School of Pharmacy

Sustainability YES! competition winners

Two researchers from the School of Pharmacy, Akhmed Aslam (Research Fellow) and Michael Garton (PhD student) were part of the winning team in the Graduate School competition 'Sustainability YES' last week.

Dr Rachael Pearson, the Researcher Development Manager (Science) at the Graduate School said "They presented an excellent business plan in front of a panel of judges, and have won £750 each for research-related travel (conference attendance or research visits to other institutions)"

Akhmed commented that "In a cross between 'The Apprentice' and 'Dragon's Den', Sustainability YES provided an excellent platform for networking and learning how to commercialise scientific research, as well as gaining important entrepreneurial and transferable skills.  Being part of the winning team was a huge bonus and the conference travel prize money will definitely come in handy!"

Michael commented that: "Sustainability YES was a highly enjoyable, comprehensive crash course in business start-up and although just taking part provided the inspiration and skill to become an entrepreneur, ultimately it is the winning that counts!"

Posted on Thursday 18th September 2014

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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