School of Pharmacy

Judith Greenfield attends the Queen's garden Party


Judith Greenfield

Judith Greenfield was nominated last year by the School as the longest serving member of The School of Pharmacy and she received her invitation to the Queen's garden party about 6 weeks ago.  She attended the garden party on 22nd July this year.

Judith says:

"Arrived at Buckingham palace at 3.15, and had a stroll around the garden and lake. The national anthem is played at 4.00 when the Queen comes out. The Queen and Prince Phillip met a few people chosen from the crowd, I saw her but did not meet her. For tea we had tea or coffee, sandwiches, cakes and ice-cream. There were two military bands that played throughout the afternoon, everyone is dressed in posh dresses and hats with the men some in morning suits. A lot of military personnel were there in uniform. The national anthem is played again at 6.00pm when the Queen then leaves and that signals the end of the party. It was a lovely day and an honour to be asked, luckily the rain kept off."

Posted on Thursday 18th September 2014

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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