School of Pharmacy

ISAC Launch Event


J.Bunch, D.Roy and M.Zelzer

The Interface and Surface Analysis Centre (ISAC) marked its official launch with a successful seminar day on Wednesday the 25th September. Organised by Misha Zelzer, Matthew Piggott and Morgan Alexander from the School of Pharmacy, the inaugural event saw presentations on a range of exciting surface and interfacial techniques, applications and issues. Contributors from both the University of Nottingham1 and National Physics Laboratory (NPL)2 included Peter Beton1, Ian Gilmore1,2, Peter Licence1, Alex Knight2 and Josephine Bunch1,2 in addition to many other venerated speakers.

The centre was created to facilitate collaborative research genesis between multi-disciplinary surface analytical areas of the University and the NPL. It will also serve to network the collective assets of the contributors into a structure that can offer a huge breadth of scientific instrumentation and expertise to the commercial sector. The active marketing of, and communication between facilities, will be used to develop external revenue streams that in turn can be utilised in their maintenance and development.

The launch event was well attended and enjoyed by academics, postgraduate and postdoctoral students, business officers and commercial representatives. In addition to reinforcing the accumulated skillsets and aspirations the centre links together, it was a highly educational day with plenty of opportunity for networking and discussion. The organisers will look to build on the success of this event and introduce more regular meetings of the same nature in the future. Anyone interested in finding out more about the centre and the initiative should contact Matthew Piggott ( / +44(0)115 951 5046).


Posted on Tuesday 1st October 2013

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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