School of Pharmacy

PhD student wins prize for best talk at 2013 UKICRS

Giovanna Sicilia, a PhD student who works for Professor Cameron Alexander, has won the prize for the best talk at this year's UKICRS Symposium (United Kingdom and Ireland Controlled Release Society).

The symposium took place on 16 April, 2013 at the University of Reading.  The theme this year was 'Future Pharmaceutics - Innovation in Controlled Release'

Giovanna already has a university scholarship and she also won the Best Poster prize at last year's 2nd year PhD student poster day.  Professor Cameron Alexander says 'Giovanna's PhD is funded under my EPSRC leadership fellowship, so I am glad the university has recognised and invested in a winner!'

Posted on Wednesday 17th April 2013

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
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