School of Pharmacy

New pharmacy degree eases visa headache for international students


A new pharmacy degree to be launched by The University of Nottingham in September 2013 will make it easier for talented international students to qualify in the UK.

The new five-year MPharm degree integrates the pre-registration year of training, which is usually undertaken after graduation. This five-year programme guarantees student status for the duration of the degree, without the need to apply for a separate visa for the pre-registration year.

As well as being qualified to work in the UK when they graduate, many of the University’s international students are also eligible to practise pharmacy in their native countries, without the need for further training.

Established in 1925, The University of Nottingham’s School of Pharmacy is consistently ranked as one of the best departments of its kind in the major league tables, including the latest Research Assessment Exercise and The Times Good University Guide 2013.

The MPharm degree’s international flavour is reflected in the student cohort, with over a third of undergraduates coming from outside Europe. International students still have the option of taking the four-year option, but would need to apply independently for the necessary work visa for their pre-registration year.

Professor Kevin Shakesheff, Head of the School of Pharmacy, University of Nottingham, said: “I am delighted to be able to offer this innovative addition to our degree portfolio, which we hope will attract talented international students, without the added stress of visa regulations.

“With the option of spending a period of time studying at our Malaysia campus, we can give our students a great opportunity to enhance their international experience while they learn, giving them a taste of two cultures and the best chance of employment after they graduate as pharmacists.”

Career opportunities for graduating University of Nottingham MPharm students are excellent, with 96 percent of the most recent graduating class in full-time employment, in a wealth of opportunities across community and hospital pharmacies, with some using their degree as a route into industrial pharmacy.

Students interested in the course can apply via UCAS (code B236). Full details are available on the University of Nottingham’s website,

More information is available from Julia Thompson, School of Pharmacy, University of Nottingham, on +44 (0)115 951 5111,; or Katherine Lakeland, International Media Relations Manager, University of Nottingham on +44 (0)115 846 7156.

Posted on Thursday 17th January 2013

School of Pharmacy

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