School of Pharmacy

Gokcen Yasayan to receive University Endowed Postgraduate Prize

Gokcen Yasayan has been selected to receive a Postgraduate Prize for 2012/13 in recognition of the progress she has made with her research and her contribution to the postgraduate community.

Postgraduate Prize - £150

Name of prize - Andrew Hendry

Andrew Hendry Postgraduate Scholarship - Founded in 1968 from subscriptions raised in memory of the late Mr Andrew Hendry, Bursar of the University, 1948-66.

A presentation event will be held on 25th April 2013 in the Senate Chamber, Trent Building, at which Gokcen will receive her cheque.

Posted on Thursday 7th February 2013

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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