an hour programme playing for £30,000". 

And the result was.....the students won the £30,000!!

Posted on Thursday 18th September 2014

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
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Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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