School of Pharmacy

Evaluation of the NMS

The Department of Health have commissioned an evaluation of the NMS from Nottingham University’s School of Pharmacy and the UCL School of Pharmacy. The evaluation will involve the researchers conducting a randomised controlled trial of the NMS, observation of the service being provided by pharmacies and interviews with patients, pharmacists and GPs to obtain their experiences and opinions of the service.

The study, being led by investigators from Nottingham University’s School of Pharmacy, runs for 18 months from January 2012 and will report to the Department of Health in summer 2013.

Aims of the study

  1. Evaluate the impact of the NMS on patient medicines-taking behaviour, outcomes, and cost-effectiveness from an NHS perspective.
  2. Explore the operation of the NMS, the complexity and nature of resulting consultations in terms of patient engagement, advice-giving and support.
  3. Determine acceptability to stakeholders, reasons for success or lack of success, feasibility within the service delivery environment and generalisability and replicability across diseases and settings.

Follow this link about the Evaluation of the NMS

Posted on Thursday 19th July 2012

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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