School of Pharmacy

Gold Award for Pharmsoc!

The STARS Gold Award recognises societies that have been outstanding throughout the year.  These are the groups that have really gone the extra mile - achieving very high standards within their aims and objectives and going out of their way to give their members the best possible experience. There are a number of different criteria PharmSoc needed to meet in order to gain this award. These included fulfilling and exceeding their aims and objectives, collaborating with other SU societies, doing some charity work, demonstrating the use of the Silver training sessions and leaving the society in a better financial position than when they inherited it.

Throughout this year PharmSoc has obtained Bronze, Silver and Gold awards as well as being shortlisted for the SU’s “Best Departmental Society” (they were placed in the top 6 in this award category!). All members of the PharmSoc committee will receive an individual certificate in recognition of their hard-work and contribution towards getting a Gold award. They are currently only one of 28 Gold award societies (out of 180) in the SU.

The President of the Pharmacy Society, Gina Mistry, said:
"This award has been the perfect end to an extremely successful year for PharmSoc. We have held a number of both social and academic events, with record numbers of participants. We are delighted with this achievement and with how far we have come as a society within the past 12 months."

Posted on Thursday 18th September 2014

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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