School of Pharmacy

Pharmacy Undergraduates Awarded Wellcome Trust Vacation Scholarships


Four 2nd and 3rd year Nottingham MPharm undergraduates have gained first-hand experience of cutting-edge pharmaceutical research in the School of Pharmacy this summer, having been awarded Biomedical Vacation Scholarships by one of the UK’s largest medical research charities, the Wellcome Trust.

Tom Smith, Suraj Pankhania, Gary Liu and Hannah Kinsey have undertaken research projects in the laboratories of Dr Mike Stocks, Professor Morgan Alexander, Dr Pavel Gershkovich and Professor Claire Anderson respectively. The topics have included medicinal chemistry, biomaterials, pharmacokinetics and patients’ experience of using medicines for chronic pain. The students have had their living expenses funded by the Wellcome Trust and Suraj has received additional financial support through the University’s Work Experience scheme.

2nd year student Gary Liu commented "Joining a team of leading academics and postgraduate students over my summer vacation gave me the exciting opportunity to learn more about the different roles within research and to gain hands-on experience working within a laboratory setting. It has been such beneficial and enjoyable experience and I'd definitely recommend it to anyone considering a future career within research!"


Posted on Monday 2nd September 2013

School of Pharmacy

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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